You cannot really put a time frame on people making a profit out of Forex… maybe a generalisation.
Just because you / I took months, years whatever to master Forex means zip.
The basic formula of Forex isn’t complicated… you speculate on long or short, up or down, hot or cold, heads or tails… simple right. Successful traders know that consistency via strategy is the key in the markets and this is where the knowledge and experience is applied.
For me there are 3 types of new traders… The Natural… The Learner… The Struggler.
You see these examples in all facets of life… business, driving, sport, school. Some people just excel at these activities, some learn and some don’t…simple. I know some brilliant scientists… but I’d never ever lend them my car…
The Natural… Just understands Forex at a glance, maybe a Stock Trader, Mathematician, Gambler (Successful) whatever their gift they will pickup Forex and be profitable within weeks or months.
The Learner… Sees the potential in the markets and will read, watch, demo over a period of time and will strive to be successful. Will put the days, weeks, months even years into mastering Forex that most people won’t.
The Struggler… They just don’t understand Forex, maybe never had exposure to markets, like the idea of making money but either aren’t prepared to put the time and dedication into learning Forex or see it as gambling and will be smashed, never to return… or simply they just don’t have it… its not for everyone…
We all have activities we do with ease compared to others, a natural skill set.
Motto [I]“I spent a few years like most people won’t so I could spend the rest of my years like most people can’t”[/I]