The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I really need to add some polish to my trade management. I am happy I found two profitable setups this week, but wow did I mishandle the things that should be no brainers. My first trade long, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I took within 5mins of looking at the chart and seeing LTPP posting; I had my own bias. I was only using .25% risk cause for w/e reason I saw .02 lots and felt comfortable with that so no big deal but I didnt fully calculate all my risk levels before the trade. I closed it for under 30pips because I never took profit when it reached then, I considered it a win with it making it there and the risk was nothing to split in half; should have for peace of mind. Closed it out before azn session because I was going out and just didnt want a trade sitting on my mind.

It really stresses me when my trade is in purgatory and bouncing between the risk free 30pip line and my s/l. THERE IS NO BETTER FEELING THAN MAKING A TRADE RISK FREE!

Todays LO I went short because I had a short bias and DV83s post made me feel confident in my own analysis. I was so happy with price moving my direction, that I was gonna get a quick 30 pips, move my stop to BE and then get to sleep… Well price was not even shy 10pips and decided to do its march back up…

I messed up the trade management today because I decided to load up mt4 on the laptop so I didnt have to sit at the desk all night, well once it moved to 430am I was getting mad because I wanted to manage my trade properly but realized since I didnt have the program to manage my trade that I have on the desktop and I didnt open multiple positions, i would have to take everything off at 30pip tp so I could sleep. Typing this now makes me realize I was emailed the product and probably could have loaded it on the laptop…

My risk was moved upto 1% and now that I am up and my tp was hit my account is in the + after the initial february tinkering, and that almost feels as good as moving a trade to risk free. I am thinking of increasing risk but may keep it at 1% until I start catching daily ranges and a weekly.

What compounded my frustration was reading the livestream chat this morning. I like when guys post there objective analysis here because it helps me reflect on my own, and very few people can sway my opinion, ICTs considerations held highest. Sure I like to hear people are in the same trade as me because it makes me feel like I am not the only one, but this morning made me feel like I was apart of the heard for slaughter. Everyone was talking of being short, but as soon as price was going against them they couldnt stop talking about being wrong, and why isnt it working and blah blah blah. Pipjoker was apart of it and I am not trying to pick on you, but your trade wasnt even a failure yet, and shouldnt have been to this point, but you still came and posted asking why you were wrong… Now I understand patience being the key. Let your trades unfold, reflect on them yourselves, ask questions later after your thoughts are clearly laid out, and accept that we can be wrong.

You can get into a trade anytime, it just lessens your probabilities out of the kill zones, if you see a good setup on the higher timeframes swings and you have a bias long or short at a good level then take it.

I hear you on that, It was nice to see how ITC completely stayed with his plan… with patience.
I’m not one to get too involved in the chatter, as I am new at this and can easily pick up everyone else’s tension and doubts.
After being stopped out early I was able to pick up some of the big move down from the top for 57 pips.
Today was definitely a good exercise in patience.

Yea psychology is a big part of this especially when you’re new! (For me at least) Since everything is probabilities that can’t be measured concretely, someone else who seems confident in their analysis may somehow make you change your bias. It’s human nature I suppose. I’m guessing that’s why ICT for the longest time did not talk about his positions when he was live. When it comes to trading, like ICT said, the only thing you have absolute control over is YOU. And if you managed yourself correctly, then you did your job. So no one else is to blame, ever.

Entered LO at the 1.5870 mark. I closed a couple lots early for a small gain so I could take some risk off the table and go to sleep. I moved my stop to a small loss since I’ve been bumped out many times before price reaches for objectives. This one worked out well since I probably would have been stopped out on the NYO retrace. After price reached the 1.58 figure, I moved my stop on my last remaining lot to just above the CPP. I figured if it made it above there, it was going to reach for the high of the day. After price exploded through my stop and hit R1, i put in an entry order at 1.59, looking to trade the S&D pattern. Lot of confluence here. Reflection entry lined up with big fig, Turtle Soup from yesterdays high, TT extreme, R2 just above

I watched a PTC yesterday and it’s been on my mind. There was a tip at the end of the video showing the average seasonal trend of GBP. On the chart, March was on average the lowest month of the year price wise. Since GBP/EUR are correlated, and March is fast approaching, does this mean we have a good shot of the market becoming bearish in the monthly term perspective? Also, does anyone know where to find such data?

The chart ICT showed was a handout from Larry Williams seminar from 97!

AAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH! After all my bad experiences of overtrading and “revenge” trading, I STILL can’t get the damn monster off my back! A profitable day turned out pretty much flat for me, all because I let emotion dig its way into my mind. At this point, I can’t possibly think of any attribute that would be more valuable to me than being entirely emotionally unattached to my trades.

Anyway, time to turn into a trading machine! I am going to prove to myself that there is no reason to ever deviate from the rules - it really is as simple as that.

@Fury: Apologies bro, I might have been adding to your troubles earlier, since I was also discussing the short trade with PipJoker… Sorry about that :frowning:

"If money is your hope for independence, you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in the world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."
Henry Ford

go back a few pages and re-read AK’s experiences. It’s always a big help to me when I stumble. I’m not sure if I can be of much help since I’m trying to get out of a hole I dug for myself this last month, but the a$$ kicking I gave myself sure will be a good reminder of why I should just put the keyboard away after I’ve taken a loss.

Don’t worry about the chatter in the chat room. If someone is going to be swayed by others, they probably should not be reading the thread or the chatter going on. I tend to stay away from the forum and the chat room because I don’t want my analysis to be swayed by anyone else’s. However I was reading the chat from time to time last night and found it quite entertaining

Its not the keyboard that I am worried about its the mouse. I think if I take another loss I will be buying another mouse and shooting the one I got now. I just know thats the reason I am losing right now :stuck_out_tongue:

I was having some trouble with revenge trading at first after going live. I demo traded for about 18 months before hand, and never had this issue. As soon as I went live, I was trying to recoup every loss. This led to 6-8% draw down over the course of my first week live until I realized how stupid it was. I have since gone back to the mechanical style of trading Michael teaches and am much happier for it. Made 40 pips last night on a pretty classic ICT setup as a matter of fact. I was going to let EURUSD run to about 1.3400, but it looked like price was stalling out, so rather than being greedy, I took my 40 pips out for the day. I think it’s prudent to not always try to be hitting it out of the park. If you can net 30-50 pips and are able to sleep soundly knowing your trade is in the bank, and not still running, I say why not.

IMHO, trading is almost exclusively psychology (not overtrading and exit management)along with risk management. Entries are secondary. There have been people who have shown they can be profitable by flipping a coin on whether to long or short, and be profitable.

Psychology is the most important thing and the biggest struggle given there aren’t many profitable traders.

Sorry bro :wink: i like to make fun of myself and the trade when it isnt going my way. Joking about how bad i am, makes me relax and get into a chill mood. You shouldn’t take my blabbering seriously:) Aswell - my point about not working out that i thought after it tanked down, the 13840-45 level will hold which it didn’t. Just was thinking what possible could have made it to go higher. Later on i checked the news which pointed why. Or at least i think that was the reason. One way or another, today experiment was to wait for another OTE in LO killzone, which happened but the spike took me out after all.
And it seems today is done, i still wonder why it went higher, while not making a lower low.
Would love to hear a review of today’s trading from ICT :51:

Edit. @LTPP Yeah. I think i should reload my demo to 1000000 aswell then :expressionless:

The answer to your question…my massive long position on demo made the market stay above yesterday’s low. My demo account moved the market higher.

@pipjoker - yep. My 3 demo lots are weighing heavily on the market makers.

I think it was posted in the old thread. Have a look at

Saisonalit�t ::

Go to “Spot” and then “Currencies”… :57:

My post sounds harsher than need be, I was trying to illustrate more that I was mad I couldnt soundly go to sleep when the trade was so close to a cool 30 pips. Then just the fact of reading about it not even making it there added to it. Discussion is key and it all worked out today, so on to the next one.

ICT jsut got shutdown, youtube channel off line…it’s over, the worst day of my life…:17:

Twitter account is shut down also

And so it appears, all good things must come to an end. ICT posted a very ominous ‘CFTC’ on the Livestream chat a few minutes back. Now his whole YouTube account is shut down. No more videos or anything.

ICT I hope there isn’t too much trouble and that everything works out ok!

I am very sad and dis-appointed too :(( What really happened?

Did anyone manage to grab his videos before YouTube got shut down? I have everything up until the March 31st 2011 PTC video and I’m also missing the latest high probability patterns video. Does anybody else have these?