It is just me or it is true that this trading sesion table about opening and closing session is wrong from babypips (Trading Sessions | When Can You Trade Forex? | Learn Forex Trading)
As we can see in the table, at the japan session, it says japan session open at GMT(11:00 PM-8:00 AM), both in the summer and the winter table (because japan never observed DST/daylight saving time)
But from what I know, japan session is open at GMT(12:00 PM-9:00 AM), and I read that from other websites too (The Best Times to Trade Forex Currency Pairs (Part 2) | Learn To Trade)
and from what I know in summer time tokyo and london session overlaps for 2 hours, and in winter time tokyo and london overlaps for 1 hours
but from babypips table, in summer time tokyo and london overlaps for 1 hours, and in winter time tokyo and london never overlaps
Can Someone answer that question, Which one is right??? :rolleyes: