Gp correcting the Record

I just finished reading a thread in Forextown, where my name was mentioned as well as other posters who made anonymous posts, about me and my motives for posting here at Baby Pips, and I would like to address their baseless rants.

To any of you that feel you have to mention my name or make reference to me anonymously being a guru, imply that I’m anything but what I am, post with some sinister plan, or that by following me any trader can be successful new or otherwise, my way is the only way and put me in the same company with marketeers who make their living selling forex products or services, I don’t want to say you’re gutless, anonymous, lying, loser fleas that should do the world a favor and never reproduce, so I’ll just say your references are without accuracy.

I’m sick and tired of your unfounded, baseless posts I challenge you to show one thread in my 1200+ posts where I say or imply that I’m a guru, fairy tale, highly successful trader; that following me will guarantee positive results, where I reference buying or subscribing to any paid service product, coach or mentor based on my personal experience with them.

Now if you can do that I will provide you with my trading financials filed last year and this year to date. I don’t have an fxbook account so sorry, but again I do have copies of all my live and demo trades. As well I will publically apologize to any of you that show me a post that makes reference to the above.

Now you don’t want to chicken out or approach this how you approach everything in life; negative and since newbies and the rest of us want up use up to date accurate information, I will update the thread every day so everyone will see you for in my opinion exactly what you are.


“Compact” you’re since you felt a need to mention my name and imply that because I have a large number of posts I’m not sure compared to who that I have said or implied something I’m not, or whatever you think my reasons are for posting, I say to you prove it with any of my 1200+ posts do that and pick my punishment.

Now since I don’t have to repeat in graphic detail what I think of you and your opinions If you don’t show any proof, then I will have to post everyone every day in this thread what you are. Lets see who quits first. Of course we can take you out of the mix just a simple sorry for labelling you incorrectly.

GP, the art of trading, as you know, requires a lot of focus.

I don’t need to tell you that absolutely nothing, no distraction, no dispute, no interference must come between you and the market, you face a formidable opponent, you require focus.

The person you speak of is a distraction, any such posters are equally distractions, it is unlikely that such distractions will assist you or others in your battle with the market, sadly the contrary is more likely.

GP, most these guys are just kids, they think of us ‘old guys’ as well - just old guys, they will probably grow old as well - lol wonder did they hedge on that.

Anyways, GP, you are a valued member of this community, I enjoy your posts, agree with some, disagree with others - but you are a thinker - that I respect.

The guys that you speak of have little to offer, they do have an entertainment value, but even that is limited, can I urge you to remain focussed.

I go and get my popcorn,GP.:13:


You are absolutely right and I’ll admit they got the better of me. I know what they are and what they’re about and believe me. Come tomorrow they will have no affect on what I do or how I do it. That’s how I normally look at it " entertainment, " I’ll get sheet (i) from some others as well for adding to the entertainment, but what can I say except focus will be on tonight (my time) I’ll be seeing if the Sydney/Tokyo has to offer.

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. Best Wishes and Continued Success

Ya really :59:

Good Stuff, they didn’t get the better of you, they just side tracked for a few minutes, now back into battle :slight_smile:

Just an observation, but I think this part of compact’s post needs revisited:

But not to worry, you guys aren’t the focus of the subject matter anyway.

Sometimes speed reading isn’t a good thing…

Just sayin’ :slight_smile:

GP like what you say immensely. There is no need for this little group to be here. They have nothing to offer the community. Yet they hint of having a level of knowledge optainable only by being employed within the industry.

I wish they would share their knowledge. They certain posses it. Not criticize those who are here only to share an experience.

Maybe they’re scared that in this DIY world that if we retail speculators figure things out they’ll be out of a job
From what I understand there’s a lot more easier money to be made managing other peoples money than making your own money work hard. After all the world’s biggest market is built on this fact

Speed reading has nothing to do with it, that’s how they try and justify what they do, bullsh(i)eet excuses, if they get called they respond with one sentence in a post, but no mention of the bottom of his post or the others he made. My problem with him and the rest of the chicken, sh(i)eets like him is they love to make lots of broad baseless accusations, where they want proof of everything regardless but when it comes to them they try and weasel out, disappear or tell you get a thicker skin.

I know what I say in my posts, I have not gone through every post or video of: PipMeHappy, PipNRoll, Chris Capri, Pete Fader, Jonathan Hunt, Emerald or the other so called guru’s, high posters, hot shots, big shots or whatever other broad names they refer to. (Be careful MT, they may have included you in their anonymous list looking at the total number of your posts[ just saying).

Please anyone prove me wrong, with any entire post or thread. This thread is to anyone who falls into my original post.

Mr peterma, don’t worry I’m finished with Sydney/Tokyo, waiting for Tokyo/London now.

That’s not the case at all.

They hint at the path to success through simplicity. They have also told many where to find that path, and it’s right here on BP without much fanfare.

As usual you hit the nail on the head. I would just change [U]" they hint of having a level of knowledge. . . and add the word “If and that’s a big if” they certain to psses it."[/U] But lets see maybe we’ll be shown to be wrong, but I doubt it.

GP, I did asked them about that to share their knowlege or strategies on how they trade and maybe we can all learn from it since it seems like what Bob pointed out, they appear to know base on how they criticize and whether or not they " imply" towards the so called " high posters" like us. I guess it wasn’t really clear what their intend was but majority of what I have read is about a " verified myfxbook"… I might have missed some of their posts, who knows… But I can understand what you are after…

… And NO…I don’t create videos :slight_smile:

Never gonna happen, just broad, baseless posts, blah, blah blah. In their world there is no such thing as doing something because you love or enjoy it, and never do what they can’t be bothered to do or don’t know what to do and never have to prove the same things they want everyone else to do who posts or wants to share.

Don’t worry about the video’s, I can’t do them myself. Have a good one. I wanted to go short on euraud, and I missed the first leg. Now I have to wait to see if it retraces. Oh well

Meh… Post counts aren’t the focus here.

Content of posts is.

From where I sit, you, and most all of the others in that thread missed compact’s point entirely, preferring instead to get a tad ruffled about it.

Read this again. SLOWLY this time:

You kind of add yourself right into the mix by simply replying nearly every time this subject matter raises its head across various threads on the forum. Then PipMeHappy usually tags along on your skirt hems & gp00053 is generally thererabouts somewhere, hence the spotlight.

But not to worry, you guys aren’t the focus of the subject matter anyway.

Firstly, the post was addressed to Pip-N-Roll. Secondly it absolved you from anything more nefarious by saying you, and the other names mentioned weren’t the issue in the first place.

So, from the outside looking in, it is fairly obvious that there was a gun jumped, and a whole thread is now dedicated to something that wasn’t really needed anyway.

Time to go get some popcorn.

And maybe a beer :slight_smile:

This is definately one occasion where I would love to eat humble pie.

MT I have nothing but respect for you, your forex and business knowledge. I wish you would post more because we can all learn from you. You are one of many in my opinion not a few that has being inferred to by others that we could all learn from. Having said that, I have to ask; “Are you kidding?” :59:

I guess you missed


My friend as I said I have nothing but respect for you, I referenced one of your post on my thread. . .but please put down your beer and stop speed reading, and slowly read all of his posts.

That’s just it. I DID read all of his and the other posts.

NONE of that was aimed at you. And the point that was continually banged on, was that beginners would be better to ask for proof from the ICT types that roam this and many other trading forums, instead of blindly following just because someone jumps in loudly, and says they know all the secrets. You kept interjecting in there because you somehow felt that was personal. I watched the whole train wreck develop, and read posts that EXCLUDED you from the people it was truly aimed at. You know the type. “Follow Me To OVERNIGHT Wealth”, and the “Magic Power Chart Reading Miracle Course”. Your high post count has nothing to do with it. As I said before, content does.

The trading methods alluded to by Dancat, Double6, compact, laine, Thalia, and the others that posted there, are all quite plainly laid out in the “Alternative Technical Templates” series that was authored by some very wise and giving traders who forge a very nice living out of trading on a daily basis. But the problem with that series of threads is, even though they broadly paint out how to be successful in this business, it DOES require some effort on the part of anyone that wants to do this. And more to point is, there isn’t anything magic here. All there truly is, is simplicity, and repetition. If you can identify the most likely historical turning points of price and get yourself a tightly focused entry trigger, and you understand the fractal nature of charting different time frames, you can easily be successful. But can you do it without tinkering? Can you do it with patience? Can you REPEAT it without putting some bit of “thinking” spin on it? The worst trades I have ever made were when I “thought”.

YOU have to find your risk tolerance.
YOU have to find your trigger.
YOU have to pay attention to the charts and decide when and if to grab a seat on a trade.
YOU have to be able to repeat the process over and over without coloring a decision by “thinking”.

None of that is appealing to the spoon fed populace. They want instant gratification from a system that has everything spelled out for them. And that is where the rub is. Most don’t want to do their homework. They follow the flashing lights, bells and whistles, and any other pleasant sounding wind chime that promises riches with little to no effort. And they continually follow the loudest voices on the forums.

Newsflash: It ain’t gonna happen for ANYONE that way :wink:

I’ll tell you what, like I said I respect your opinion and like I’ve already heard from, it seems like everyone and there brother who ever knew me some agreeing with you some not, but everyone seems to agree, I had no business getting involved but you’re probably more right than wrong, but again like you said my feathers got ruffled, and took it how I took it.

Anyhow I’m done time to get back to work. But my offer still stands to anyone who has anything to say about my posts or reasons for them. Don’t lurk so much, you have a lot to offer. Best wishes and continued success my friend

Why wasn’t my name mentioned? I’m a MASTER Contributor. :(:(:frowning: