Question for experienced traders about stop loss

theyre ok i guess, dont know, they are rented from cleaning company if they get lost i dont suffer any monetary loss so you can have as many as you like :smiley:

Right, I am away to watch tv with my girlfriend. I had enough of Forextown for today,

so, much as I love you all,

it is time to say

Gute Nacht :slight_smile:

Hmm, no fun in that. :58:

Gute nacht freunde. Es ist zeit fur mich zu gehen. Was ich noch zu sagen hatte dauert eine zigarette, und ein letztes glass im stehen.

You implicitely asked what I do for a living? I am a Business Security Officer and have been an IT auditor for years. The sitting at home part was also nothing for me, as well as the long term trading… :smiley: But when I get fired I will be walking out the door with a big grinn on my face… :wink:

What was this thread about again?? :smiley:

There isn’t even a [I]Question Time[/I], tonight, because the House is still in recess from Easter. I’m “just saying” …

I think donkeys are actually very fine creatures, and S is only a very natural process whether from a B or a D, but I guess an overdose from whatever source would naturally create concerns - as well as some very nice roses.

But apart from that, I confess I didn’t really understand your post at all :confused:

Hi Lexy, no, watching a Norwegian crime series called ‘Mammon’



How did we get from stop losses to rose compost haha

Nice one, Toekan!

You must have a head for numbers, then, I suspect!

I hope you do not get fired before you made your first Forex million


:smiley: That was a risk that I took with my post. As with many posts they can be read in different ways, like you read mine. In this case I missunderstood what you ment. My bad.

Have you also seen that Icelandic series, “Trapped” in your part of the world?

Yes, it was fantastic! How on earth did most of the characters all go round without scarves and hats

in the middle of an Icelandic snowstorm and survived???


Have you seen it?

Yes, last episode next week. Dont tell me whodunnit!! :slight_smile:
i think winter survival is probably assisted with an ample dosage of internal “antifreeze”

Dangerous stuff, that cloudberry liqueur … it dilates the veins and promotes heat-loss while actually making you feel warmer.

Hmmm, sounds like just the thing for forex traders! :smiley:

Ahhhh like sloe gin? Mmmm

When I was learning English, and before I’d seen the name in writing, I used to imagine that “slow gin” was a weaker kind, that probably took longer to inebriate people than “normal gin”. :8:

Let me share the experience. It happened many times when the price does not reach the stop loss 2 pips and turns, bringing profit. The same happens with take-profit. My philosophy - it is part of the profit - it is better than nothing, so I often put a stop-loss to breakeven. But, nevertheless, it all depends on market behavior. When setting stop orders, you need to be guided by the support and resistance levels.

It’s typically a good practice to move your stop to a breakeven point (even better being breakeven + 1R) after a position has moved in your favor.