With so many new coins, how do you choose the best one?

Really great value at the moment in my opinion. Some nice APYs out there for staking it as well.

I enjoy learning about the more technical and finance focused themes.

So Layer 1 chains and Layer 2 tokens. Infrastructure related projects that will power Web3. And of course DeFi. There’s so much going on there.

It depend on investors, which they choose and with the passage of time they know which is best. But i think Bitcoin and Ethereum are best for profit in short time.

Hmmm. :thinking: That’s interesting. I don’t see a lot of people recommending this. I’m familiar with it, but I’m not sure about it’s growth and value. :open_mouth: Do you trade Tether? How’s your experience? :open_mouth:

Because of how promising things are looking, I plan to buy some weekly. :thinking: What do you think? HAHA :smiley:

BTC and ETH are definitely good choices. :open_mouth: I do wonder though if there are new coins that could match or eventually replace these two. :thinking:

The sleeping giant. I am getting ready to sell half around $1.40. Fill ya boots.


DCA in to a number of the blue chips is something that I am looking to do.

Aside from Technicals a coin that has big marketing or social media push will be a good for short term profits .
Twitter is still good for this not much else though

I have some XRP too, but I haven’t done much to it. :sweat_smile: Looks like I missed this moved cause it’s down again. :confused:

Oooh. :thinking: That’s definitely something to consider. :open_mouth: But would be a bit challenging for me since I don’t really have a set amount of money to invest. I just invest whatever I have extra. :confused:

Oh yeah! I’ve definitely seen so much of this on Twitter. :thinking:

As and when is better than trying to time the market to be honest. Especially at the moment.