Why Did TheRumpledOne (TRO) Get Banned?

Please explain?

I am surprised, a bit peeved, and somewhat suspicious of what has happened here.

I too would like to know what the REAL reasons are behind TRO’s banning.

BP admin…Why has this happened?

Was it due to flaming?
IF so - why has Tymen not been banned also/instead? From what I have seen - it was he who instigated the condescension and insults attacking TRO.

Was it due to TRO’s indicators and/or methods?
We (the general reading audience) are not stupid. We do not need our information censored for us. We can make our own descisions.

[B]Bring back TheRumpledOne[/B].

Damn…I was really beginning to enjoy checking in on this forum…

I warned TRO to stop posting huge images on Tymen’s thread. He didn’t listen. Furthermore, he has been a nuisance to some users in the forums. The constant verbal attacks never stopped. Tymen’s thread became a war ground. Finally, we made a decision to ban him. Pretty much it.

For some of you who don’t know the whole story and who are biased, TRO had a bad start. First off-

  1. He posted external links before he had 50 posts which resulted in multiple warnings and a potential ban.

  2. From what I gather, it was TRO, NOT Tymen who started the verbal attacks.

  3. When he did get privileges to post links, he overdid it. It always seems like he had links in every single post.

  4. This is not just recent events. This has been going on for awhile.

As far as bringing him back- we will not. He has caused too many problems in the forum community. He may have been an inspiration to some, but he has made so much disturbance. Pipcrawler AND I BOTH have given him the benefit of the doubt, as well as countless warnings.

Well then , I guess it’s “Pretty much it” for me too.

Good trades to all - may you all find constant success.


So this is all about his “huge images”???

Can’t you just prevent the posting of images within the text…I mean that’s what seemed to annoy people the most…and [B]that[/B] sparked the rest… :rolleyes:

Seems if you could do that, then the constant verbal attacks would cease, and nobody’s thread would become a war ground and he wouldn’t be any more of a nuisance than any others around here who keep butt’in in here & there with their “challenging” opinons. Such a simple solution, but …

And speaking of images, if I may register a complaint about pics, only getting 800 x 700 is not easy on the eyes and it would be great if that was increased. I know TRO posts the big ones because for 1, it’s easier than flippin back & forth between chart & text all the time. On the other hand Babypips wants to save on server storage/bandwidth or whatever… but how is allowing unlimited picture sizes imbedded in the text helping with that.

Thanks for the reply. :cool:

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I’ve always read this forum but never registered because… well I never had anything to say until now. I won’t be coming back though. Happy trading all. I’ll be over @ Kreslik where it’s safe.

No thread belongs to one person. There is a thread starter. Not a thread owner. I think people are thinking a thread for discussion is there personal space. I seen a dialogue between people nothing more now as to asking can someones post be removed not for spam, but because you dont like what they have to say is defeating the meaning of discussion. Who started it is not important but there were people to keep it going. Sometimes discussions are fierce but doesnt mean they arent relevant. If its Tymens thread make it private. Thats rights its for open discussion for people to discuss and debate. Not a personal friends only club.

bulletin board is an [U]online discussion site[/U]. It’s sometimes also called a ‘board’ or ‘forums’. It may contain several categories, consisting of forums, threads and individual posts. I wonder where this is from


  1. I forgot about the HUGE IMAGES on Tymen’s thread… my bad.

  2. If you look on the NEVER LOSE AGAIN thread, you’ll see Tymen started it. After a couple of rounds on my thread, I gave him a taste of his own medicine on his thread. He didn’t like it. I did it to prove a point.

  3. Links? What is wrong with links? This IS the internet. You know, INFORMATION EXCHANGE!! I don’t recall any complaints about links AFTER you warned me.

  4. Going on for a while? 3 weeks or so.

Disturbance? If someone is disturbed they can choose to ignore me. If I am attacked, I will NEVER BACK DOWN. Posting lies, misstating facts, name calling, etc… will always cause me to post. Tymen is at fault just as much as I am. Had Tymen not attacked me and my methods, this would NOT have happened. I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions.

Even after Pipcrawler issued a warning Tymen continued. But it looks like BabyPips turned a blind eye to that. If all were fair and even then Tymen should have been banned immediately for his post after the warning and not me.

Look at who is disturbed by my actions:

  1. people like 4xStar who was directing people to her website where she got referral fees and click thru rebates

  2. Tymen who has a cult following and must protect his status as cult leader

  3. Whatever fixed spread brokers are on babypips

  4. Whatever software and systems vendors are on babypips

  5. People who have been losing their you know whats following those I mentioned above. Their egos are bruised and they probably feels stupid so they take it out on me.

Like I said, it was “my mistake” posting the HUGE IMAGES on Tymen’s thread. I was seeing “red” and I forgot about that.

Bottomline is it takes two to tango and to ban one and not the other is totally unfair.


I have been a member for a long time of this wonderful site. It has taught me 90% of all I presently know about forex. It is my bible and I am NOT a religious man, trust me.

What I am getting at is that it seems we have nothing better to do these days then to fight with each other and make life more complicated then it is already.

Knowing both sides…the moderators have all my respect…but also TRO, as I had him as a guest at my home and know the man personally.

Adult people with a good background, both sides !!!

Why not pickup the phone and talk this stuff out?
Why to inject poison into this wonderful site?

It makes so many good traders walk away from these setups and NEVER wanting to help a fellow trader.

Just my 2 pesos.

Freddy the Dutchman

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  1. I forgot about the HUGE IMAGES on Tymen’s thread… my bad.

  2. If you look on the NEVER LOSE AGAIN thread, you’ll see Tymen started it. After a couple of rounds on my thread, I gave him a taste of his own medicine on his thread. He didn’t like it. I did it to prove a point.

  3. Links? What is wrong with links? This IS the internet. You know, INFORMATION EXCHANGE!! I don’t recall any complaints about links AFTER you warned me.

  4. Going on for a while? 3 weeks or so.

Disturbance? If someone is disturbed they can choose to ignore me. If I am attacked, I will NEVER BACK DOWN. Posting lies, misstating facts, name calling, etc… will always cause me to post. Tymen is at fault just as much as I am. Had Tymen not attacked me and my methods, this would NOT have happened. I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for my actions.

Even after Pipcrawler issued a warning Tymen continued. But it looks like BabyPips turned a blind eye to that. If all were fair and even then Tymen should have been banned immediately for his post after the warning and not me.

Look at who is disturbed by my actions:

  1. people like 4xStar who was directing people to her website where she got referral fees and click thru rebates

  2. Tymen who has a cult following and must protect his status as cult leader

  3. Whatever fixed spread brokers are on babypips

  4. Whatever software and systems vendors are on babypips

  5. People who have been losing their you know whats following those I mentioned above. Their egos are bruised and they probably feels stupid so they take it out on me.

Like I said, it was “my mistake” posting the HUGE IMAGES on Tymen’s thread. I was seeing “red” and I forgot about that.

Bottomline is it takes two to tango and to ban one and not the other is totally unfair.


Why Did TheRumpledOne (TRO) Get Banned?

I warned TRO to stop posting huge images on Tymen’s thread. He didn’t listen. Furthermore, he has been a nuisance to some users in the forums. The constant verbal attacks never stopped. Tymen’s thread became a war ground. Finally, we made a decision to ban him. Pretty much it.
Pip Magneto
Junior Member

Default Why? Part 2.
For some of you who don’t know the whole story and who are biased, TRO had a bad start. First off-

  1. He posted external links before he had 50 posts which resulted in multiple warnings and a potential ban.

  2. From what I gather, it was TRO, NOT Tymen who started the verbal attacks.

  3. When he did get privileges to post links, he overdid it. It always seems like he had links in every single post.

  4. This is not just recent events. This has been going on for awhile.

As far as bringing him back- we will not. He has caused too many problems in the forum community. He may have been an inspiration to some, but he has made so much disturbance. Pipcrawler AND I BOTH have given him the benefit of the doubt, as well as countless warnings.

Avery T. Horton, Jr. aka TheRumpledOne

Well I was also disturb by your large images in the thread “GBPJPY Winning Strategies”. I kindly ask you to post smaller images, which you didnt try to do. You also jeer me thru PM when I said “you can have the thread I wont post there anymore”. I also notice that from that day(the day we exchange several PMs) you purposely post LARGE IMAGES in all the threads you know I posted in. Maybe this wasnt deliberate but it is/was annoying, I brought it to your attention and you still continue. I dont agree with the banning of anyone from posting here, but you must have regards for your fellow posters.
I heard before this ban that you were banned from all other forex forums, this seems to be the trend, I wonder why:confused:.
my $0.02

Lets get back to trading. If at anytime you post rudely, inconsiderately, dismissively etc you go against the general ethos of BP which is about traders helping each other. Simple as that

To Avery (TheRumpledOne):

I have given you the benefit of the doubt. I believed all you wanted to do was help even as you tried to post links to your IB business and after it was known that you accept “donations” for unreleased indicators. I didn’t judge, I just asked that you remove your links which was deemed as spam and keep your side businesses off our site. You fought me for a while on the links, but you eventually agreed. But you continued to be sly, using the signature as an promotion for ECN brokers (which is related to your IB broker-MB Trading) and your indicators. During this period, you bombarded every single thread, with links in all of your posts in the signature leading back to your thread. Because of the abuse of the signature by you and others, I had it removed. Then you still put up links at the bottom of your posts to go back to your threads. Could you make your intentions any more obvious?

And it’s obvious that your intent is promote your indicators for “donation” and Introducing Broker business. You can argue against it, but we’ve been on the net for while. We’ve seen a lot and we know better. It just went on for so long because I gave you the benefit of the doubt. That’s my fault and I apologize to the community because ever since you’ve been on this forum, regardless of how many people you may have helped, the bad has outweighed the good as you’ve fought us, disrupted the forums with arguments and bombarded threads with your oversize font and images (again clear promotion techniques) which ruins my beautiful site and the hard work of my designers! The final straw was multiple accusations of threats to other users.

And now I have to edit a statement I made on an earlier post. The internet is free and open…to an extent. And that extent is when you abuse and take advantage of the liberties given to you. And it’s clear by your behavior that you were trying to take advantage of the years of hard work the BabyPips.com team put into this site.

This is unacceptable to us and you, Avery (TheRumpleOne and any other usernames you may use), are no longer welcome to BabyPips.com. Any attempts to sign up as other usernames will be quickly deleted and banned.

I know many may disagree with this decision, but the decision stands. We are a private company and we will run it as we see fit for the betterment of our site and our community members.

This is where we part ways Avery. Take care and good luck in your endeavors.

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That is your opninion where is the proof. Tymen started in TRO’s topic. You are blind if you didn’t see it.
Get Tymen banned too.



This is my reply to Pipcrawler’s latest post:

People see what THEY WANT TO SEE.

People believe what THEY WANT TO BELIEVE.

Pipcrawler BELIEVES I am promoting my “donational” indicators and MB Trading because I am an IB there.


  • I posted plenty of FREE indicators on babypips.

  • I posted many times on babypips that you don’t need my indicators. I tried to drive that point home. I showed that all you need is HORIZONTAL LINES and CANDLE COLOR to trade profitably. I tried to get people to SEE this.

  • I told people there is NO FIXED SPREAD IN FOREX and that they should trade with an ECN broker. I posted detailed examples of how traders are being taken advantage of by FIXED SPREAD BANDITS because of their ignorance of how Forex really works. I, too, was ignorant at one time and when I found out the truth, I WAS MAD and decided to SPREAD THE TRUTH. It was my spreading the truth that led EFX to offer me the IB. I didn’t even know what an IB was. It was their way of thanking me for bringing them customers.

  • Yes, I used links to direct people to my threads on BABYPIPS.COM. What’s the harm in that? I wasn’t steering readers away from BABYPIPS.

  • I pointed out that others were using their signatures to promote. So if they can do it, then anyone should be able to, including me. But for some reason when I do it, then it’s time to remove the signature. Isn’t that interesting. Today, I found a blatant violation and I exposed it. And how did I get thanked? I GOT BANNED!!

  • It takes 2 to argue, fight, etc… People fight the TRUTH because it will affect them. They have all these complicated systems using multiple indicators, multiple charts, complex formulas, etc… YOU DON’T NEED ANY OF THAT TO TRADE. PRICE WILL EITHER GO UP OR DOWN… IT’S THAT SIMPLE!!

  • Oversized fonts and images. Big deal. My eyes are 52 years old. I hate having to flip between images and text, so I use TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting and use the [IMG] to display my charts inline. And guess what, SOME PEOPLE LIKE IT THAT WAY!! If you don’t like BIG FONTS or IMAGES, then program the site to not recognize them. If it’s there, then it should be OK to use it.

  • Take advantage? How so? What did I do that others haven’t done and are not doing now? If someone chooses to sign up at MB Trading and put me down as the referral, so what? That’s their choice. If someone sees one of my “donational” indicators, decides they want it and send me a donation, so what? They made the choice out of free will. No one is being forced to do anything. When you ban me, you take away a choice. That seems like a really good policy. The fact is that many traders are being taken advantage of and I was doing my best to put a stop to it. That’s what is UNACCEPTABLE.

  • My intentions should be obvious… To help traders. To provide FREE indicators and systems THAT WORK. To put FIXED SPREAD BROKERS out of business by getting traders to understand how the market really works. To keep traders from spending money for things they can get for FREE.

  • I made no threats. Tymen threatened me. I sent him a PM saying that I have been nice. But if he continued to attack me on the forum that the “gloves were coming off”. Now if you see that as a “veiled death threat” then Tymen you are the one that is severely mentally disturbed. Tymen lives in Australia. I live in the USA… do the math.

But it’s obvious that BABYPIPS doesn’t want to SEE or BELIEVE anything that I say. I must be a THREAT to their CASHFLOW in some way, shape or form. I am also a threat to their EGO. I even showed that I could use HORIZONTAL LINES placed at RANDOM LEVELS and trade profitably. NOT A SINGLE LOSING TRADE!! Obviously, that rattled someone’s cage.

Think about my history on StockFetcher. I post my filters FOR FREE. I show you how to trade FOR FREE. I show you how to code FOR FREE. Traders ask for filter help and I give it FOR FREE. Every now and then someone shows appreciation by sending me a gift or donating to my PayPal account. That’s between them and me - it doesn’t affect anyone else.

Yes, I have had my battles on SF, too. Joe G., Riggs, Mika, etc… they have come and gone… THE RUMPLED ONE STILL STANDS!! I have been banned from MIND OVER MARKETS, TRADESTATION, ESIGNAL, FOREX-TSD, FOREXFACTORY, KANTORFX and other forums. They can’t beat me so they SILENCE ME. Their indicators and systems can’t compete with mine so they attack me personally. They do NOT want you to have access to what I offer. To them, YOU ARE THEIR SHEEP AND THEY ARE YOUR SHEPHERDS. I AM THE WOLF! But this wolf, goes after the shepherds rather than the sheep. They do NOT want me EXPOSING THEM.

“We are a private company and we will run it as we see fit for the betterment of our site and our community members.”

Let me decode that for you…

“Anyone or anything that threatens our cash flow or our status as “gurus” to the ignorant masses or who doesn’t follow us in lock step will be exiled.”

They all say that TRO is a trouble maker, look at all the places that banned him. They ALL can’t be wrong so it must be TRO.

You decide.

Avery T. Horton, Jr. aka TheRumpledOne



This is my reply to Pipcrawler’s latest post:

People see what THEY WANT TO SEE.

People believe what THEY WANT TO BELIEVE.

Pipcrawler BELIEVES I am promoting my “donational” indicators and MB Trading because I am an IB there.


  • I posted plenty of FREE indicators on babypips.

  • I posted many times on babypips that you don’t need my indicators. I tried to drive that point home. I showed that all you need is HORIZONTAL LINES and CANDLE COLOR to trade profitably. I tried to get people to SEE this.

  • I told people there is NO FIXED SPREAD IN FOREX and that they should trade with an ECN broker. I posted detailed examples of how traders are being taken advantage of by FIXED SPREAD BANDITS because of their ignorance of how Forex really works. I, too, was ignorant at one time and when I found out the truth, I WAS MAD and decided to SPREAD THE TRUTH. It was my spreading the truth that led EFX to offer me the IB. I didn’t even know what an IB was. It was their way of thanking me for bringing them customers.

  • Yes, I used links to direct people to my threads on BABYPIPS.COM. What’s the harm in that? I wasn’t steering readers away from BABYPIPS.

  • I pointed out that others were using their signatures to promote. So if they can do it, then anyone should be able to, including me. But for some reason when I do it, then it’s time to remove the signature. Isn’t that interesting. Today, I found a blatant violation and I exposed it. And how did I get thanked? I GOT BANNED!!

  • It takes 2 to argue, fight, etc… People fight the TRUTH because it will affect them. They have all these complicated systems using multiple indicators, multiple charts, complex formulas, etc… YOU DON’T NEED ANY OF THAT TO TRADE. PRICE WILL EITHER GO UP OR DOWN… IT’S THAT SIMPLE!!

  • Oversized fonts and images. Big deal. My eyes are 52 years old. I hate having to flip between images and text, so I use TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting and use the [IMG] to display my charts inline. And guess what, SOME PEOPLE LIKE IT THAT WAY!! If you don’t like BIG FONTS or IMAGES, then program the site to not recognize them. If it’s there, then it should be OK to use it.

  • Take advantage? How so? What did I do that others haven’t done and are not doing now? If someone chooses to sign up at MB Trading and put me down as the referral, so what? That’s their choice. If someone sees one of my “donational” indicators, decides they want it and send me a donation, so what? They made the choice out of free will. No one is being forced to do anything. When you ban me, you take away a choice. That seems like a really good policy. The fact is that many traders are being taken advantage of and I was doing my best to put a stop to it. That’s what is UNACCEPTABLE.

  • My intentions should be obvious… To help traders. To provide FREE indicators and systems THAT WORK. To put FIXED SPREAD BROKERS out of business by getting traders to understand how the market really works. To keep traders from spending money for things they can get for FREE.

  • I made no threats. Tymen threatened me. I sent him a PM saying that I have been nice. But if he continued to attack me on the forum that the “gloves were coming off”. Now if you see that as a “veiled death threat” then Tymen you are the one that is severely mentally disturbed. Tymen lives in Australia. I live in the USA… do the math.

But it’s obvious that BABYPIPS doesn’t want to SEE or BELIEVE anything that I say. I must be a THREAT to their CASHFLOW in some way, shape or form. I am also a threat to their EGO. I even showed that I could use HORIZONTAL LINES placed at RANDOM LEVELS and trade profitably. NOT A SINGLE LOSING TRADE!! Obviously, that rattled someone’s cage.

Think about my history on StockFetcher. I post my filters FOR FREE. I show you how to trade FOR FREE. I show you how to code FOR FREE. Traders ask for filter help and I give it FOR FREE. Every now and then someone shows appreciation by sending me a gift or donating to my PayPal account. That’s between them and me - it doesn’t affect anyone else.

Yes, I have had my battles on SF, too. Joe G., Riggs, Mika, etc… they have come and gone… THE RUMPLED ONE STILL STANDS!! I have been banned from MIND OVER MARKETS, TRADESTATION, ESIGNAL, FOREX-TSD, FOREXFACTORY, KANTORFX and other forums. They can’t beat me so they SILENCE ME. Their indicators and systems can’t compete with mine so they attack me personally. They do NOT want you to have access to what I offer. To them, YOU ARE THEIR SHEEP AND THEY ARE YOUR SHEPHERDS. I AM THE WOLF! But this wolf, goes after the shepherds rather than the sheep. They do NOT want me EXPOSING THEM.

“We are a private company and we will run it as we see fit for the betterment of our site and our community members.”

Let me decode that for you…

“Anyone or anything that threatens our cash flow or our status as “gurus” to the ignorant masses or who doesn’t follow us in lock step will be exiled.”

They all say that TRO is a trouble maker, look at all the places that banned him. They ALL can’t be wrong so it must be TRO.

You decide.

Avery T. Horton, Jr. aka TheRumpledOne

well this is going to be my last post here. Ill never be back. I thought this forum was for the free exchange of ideas but it feels more like communist china!!! Tymen did start it first I read both threads all the time. He came to tro’s thread and warned us all that this was no holy grail in fact it was only a weak multiple timeframe strat… anyway not the point. I have injoyed tro’s posts and his free indicators and you know something else he is right about fixed broker spreads being a lie. Most people on this forum post links to their blogs. You can read all my posts Ive always been a positive contributor and encourageing to the new guys. I don’t appreciate you sensoring what I read. Who are you??? This is very imature of you the admin and any one who instigated it. Im sorry but Ive got better things to do.

This site belongs in the preschool of internet where all the little crying children can be protected from the big bad mean wolves who have opinions.

If “your last post here” is base upon the ban imposed on TRO I guess you wont be posting in any forex related forums, seen that he’s banned from them all.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out. This site is bigger than any of us.