Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

It is a great read. Thanks for sharing I just wish I had a editable form of it to change a few things and that the contents had hyperlinks that would make it superb. Still great I got it in txt format so I will see what I can do from there with my computer stupid ass

Are you trying to say ICT did a webinar on my Aussie and I missed it because I was fishing? man I hope it was recorded. If it was can someone send me a link? I seen something about it on chris loris website and I am not sure where that is.

All in all piphanger I have 2 things to say 1st great job on your thoughts on the Aussie I think you are spot on. 2nd good to see you not hang it up


Yes ICT and Chris Lori have recorded the webinar, but it will probably be a couple of days before it’s posted…

Thanks, Like ICT has said multiple times…I’m addicted to Price…now I just have to submit and fall in love with it, instead of hating on it all the time…

I am bound and determined to figure this stuff out…

Chris Lori said it is recorded and would be available on his website.

Thanks guys I think I found it. Video is not up I dont think but I think I found where it will be when it is. Sure wish I was there but I was not. I had to create a username and all (geee I wander what that was lol)

I knew about the webinar date but didn’t see any info on how to join it…guess i musta missed somethin’

sign up to Twitter - there, ICT provided a link to the Webinar

I’m a bit lost about what you’re talking about guys, and the thread is not very clear for me.May be because of monday blues,sorry if i’m mistaking.

Hi Bob/all,
I’ve logged on to Chris’ site but cant find the video or an obvious place holder.

Could you post a link to the holding page?


I believe the video is not uploaded yet.

The videos usually take a couple of days before they’re posted on Chris’s site, if you’ve signed up to the site you’ll recieve an email.

Bad luck for Bob, what with all those Aussie entry levels marked up and all in the video… :slight_smile:


Thanks rod178…much appreciated

Thanks for the info. That is a surprisingly long turnaround time. But I’m looking forward to the email :slight_smile:

See what happens when you stick to your guns and “go and grow through the process”. It’s not easy to submit to time but I promise you… stay focused, expect setbacks and stumblings… but get back up and stay on course.

Now have you taking 50% from your Aussi yet? Stop at +10 or atleast BE? Manage your trade but be funded by now.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

It quite alright. Once the Video comes out I will watch it. I am interested in seeing what these 2 had to say on my Aussie. As far as painting up a chart I think I do pretty well on my own lol

I have it in 3 different formats. It all started as a google doc which I edited in word and then pdf’d it. The google and word docs have linkable tables of contents and are editable. I don’t mind editing it if you tell me what those would be?

Hmmm, I can also share and permit editing of the google doc’s one and you and I can make our own edits. PM me if interested.


Just to make sure, EJ: The newest version is still 1.07, right?

I will send you a PM later but its not so much as I want to edit it just add some stuff along the way. Stuff that pertains to trading the Aussie I have picked up along way and sure will pick up more as I go. you did a great job on it. If I could more kind of personalize it to fit me and my trading it would be great

Yes, that is correct.

PM me your email and I’ll send it in Word. That way you can change whatever you want for your own needs.

ICT, I didn’t end up taking the Aussie, I closed after 10 pips because I thought it would be better to wait for London open…well I didn’t see any entry setups until NYO so I am long at 0220.

I did thought trade both cable and fiber at London open when they diverged…took all profit at ADR…I then reenter both again long at NYO.

More on this when I get off work, with screenshots…