Political Opinion

I’ll half disagree with you on this point. Force legislatures where he lost… [complete the sentence].

Speaking of unfair elections, if you have time, read up on the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act. Here’s also a glimmer of what many Wisconsin voters faced in the run up to the 2016 election. One perspective, but we’re all about preaching about getting outside of our echo chambers, right?

I think much of the large scale voter fraud happened in a few counties only - ones deemed to be important or ones where the fraud could be easily managed.

I really have no idea about previous elections I’ve heard they’ve been fraudulent ever since the pineapple primary in the Chicago mob era

Seems to be par for the course - that aside though I ask you, do you think getting Trump out of power at any cost, even if it meant mass fraud to do it is justifiable or not?

At any cost, like breaking the law? No thanks and not justifiable. But as I’ve asked you many times, and I’ve searched myself, there’s isn’t any mass fraud. Anywhere. In any state. Where is it?

Trump and Co saying there is mass fraud is actually different than saying it and providing evidence of said fraud. If this fraud is so rampant, where is it? Trump has had 50+ lawsuits to bring forward the fraud. Where the heck is it???

He’s got the GOP. The FBI. Election officials. Governors. State legistrators. Senators. Congressmen and women to help him find it. Lawyers up the wazoo. Where is the mass fraud?

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You obviously didn’t read the resolution I sent you properly then.

It lists a number of illegal activities.

I read the entire document. It never mentions decertifying, which was the point you were making and I was disagreeing with. I also stated that fact above:

No point continuing this rather strained banter. It’s getting neither of us anywhere in a hurry.

Tomorrow there is a good chance the Trump team will be presenting evidence on the Senate floor - that is providing some senators and representatives reject the electoral college vote.

I think the numbers rejecting it are about 200 plus so far.

Hopefully somewhere the Trump team presentation will be televised - and both of us can see whether it’s real evidence or not.

I think it’s better we put our focus on trading the markets than getting locked into some never ending dispute till then

are these those same 130 intelligence agencies that lied us into the Iraq war ( Funny how no one ever ask why does the US have 130 intelligence agencies if they are all going to say the same thing)

Now tell more about those nameless third-party investigators

Talk about a conspiracy theory

And as I have said before, I really don’t care who hacked the DNC, they did the people of the US a great service and deserve a medal

Also, I would love to hear why you defend the criminal activity of the US government and condemn the whistleblowers who expose their activities

please do tell us who’s line up you are impressed by

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they make the same argument when talking about “ending racism” It is not an achievable goal as the term racism will continually be redefined. In other words they keep moving the goal post, we will see the same thing with global warming, no matter how many “green laws” are pass they will always want more

Leftism is a bottomless pit

Note; has everyone notice how much more interaction there has been on this thread the last 24 hrs with very little cut and paste, It is okay for us to disagree and have heated debates, that is what this thread should be

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It is easy to simplify equality with a statement like this but seriously given the multitude of personalities religious beliefs nationalities this statement is totally unachievable. A beautiful thought however it is impossible to have everyone see everyone else as an equal.



Yes they have a very narrow view of equality and race is the name of the game.



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@Johnscott31 is correct :point_down:

Wisconsin Legislature Announces Resolution To Be Introduced on Thursday Which Will Likely Decertify State and Award to President Trump… Governor Signature NOT Required

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Delta Force Raids Biden Compound in Ukraine

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Julian Assange was discharged from jail today.

Buckle up boys and girls - the next 2 weeks might see some turbulence :grinning:

Ouch don’t be so hard on yourself.




It’s a challenge I’d agree but maybe equality is achievable with intention. If I set out each day and attempt to see equality then even when I fail as long as I renew my effort then it’s possible that I may succeed at least for one day.

Inequality arises in many forms other than race. If I feel superior to another for whatever reason then that’s inequality - if I feel inferior then that too is inequality. If I use human power to intimidate or money to show off then that is inequality.

It’s not the quantity that causes inequality - it’s our intentions - and conversely our intentions can cause equality - just like the poor widow putting in two pennies counted more than the 1000’s put in by the rich folk.

A simple little action of equality re-told many million of times over the past 2000 years.

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Kamala Harris Accused of Plagiarizing Childhood Story From Martin Luther King Jr.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Brad Raffensperger Begged For Chinese Votes

She has to have SOME qualities that Joe liked? :wink:


NYSE Says It No Longer Plans to Delist Chinese Telecom Giants

They got a call from.@JoeBiden who received a call from his boss Pres Xi


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