World Politics, Good Or Bad

How did such little countries (England, Spain, France) expand so much?

Long ago, Japan invaded China. How does that make sense??

History is crazy.

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Back in the pre EU days the Irish economy was a ‘closed’ economy, very much unemployment.
That poor economy really started mid 1800’s with the Irish famine - many ppl left for the US on ships that became known as coffin ships.

The population of Ireland pre famine was 8.5 million - many died & emigrated, stands today at just over 5 million.

After war of Independence Britain held onto the NE of the country (Northern Ireland) a part that became richer than the South.

Then came the EU, Ireland opened it’s economy & in recent times many multi nationals are HQ’d there - pushing up the economy so that nowadays it runs a budget surplus

As for the NE - it’s economy has stalled, it’s out of EU but can still trade inside EU a kind of dual set up, my driving Lic say’s UK (non-EU) - yet passport says Irl - so I remain an EU citizen & can travel & trade freely throughout EU

This unusual setup is created by the Good Friday Agreement.

I’ve covered 100’s years in a few sentences - helps explain why so many Irish Americans in US


In many bad stories there is good.

In 1847 the Choctaw nation in Oklahoma got hear of the Irish famine.

Despite their own difficulties they gathered $170 and sent it to Cork, Ireland (worth 1000’s in today’s money).

Many ppl in Ireland know of this gesture and never forgot it, during covid Irish ppl donated 2 million Euro to help the Choctaws.

Good out of bad.

Eternal Heart: Choctaws unveil sculpture dedicated to Ireland - BBC News


Two words Americans will never hear from their president. haha

Thanks for explaining!

That’s cool!!


The history in my state

  • Every corner of Ohio can claim some Irish heritage, a consequence of a massive migration that lasted for almost half a century. Irish immigration started en masse after the potato famine in the 1840s. Many Irish immigrants dug canals throughout the state, laid railroad tracks and took other dangerous jobs like or firefighters.

Irish heritage in Ohio.

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As per google:

Irish-born prisoners and indentured servants were first brought to Jamaica in large numbers under the English republic of Oliver Cromwell following the capture of Jamaica from the Spanish in 1655 by William Penn and Robert Venables as part of Cromwell’s strategic plan to dominate the Caribbean: the “Western Design”.

Apparently, there’s an Indian community in Ireland!

I’d love to see those two cuisines together!! It’s awesome when cultures come together in harmony.


Never knew about Irish in the Caribbean, thanks for the info :point_up:

Economic context

In 1620, Indentured Servitude was introduced into the Americas as an economic system based on production through cultivation. This system allowed landowners to purchase physical laborer’s work for a determined amount of time in order to cultivate the fields. Indentured servitude was originally a means to solve supply deficiency in different colonial regions.[1]

At the start of the 18th century, the Irish along with other countries joined the migration trends towards the West Indies. They migrated into the colonies as indentured servants during a time where transportation costs varied little and the length of their contract terms were influenced by their productivity as it decreased the time it would take to repay the implicit loans. Remaining contract terms could also be sold and traded between landowners at the time.[1]

Irish indentured servants (like all other servants) were classified by two main categories. The first category would place them in either “skilled” or “unskilled” classes. The second category would order the servants based on age. Both categories together would define their wages as younger and skilled servants could gain more and pay back their loans faster. This meant that their age and their capabilities were direct factors determining the contract term period. A skilled male servant with a mean age of 22.9 years would gain a mean net annual earning of 5.78 pounds while a male servant with a mean age of 19.1 would only gain 2.0.[2]

In 1740, A migration trend of African slaves caused by market forces started taking place and grew in popularity due to the very low cost of purchase. Indentured servants (such as the Irish) served as a training ground. Planters learned the necessary knowledge and skills needed and then shifted to African slaves.[3] Slaves were unskilled laborers who could work the fields for cheaper while indentured servants could perform skilled crafts and even manage the slaves. Over time production grew and Indentured servants became too expensive which led to Irish skilled laborers to be replaced by trained African skilled laborers. By the 19th century, indentured servitude (though still present) was done at a much smaller scale and was very limited.[1]

Today, Irish influence can be seen through Caribbean islands, mainly Montserrat. A small island with inhabitants that celebrates St-Patrick’s day every year. Inhabitants with surnames such as Meade, O’Brien and Riley can be found within the residents of that island. Even the traditional costumes that were worn during the plantation are present in modern times along with the traditional tartan.

Irish Caribbean people - Wikipedia

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Yeah, it’s all about the money, but a serious question: can you be a gun runner knowing those guns are going to kill thousands of people?

In the movie with Nicolas cage, he was making a gun deal with his brother in Africa and his brother saw first hand killing during the transaction and what the guns was about to do and tried to stop it. He ended up getting killed.

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You have to be cold-blooded :point_down:

Lord of War - Business Man

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Allow me to answer with another question:

Does it make a difference if you sell them or not? If they don’t buy from you, they’ll buy from someone else guaranteed. So, if you decide not to sell them, what have you accomplished? Sleeping guilt-free at night?

Would you sacrifice guilt-free sleep for millions of dollars that you can give to your family and change their lives for the next 4 or 5 generations?

Morty: Selling a gun to a hitman is the same as pulling the trigger!

Rick: It’s also the same as doing nothing. If [a hitman] wants someone dead, there’s not a lot anybody can do to stop him.

Though it’s a cartoon, it’s a good point: “It’s the same as doing nothing.”

When the world is at war: fools protest, smart people sell guns to allies, and really smart people sells guns to both sides.

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This is 100% True but for me, my morals will kick in and for one I’m not dealing with anything that can cause another human life, that’s just my take on things.

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I hear you. Imagine if the guns are being used by child soldiers who will be shooting at other child soldiers.

You’ll feel guilty, sure. But if you don’t sell them the weapons, they’ll just buy them from someone else or just use knives to kill each other.

So, in the end, what’s the difference?

“If I took the diamonds, I was lost. If I DIDN’T take the diamonds, I was lost.”

I’d rather be lost with a pocket full of diamonds. Grieving in a comfortable house is much better than grieving in a house with no food or heat.

Try not to take your work home. Leave your emotions at the office.

It’s not much different than being a butcher at a butcher shop. You feel bad, but we all gotta eat.

You’re right. And there should be more people like you. But there aren’t, and there will always be an arms market.

And this is where I become hypocritical. Would I feel the same way about selling crack cocaine?

Even if I have a rule that I ONLY sell to people already hooked on crack, would I still do it?

I would say no. But what’s the difference? Perhaps the difference is distance. When the market for drugs or guns gets too close to home, then I have a problem, I guess.

Just to be clear, this is all hypothetical. I’m not doing any of this nonsense anytime in the future. haha

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We all have our way of looking at things, can’t knock the next man for seeing his financial future and can’t knock the man who wants nothing to do with those activities .

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I will say this, In this world, money has created more evil than good.

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Created or exposed?

Perhaps chaos is the most natural thing. Controlling what will not be controlled is the absurdity.

Nature is a chaotic system full of checks and balances–and therein lies the harmony. What a paradox!

I’ll tell you one thing. I’d rather earn money doing something helpful for people instead of hurting people.

It’s easy for us in developed countries–we have lots of options. But, unfortunately, there are people who have far fewer options.

In countries with real poverty, some people live on pennies per day.

What if you lived in a small town in India, living on $0.50 per day? But you could make $4 per day making counterfeit prescription drugs laced with god knows what. Either that or sell your body to tourists for $6/day (180 rupees)

It’s very easy for me to judge and call them animals for making such dangerous pills, but perhaps I’d be doing the same thing had I been born under the same conditions.

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Do what makes you happy, as the old saying goes

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What’s your take on this?

The French president’s first name is Emmanuel, or Manu for short. This teenager calls him Manu.

The president corrects him, and says to call him Mr. President.

Naturally, a lot of people don’t like Macron. I’m not such a fan, either. But that doesn’t mean I always think he’s wrong.

In this case, I think he was right. Of course, it’s his choice how he wants people to address him. But the teen should show more respect to the president of his country; at least show respect to his elders.

In school, you never call your teachers by their first name. You wouldn’t call your elder neighbor Sarah. You’d call her Mrs. Johnson. If she tells you to just call her Sarah, then that’s her choice. But you wouldn’t make that assumption upon first meeting her.

Also teenagers, especially, like to test authority figures. The teen knew what he was doing when he opened his mouth. He was trying to be cool and recalcitrant. And the president checked him, politely.

I’m not a fan of George W. Bush, at all. But I would never call him George. I’d still call him Mr. President, out of respect for my elders and my country–just as a general principle. If he started being a jerk, then I’d maybe start calling him Mr. Bush. haha

@SmallPaul @TYGMedia What do you think? Was Macron over-reacting?


This is always a curious question for me: guns or butter?

@SmallPaul @TYGMedia What do you think?

I think it’s not a one-or-the-other argument. You need both. What good is a country if you can’t defend it? What good is a country if it has no social programs for its citizens’ own growth and development?

Of course, the focus of spending can shift depending on current events. During peace time, defense spending can pull back but not much–that’s how you get caught off-guard.


Hi @dushimes, Guns vs Butterscotch Nuts ? … let me think :thinking: … probably we may put Guns N’ Roses on the table :smiley:

At this very moment, we haven’t matured to understand the purpose of our life here. we are still muddled by our desires and lusts. We are hiding behind concepts and principles we don’t actually understand. The ego of identity and believe system make our chaotic world today. For a long time, without any improvement, we will never advancing to a better civilization. :zipper_mouth_face:

Because of our immaturity, the principle of “Gun’ N Roses” will always be there. We fight each other to protect our interest and also pride, what for? Superiority, luxury, power … we are no different with animal. The differences are fang and gun, claw and knife. Sooner or later, our civilization will drag us to the bottom, unless the leaders know what to do to solve this crisis. :woozy_face:

Why do we need to bother? Human’s ego speaks too loud. For me, my life is too short, when I die my identity will also end. Our name may left behind, some will be remembered as hero, the truth is after life nothing left to claim. All believe systems mostly will fail, only compassion has left. :pensive:

Good budget for defense is necessity, but what are the protected things? That will be another question. Looking at the reason of many wars nowadays,they are not far of identity ego. :roll_eyes: Is this the reason behind Guns vs Butterscotch Nuts? :thinking:

While we think, lets listen to Axl Rose:man_singer:

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