What happened to babypips?

I know you. You’re that professional hedge fund manager or … hang on… listern… what’s that…crash… bang… slap. Thats the sound of me jumping up and down slapping my bare behind. Because I don’t care about you or you’re hired goons that only have something to say on this types of threads. Your input into the BP community has in effect been sweet FA. Talk about trawlling and the pot calling the kettle black.

First how about you show us the way. Lets see you letter of employment. Your salary. Use your real name ( not some greek muse of song and dance). Your verified track record.

Second the only people that need this information are incompetent lazy metally retarted sheep. These people don’t like hard work or have the intelligence to figure anything out for themselves. They look for short cuts and wish only to copy some-one-else’s system. They will always be failures in whatever they do. The path to success is the longest, hardest and most tedious journey one ever takes. And its more a journey into self discovery than speculating. People fail because they are not prepared for the huge amount of time one must invest in one self. As I said. People are lazy. And they certainly don’t like to have to critic themselves.

One only answers to themselves. One has to accept reponcibilty for ones own actions. You have to do this for yourself. That means hour upon hour of research. And lets face facts. Most of the crap out there has been produced by the industry marketing themselves. No different here at BP.

If you haven’t got the intelligence to figure out which members are active for the right reasons compared to the likes of yourself and your hired goons who only pop up at these times then I am afraid your not going to succeed in this game. End of subject.

So to conclude, I challenge you to open up and actually share some of your knowledge rather than trolling around hiding behind your desk.

And just for the record and I have said it before. I am a dairy man. I make things from milk. BP’s is where I have shared my journey. Its easy to use the search button and get a good laugh at my misadventures

You’re a rather emotional/excitable fella aren’t you.
Not the best trait to bring to the trading table by any stretch.

Just because others don’t share your views or opinions or have insights you quite clearly don’t, doesn’t mean you have to start stomping your feet & getting red in the face.
Calm down.

:slight_smile: Excitable yes. Emotional no. Passionate definitely. So you only need to know what my favorite food is lmfao.

Extreme, ott reactions are a common theme on here, but given the clientele it isn’t at all surprising :slight_smile:
To be honest, what thalia & others are recommending newbies do before committing time & energy makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Even the brokers themselves are gradually releasing regular update stats confirming very, very few of their customer base are net profitable over any given period, yet when you browse these forums nearly every thread you visit (particularly these price action threads) boasts more than a handful of contributors returning consistently profitable ratios.

And as if by coincidence, all these perfect traders reside on retail forums lol.
Not only does it not make sense, it greatly contradicts the stats from the industry providers.

In the fantasy land of the forums, the vast majority are net winners.
But in the stark reality of the broker platforms, the vast majority are net losers!

Therefore, requesting verification of consistently profitable activity from these thread starters, gurus & their loyal followers is a very smart & sensible move in my book.

Newbies should be shaking thalia by the hand & thanking him for dispensing that type of advice not jumping all over his back hounding him for it.

I take it double 6 that your comfortable disclousing you earnings for all to see. Think some need to practice what they preach.

Oh that’s right you too have nothing to offer. Hired goon.

You’re not very observant are you.

I obviously don’t frequent the forum anywhere near as often as you judging by your post count, but even I’m aware of his correct role in the industry & it most certainly isn’t as a fund manager. Neither is his username linked to a greek muse of song & dance, but then had you conducted even the most basic research before spewing out that rather clumsy embarrassing rant, you would have at least got your facts right.

Your even more clumsy counter request doesn’t stack up either. He’s not hosting a thread, providing trading advice, making wild claims of profit accumulation or inferring he’s a consistently profitable trader.
He’s simply advising newbies to ask those who do make such claims to verify them before investing time & effort in their offerings.

And then you wonder why those who possess information worth collating don’t bother to dispense it.
Dear oh dear.

OK, so I’ve had my bit of fun and proved emeraldoc point. It doesn’t take much to bring the trolls and goons out. Look at them come out of the wood work now. One just needs to know how to feed them. Bit like fishing really. Head of to the right spot at the right time of day, bait the hook and there’s dinner. Yum Yum Yum. Lads if you want to attack me head over to my thread and bag away. Here’s the link.


Prefer it if you can demonstrate some of this knowledge you posses and critic my methodology instead of asking to see my pay check. All I can do is share my experience. Hope you can to

Promise I won’t bite or be nasty pasty.

What happen to BabyPips?

In my view, it is the same old thing since I started. It only changes when you change your view and when someone’s emotions get in the way and when someone disagree with someone’s point of you that is different than him or her. I know I was part of it too and took me a good amount of time to finally “gets” it.

My advice is don’t take it personally. Accept the fact that we all come from a different back ground, culture, and experience. Block the “noise” and only focus on the things that you think it will add value to you. If you can’t find it here then move on to somewhere else… Also, learn how to have a " thicker skin" and not to be bothered by it…

These is getting too emotional for me… I am about to break down and cry lol… ** wipe tears**

No-one’s asking to see your trading credentials billyboy because you don’t possess any.
The theme of thalia’s post isn’t/wasn’t aimed at the likes of you in the first place, but that fact escaped you as usual due to your excitable, emotional & combustible nature.

Once again, as is the norm with you, you made it all about you & it couldn’t be further from the truth lol.
No-one needs or wants to attack you either, again because you don’t have anything worth attacking. You’re not a guru or a trading product salesman & you certainly don’t fall into the category of boasting consistently profitable returns.

You’re just a dairy man who plays at trading on a part-time basis & is still in the early throes of acquainting himself with the basics. Plus you like to puff out your chest & bark every so often, but you’re harmless.

Oh & you’re the one being fished & fed if only you knew it! :slight_smile:

The only point you proved was that yet again you’ve failed to grasp the key points of the topic & made a right spectacle of yourself into the bargain.
I don’t know how old you are but you often come across as a flaky teenager.

No-one has or is asking to see anyone’s pay check. Once again you’ve completely missed the point.
Perhaps if you paid a bit more attention to what’s being discussed you wouldn’t get so easily distracted & veer off topic.

You crash headlong into threads without taking time to read the content properly & hurriedly compose replies strewn with grammatical errors & exaggerated comments in a vain attempt to appear clever. In future try concentrating a tad more then take your time to answer.

The subject matter really does appear very challenging for you, but i’m at a loss to understand why?!
It’s very straightforward & incredibly logical.

When you actually decide to get serious by investing time & effort into something worth critiquing be sure & let someone know.

replies you wish you’d had the speed of thought to post yourself!!

[B]Our Mistress Honorary, FX-Woman of the Year is back within our circle, bringing peaceful words of wisdom that are going unnoticed by people throwing pies at each other :wink:

Thank you, Lady PipNRoll, for your no-nonsense, common-sense approach… Could someone now close this thread for good, please? :slight_smile: [/B]

[B]Hit the nail so correctly [/B]

Ps Pipmehappy im not finnish , AND this thread is important and have many many valid point every new forum members should read of course not from you pipmehappy you are rather harmless :-)))

What I don’t understand is why he & others are making such a song & dance about something that makes an awful lot of sense.

If someone doesn’t want to ask thread vendors or these forum show ponies those 2 questions before delving into what often amounts to hundreds & hundreds of pages of material, then so be it.

But if I was a newbie venturing onto the forum for the first time faced with so many different approaches, systems & strategies & fancied perusing some of the content I would certainly want to filter the wheat from the chaff & asking those 2 basic questions before fully committing would prove invaluable.

As Thalia says, if the thread vendors or show ponies are the genuine article they’ll have no problem at all validating their progress & success by presenting their independently verified statistics either via myfxbook or an equivalent source.

If they resisted, made lame excuses or ignored the request then it would at least alert me to either proceed with caution or probably ignore them altogether.

That exercise has already shown to be effective with no-one so far on the popular threads complying with the request when asked to do so. It does seem to confirm however the trickle of negative PnL evidence that is now beginning to gradually emanate from the retail brokers in-house records.

The problem is that the salesmen begin to build a cohort of people who contribute to their threads and add to the illusion. There’s the paid shills, the fake accounts, and the brainwashed suckers who all add fuel to those threads and keep them going.

I know that I am real :wink:

Yes, that’s the impression I get too.

Capre has certainly been reprimanded by the admin on more than one occasion for blatantly flouting forum advertising & solicitation rules. It’s obvious he coerces his “regulars” to slyly drop his site links into posts. It’s highly likely one or two of them are shills.

Fox & his cronies think that by ignoring the difficult & uncomfortable questions & banning those from the thread who challenge them to provide evidence of their apparently successful activities, folks will simply forget about them lol.

D&B are conspicuous by their absence lately & probably realised it was only a matter of time before they were challenged to show evidence of their apparently successful track record.

I actually posed as a potential client of their subscription forum earlier this year & asked Graham for some verification of their live account progress. Unsurprisingly I was completely ignored.
One of their close confidants was running an fxbook on a seperate blog based on their strategy & updated it for several weeks, but it gradually eroded to virtually zero & flat lined for ages before eventually disappearing.

The latest show pony threatening to set the world on fire 301 Moved Permanently has eased off the gas as soon as he was asked to post up a weekly resume of his live track record. He eventually hauled up a couple of hazy, dodgy looking attachments after much encouragement but now it’s kind of fizzled out.

One of the forum regulars (jezzode) who looked as though he was setting out his stall with a professional front has admitted he can’t turn a decent profit & has ditched his funding & website experiment.

And so it goes on & on……

Eventually if you begin to lean a little on one or two of these show ponies (Templar/Carter et al) they get uncomfortable, begin bleating [I]“it’s not like the good old days”[/I] & scamper off to a skype room somewhere in the ether where they undoubtedly continue to trump each other with their hindsight skills in virtual isolation.

It’s hilarious when you think about it.

Am I the only one that sees the funny side of this?

The discussion about being marketers and spending a lot of time on blogging instead of trading is happening on the what I believe the most profitable forex blog out there? :smiley:

No offence babypips. I think you are doing an amazing job as I started trading thanks to babypips as well.
A lot of people dont understand that it’s a type of diversifying. No one and I mean NO ONE ( even the largest funds) can be constantly profitable over time.

Me as a medium to long term trader take just 5 - 10 trades a month. And yes, the most of the months are all about the preserving the capital until 1 or 2 amazing trades that pays off the long wait.

But let me understand this correctly - just because I am using my knowledge and teaching others to pay the bills on those quet months - means I am a bad person? Scammer? Traitor?


In my opinion, I think everyone would always think that they have a right to their own ideas and opinion and non should stop them. But they quickly forget the effect it has on others.
My best advice in such a matter is to ignore these persons, there are definitely good folks here with very good ideas. Look for such and carry on.

Damn, where did he say that? All I read was that he’s going on a trip. I thought he’d be one of the few that’d succeed (and I still do). Ditto with MeiHua.