Zulutrade, anyone use this service?

are 12 weeks enough :D?

Not bad!
Ill put you on my demo :smiley:

Seems like you ve been recommended by zulu m8 :wink:

How is this a good system?? (Apologies if I picked the wrong one.)

Winning trades 611 (44%)
Average pips/trade 10.4

Live Followers:

Name Pips
ALP81xx 10
ALP30xx 0
GAIN1xx -587

Methinks thereā€™s better out there.

Its logical to see some signal providers here trying to promote their accountsā€¦as long as they dont spamā€¦the choice however to use them is up to us and those that know a few things about forex can tell a good from a bad provider.
Those that are not sure, always test on a demo account and you ll find out :wink:

I dont know if i agree with zulu recommending serious signals, i havent put him on my demoā€¦

They ve sent me a newsletter that says they made various additions and updates to their site.
But i have a question:
Who is AAAFx? A new broker? But who are they? On their website they say directly integrated to zulutrade.

12 weeks are NOT enough.

I have sent an email to zulu support and asked them about AAAFX and what is "direclty integrated"
They told me AAAFX is a new broker and that directly integrated means that you pay no broker commission, only the spread. If anyone has opened an account with them, please share more info, for example does this work? They also claim that you can do scalping. Does this also work?

Plus the Rollover!


They might do better as far as trade execution goes, but consider this: The two scalping systems I know of on ZT make an average of 2 pips per trade. Spreads on AAAFX (see link above) are more than that. So - no.

I registered an account with ZuluTrade and I wish to form a group of users to share winning strategies.

Hi there! Thats what this forum is for, to help each other. :wink:
You can start by suggesting any good signal provider

if there is such a thing Iā€™d be interested in it as well.

Ok then ill share what i have put on my live for now.
systemsfxlive: SL at 120, LIMIT: at 90 because he forgets to close trades even if they win 100+ pipsā€¦
pro-b5, ive removed him, i dont feel safe with this guy anymoreā€¦
praetorian: SL: 100, limit: 60
Digital pip-bot: SL: 50
Mind that i check with everyone all day, its not that automated as they sayā€¦
Also i keep an active demo all the time to test various strategies-providers

iā€™m not interested in starting a ā€œgroupā€, iā€™m just wondering if anyone has used zulu before and if so, is it worth it?

I have a live account with them.
I think if you read through this thread you will get your answer.
I say open a demo first and try it out before you decide to open a live account.
Im very satisfied with them so far though.

ā€¦hereā€™s the list of the providers Iā€™m following, with good results. To see the performances, go to Object moved and enter, respectively: Cheetah, Le chiffre, Leopard, MayfairSwing, mituki, Pro-B5, SystemsFX LIVE, Vidente.

Stay away from Cheetah and providers that do scalping! It just doesnt work in a live account! By the time the open and close signals reach your broker, it takes some time and theres a big chance the trade will be left open or close at negative! This usually applies to all brokers either in zulutrade or not!

Here are the providers Iā€™m gonna use the coming week. Live: Genexus, Le Chiffre, MayfairSwing, mituki, Pro-B5, Vidente. Demo: Cheetah, Snowboarder, SystemsFX LIVE. Check the performances on Object moved

I also made the mistake of trying out ZULUTRADE few months ago. And as everybody recommends, I opened a demo and it performed very wellā€¦ it made $300 in the first week. The second week I allowed them to manage my real account.
Long story short, at the end of the month my real account had $ -1000 and the demo one $ +600 using the same providers. And the problem was not that I chose scalpers or anything like that. ZULUTRADE just forgot to close trades from my real account. Some trades reached SL and other trades just did not have a SL set up. I contacted them and they said they tried to close my trades but my broker did not respond the first time so they just did not try that again.
Now Iā€™m looking at RENTASIGNAL; METATRADER247 & MYFXSIGNALS. Iā€™m not recommending either one because I havenā€™t tried them on a real account yet.

Good luck!

Which broker did you use? Ive heard these complaints from others. The thing with zulu and their brokers is that some brokers may not accept the closing signals from the provider and may leave a trade openā€¦i think its standard ā€œtrickā€ so they make moneyā€¦remember that zulu gets compensated for their service by charging 1pip/trade. Zulu doesnt care if you win or loose, they get their commission. However with the brokers, like any FOREX broker, its like playing against them, when you win they loose, and opposite. So they actually do some tricks so you wont winā€¦
Thats why one of the most important things when going live with zulu is choosing a broker. If you want i can list which brokers, in my opinion are good choice :wink:
The one thing i know for sure is avoid AVAFx!