thank you for taking note of my talents — it even says “superior” on the masthead !
it was NOT a quick glance, but hours of going over my charts based on your entry times and exits — something anyone with two eyes can do.
Now, im not doubting your equity or your script, but ive lived thru far too many of these “too good to be true” capers and every one has turned out to be exactly that, SO i simply reserve full judgment while stating what i believe.
While i have a tremendous equity pool to draw on also, what i do on this site is attempt to teach more advanced techniques than are taught in “pip school”. Every now and again, i will even give out trades that i believe should be successful, and so far have been to the tune of over 100 pips per trade per day while we sleep, BUT all i see you doing is what can, euphemistically, only be referred to as BRAGGING !
so if i can put forth everything i know (remember anyway ?), which now has newbs MAKING money instead of losing it, why then do you come here, tell everyone how GOOD your script is, and all anyone gets for it is a statement ?
so please understand my hesitancy in jumping up and down like a bugeyed clown and understand that ive seen this 25 times in the past year alone — perhaps youre the best programmer since rasputin, [B]but until i see some proof that you wish to HELP those youre bragging to, i aint gonna start jumping ![/B]
[B]its like this — if i can make 500 pips in a day I LOSE NOTHING by training others to do the same — after all, they wont be taking MY pips, just grabbing their own ! So if this humble little guy from NYC can SHARE, why cant you – it doesnt cost you a thing except not being able to say “hehehehehehe, I know how to do it and YOU DONT !”[/B]
[B]which is something we all should have gotten over at about the age of 7 and a behavior that doesnt belong on a “teaching” site ![/B]
my opinions, of course