A letter to a friend

It’s not even about his profitability for me anymore. It’s about the way he treats other people and the ever growing superiority complex. If you would like to be associated with such a person, by all means, it is your right after all :slight_smile:

I mean, what else can you say when you have dedicated so much time (hours/days/weeks) on developing powerpoints, videos and analysis and then now be rejected by the very community that once praised him? I would mad and would not be composed enough to formulate the letter you referenced. He has given us a lot. If he is a fluke as some of you say, there is no reason to go onto his myfxbook.

Everyone is different. Everyone is unique such that it separates one from another. If you are going to judge him by the way he talks/treats others online that would be the same as judging a book by its cover.

EDIT: I too could careless if he profit. I just wanted to point it out.

I have formed an opinion based on the evidence I have so far. If that evidence changes then so will my opinion.

elephant i really really want him to succeed blind hope and desire. I dont think it validates his tools. But I liked Michael a lot he was a nice guy helping me. Now he’s getting out of hand.

That is understandable. I want [U]everyone [/U]to succeed. I do agree that his language has been out of line, unprofessional as you may call it, but I think all this criticism has gotten to him. Let him vent. People need to vent. However, I wish you and him success in the market.

Is he in profit now?? I just wake up and see that price took a plunge. He said in his video that was going to go long at 1.3405 (?!?!)

His MFB is private again, so I assume he has taken another loss… can anyone confirm?

Yeah, i recall seeing a 3% loss and his equity was hovering around -17% after that. This is getting seriously boring now.

Its pretty ugly over there in myfxbook. He is taking a lot of heat over there. I don’t know if there is anyone he is responding to because whatever happen it seems to gotten into his head.

There are things you wrote I agree with, a couple that I don’t fully, but regardless I do feel total respect for you voicing very reasonable feelings. ICT is not my friend per se, but I appreciate the kindness it took to make over a hunred videos that taught people how to use tools for fee. There were other reasons I’m sure, as he probably enjoyed the limelight (sorry RUSH.) Lots of other strange things lately that I don’t understand, and I’m committed to being a person of my word and staying off the bash ‘ICT’ thread, but Bob had a really good post their today.

Perhaps I’ve been conned (only into ‘paying’ attention) but I see fairly well presented information and someone who seems to have a very good knowledge base and can express it very well.

I really do wish you the best with your trading PM - same to everyone.

Thanks bro. Believe me when I say that I learnt a ridiculous amount of priceless information from what he presented, and all for free. I wrote a post earlier this month voicing my respect and admiration for ICT for what he has contributed to my personal trading journey, and how no one could ever fault him for that. If anyone does, it’s probably because they are bitter about ICT’s image being a facade.

So I’m on the same wavelength with you in that regard. My only problem was that the longer this challenge continued, the more cracks were appearing in his persona. I think that although we never paid anything for his material, as great as it is, we are entitled to feel an immense sense of disappointment for having been lied to, especially after having become so emotionally attached to this image he portrayed. I think MG hit the nail on the head with that post.
Also, just the refusal to accept that he lost trades, I mean it’s so painful to watch these guys lapping up any excuse given for a lost trade. I’m sure you can agree with that.

At the end of the day, as a fellow Christian trader I both respected and looked up to ICT as a mentor. I was emotionally invested, that’s why it is so painful to see it all crumbling apart. The words he has expressed over the past few days are fueled with anger and malice and the decent guy I once knew is seemingly non-existent. I sincerely hope he one day comes back and has some mature conversations with all of us, because that way he would at least gain my respect for facing the music.

Anyway Hogarste Thanks again bro. I also wish you the very best in your trading, you’ve certainly got the level-head one needs in this business :slight_smile:

Hey Pure, Glad you are still around these forums. For a while I thought babypips had lost you to all this crazyness.

I can’t help but say I still love some of ICT’s concept. His Asian range concepts are awesome as is his bond and usdx analysis styles. This is our chance to take the things we like in his tools and throw out whatever is left. Anyway, hope you stick around and make your million. :wink:

If you want a little clarity on whats going on with ict check out Prov 16:18.

Lol I luv descriptive posts…

losing money messes with your emotions

Hope he does not go postal… I saw a video where he owns lots of weapons :D:D

I read a post recently that said the screen shots and videos he posted of “his” guns and rocket launchers turned out to be fake too. Seems the weapons were very real, just not “really” his.

Looks like his world domination plans fell apart on more than one front.

I was neither a fan boy nor a hater. I trade my own but studied what he had to teach. All in all. Your treating the guy like he stole millions from people. From what i know, he didn’t. I think he’s living in his own hell now. Look at the good he did do. He put a lot of tools and concepts (that are common knowledge) into one spot, for all you see. Nothing wrong with that. I am not defending nor engaging in the hatred of ICT. Just my 2 cents. I just hate hearing so much negativity. Its not good for a forum. And i’m the guy that got banned for posting silly photos… Only reason i read these, it pops up in my email. People need to grow up. With this mentality none of you will make it as traders. Seriously. And yes this horse has been beat to glue!!!

I want you to read ict’s fxbook discussion comment he has taken this too the extremes, more so than ANYONE regarding the matter.

Stop defending, start acknowledging.

Here it is again, here is your great and mighty christian leader:

Originally Posted by InnerCircleTrader
Babypips has turned into a circus of Trolls licking their chops and waving their flags in some very entertaining fashion. This has proven even more effective than I had originally hoped for.

Here is where we are:

  1. I am smiling and not in the least bit concerned or ‘ashamed’.

  2. Everyone that thinks they have me or my ability ‘figured out’ couldn’t be further from the truth.

  3. The regular sockpuppet Trolls in the Babypips forums too scared to put their ass on the line like this are never going to stand any serious skeptics. Bar None.

  4. It’s predictable to see the same low level grunts saber rattling like they have a clue or any measure of skill.

  5. I’ve Trolled the Trolls and they do not even know it. lol

To all you numbnuts and goobers with accounts hidden on balances and lackluster results tauting ‘real money’… swing your ass over to your account and show it all… talking **** on another Trader’s page like you have a set of brass means nothing to me. You are a poser and you know it.

The idiots over Babypips that think they have it figured out or that this is a bust… watch this account. I will casually grow it to over 1 million dollars. The guys and one gal who I wasted time on… not the other way around can blame whatever they want on me… but it is these same people that latch lips to ass on whoever gives them the time of day. When you post your mickey mouse BS trying to knock someone like me… you look even more silly.

There are a few who have seen through this… and it is not the selfproclaimed smartasses in the forums liking each others rhetoric and patting each other on the back for nonesense and lunacy.

Yes I am loaded… yes I am going to grow this over 1 million dollars… yes to those who don’t find my work or insights valuable… can kiss my ass. I don’t have to be nice to you and I couldn’t give a rat’s ass what you think of me. Please continue to entertain me with your posts… I won’t block you. You are my lil’ *****es and I will keep you as my pets.

To those who find value in my work… I now return you to your regularly polite ICT.


His good will and Christian values were only as good as the caricature he created for himself. When that crumbled, the real guy in front of the computer screen made his appearance.

The person you all respected was an act. The same reason people spend their hours on Eve Online and World of Warcraft is the same reason he created the character of ICT and was able to do so for so long. He was living a different reality online. The Internet is abundant with such stories.

The problem I gave is that this wasn’t fiction for others. It was real. And their money was real. How many people lost money because they followed him? How many people lost time because they followed him?

Enough with the crap that you learned something. That’s justification. Your time was wasted on a fraud. It doesn’t matter if he didn’t take your money. He took worse. Your time. Money comes. Money goes. But when you spend time, that’s never coming back.

Oh i understand…you we don’t have to grow up…because he hasn’t…Got it thanks!!!
Pss not defending ICT. Never traded his method.
Posting what you did, had no benefit to anyone. Grow up.
This is the internet, the land of false persona, if they chose to believe everyone and everything, thats their fault. But kicking someone when their down is utter cowardness. Ok, he’s wrong, he’s crazy, he’s what ever…but did he kill someone? Go shoot up a school yard? embezzle millions from hedge fund…??? He made up a life on the internet…and got caught…so what …

I honestly feel sorry for any BabyPips members who have dedicated much time to the ICT material. A lot of it was just BASIC trading technical’s really. I watched a few of his videos (albeit struggling to not fall asleep) but once it got to a point where he had a massive following on here and literally fed on that something definitely wasn’t right about that. I just hope nobody got burnt badly by this farce