hello Mate
well. No… i disagree with this[quote=“Mrbraan, post:1664, topic:45957”]
I understand that usually when you are new they are all very rude to you,
it really comes down to the person.
Now, some people here are rude and some are not.
i think you should do this
Follow or read my posts for say the last month or so
and you’ll find that i got into some pretty deep crap with a few people
i think reading these posts will give you an understanding of how people can be and how to deal with it.
Now. of the several people that i had disagreements with , only 1 of them, i am not talking to because i have found that it’s easier to part ways and to not speak to him for the sake of peace on the forum
as for the others
in truth i thought it was going to be the same… BUT NO. we actually seem to be working it out.
i seem to have done a few things wrong when i had the best intentions and the forum took it the wrong way
perhaps you can learn from these mistakes and you can be aware of how the forum expects you to respond or… The Etiquette if you will
if you have questions ask the moderators.
a few guidelines though, since you are new
Try to avoid questions like this…
- How do i make $200 a day trading forex
- How do i get 40 pips a day
- what is the best strategy to use
- What indicator should i use
these question have 2 basic things wrong with them that newbies usually don’t pick up on.
- They are stupid and too general
- They have been answered over 100 times at least (so, asking it again shows that you have not done research before asking, and therefore it pisses people off)
Do research before you ask a question
Then come here and tell us what you’ve done
and then define your problem
also give us background information such as
- Your trading experience
- What instrument you are using
- What’s the leverage on your account
- What is your trading strategy
- where are you putting your stops and take profits
be as specific as you can because it helps us give you a better answer.
beyond that… Just be polite to people and they SHOULD be polite back to you
if they are not, give them a chance to explain themselves
if they continue being rude, approach a moderator and they’ll deal with it
Hope that helps mate
You can feel free to ask me anything… ok