Hello to all,
Forex, like anything else worthwhile, is not something that comes naturally…or without a cost.
To become proficient and profitable at Forex takes time, patience, persistance, determination and discipline.
I am still amazed as to how many people think they can learn forex quickly…then start to make millions within the first year or two.
You don’t go to school for two weeks, earn a masters degree…then land a cushie job paying 80K a month a few days later!!!..we all know that…so why do people STILL delude themselves that this is possible with Forex???..This sort of an attitude has in the past and will in the future, end up costing alot of hopefull people alot of money…not to mention the dented confidence and bruised ego that accompanys a margin call.
I put these failiures down, in part, to misinformation.
Idiots on the internet advertising all this money to be made in no time at all…AFTER taking a course with them that promises to be “The best money you will ever spend”
I also put it down to hope…the hope of the individual to make easy money, to enhance their way of life…to get them out of the rutt they have been in for the last few years or so.
This combination is DANGEROUS!!!
Babypips.com is the top forex site on the net right now, the education it provides in it’s school has been invaluable for many on here, including me.
However, as with any “job”, education is little substitute for experience, there are always those tit-bits of information that only the experienced can tell you about, there are always short-cuts that you wish you had known about before you began.
These short-cuts and tid-bits are what i am after in this thread, those morsels of good advice the experienced traders now take for granted, but those just beginning will have to learn the hard way.
Perhaps if we all chip in a few “tid-bits” of advice that WE wish we had known about before we started…those who are considering trading the Forex, just starting out, or who have been unsuccessful can learn from our mistakes and/or wisdom.
In any field education is advantageous…experience is priceless.
To stop from people getting too nausiated from long posts (like mine)
i was thinking that we should all list 5 things that we wish we had known about …BEFORE we started trading the Forex
Please don’t be embarrassed by any of the points you put down…if YOU thought it…it’s likely there are plenty more who are thinking the same thing…especially if a few people have raised the same point…the more people who raise that point, the more that point is relevant for everyone else…ego’s away people…Let’s just concentrate on making everyone a better trader
So here are MY 5 things i wish i knew before i started trading Forex;
It ISN’T “easy money” you have to work at it.
You WILL lose!! Be prepared for it.
Don’t dream of your winnings until you have won!!!
Treat your money as a tool, like your car gets you from A to B, your initial investment in Forex is money you use to get you from THIS AMOUNT to THAT AMOUNT.
When starting out, begin trading on the longest timeframe you can…the more proficient a trader you become, the smaller timeframes you will be able to handle.
Well, thats it from me…i hope many more people can contribute to this, if they do, this could become one of the most informative threads on the Forex market available…lots of experience all in one place…for free!!
Happy trading