Not everyone can become a trader :(

Ciao ‘Lasagna’ mi dispiace per te… Non dev’essere stato facile… Ma da quello che ci hai raccontato non so se possiamo darti consigli che veramente ti aiutino… Avresti bisogno di qualcuno che si sieda lì con te e ti faccia vedere cosa fare e cosa non fare quando ci si mette a fare il trading… Imparare da solo e con troppe speranze di poterci guadagnare abbastanza per viverci potrebbe dissanguarti ulteriormente e non risolvere il tuo problema; tuttavia, trovare un(a) maestro(/a) che ti mostri la ‘retta via’ senza volere alcunché in cambio potrebbe non avverarsi… Cosa pensi di fare? Ciao.

Lasagna, I know little of the beautiful country of Italy, however I spent a very happy week this past autumn (fall) in the equally beautiful city of Cortona.

We used trains and local taxis as our mode of transport. One thing that amazed me - the lack of taxis, we usually had to wait for 30 mins, very few spoke any English, yet this area, along with other areas close-by, have a booming Wedding business, mostly UK and Ireland, a business need big time for transport and local advice.

Just one simple idea, there are many others, the tourist industry in Italy is strong, there are many opportunities for the astute.

Another angle, we encountered many European tourists, some German, some Dutch, some English - they had one thing in common - most spoke no Italian, they all spoke English, imagine had someone explained to the couple from Germany why the Italian conductor on the train was fining them for not validating their train ticket in advance.

I am an entrepreneur, I create business out of nothing, it is what I am good at, although I must confess that I have a Partner on Whom I rely many times . The bad news is that you are only seeing the negative, you are looking at trading as the only positive, the one thing that you have invested ‘time’ in, you therefore you need to succeed, you are trying to understand why this success has not come.

In your hands you carry the very success you are looking for, you have much experience of America (I presume) and Americans, you have a good knowledge of English, you have experience of being in business, you love and know your home country, yes, you have invested some time in learning trading - use that later, it will never leave you.

I wish you well in the future, maybe, just a small suggestion, check out that Partner that I sometimes use.

I would agree that not everyone is cut out for trading, but that is not the biggest revelation. I’m pretty sure I could never be a lobster fisherman.

Staying in the game is the main thing. Its ok to take a break for a few months and come back to it when you have some ideas that you want to try out. Dont beat yourself up about it. I have given up on ideas for years before coming back to them.

Hey PipMeHappy

Non sapevo che eri Italiano… L’ultima volta che ero in Italia e’ stato nel 2009 e mi sono sentito propio un turista :frowning:
In Italia ero meccanico e ho cominciato a lavorare sulle macchine una settimana dopo che ho finito le scuole medie.

  1. Facevo il meccanico e il mio sogno era di aprire una mia officina. Lavoravo un garage a livello familiare (2 operai e il titolare) e un bel giorno il postino porta in ditta una bella letterina dove c’era una lista di codici a norma per la sicurezza e per farla corta, il mio titolare dovette chiudere il garage perche’ il costo di mettere tutto a norma costava piu di quello che guadagnava. Ovviamente (all’epoca) aprire la mia sognata officina stando alle nueve regole di legge e controlli, non mi costava piu una ventina di milioni ma quasi il doppio… Mi ando’ male!
  2. Passai a fare il camionista e sognavo di comprarmi il mio camion e mettermi in propio: Non ricordo bene l’anno ma passo una legge al parlamento che super-tassava i trasportatori e ovviamnte diminuiva il profitto quindi un alto rischio per uno che come me aveva intenzioni di investire su un bel camion nuovo per mettersi in propio… Mi ando’ male!
  3. Passai al settore metalmeccanico ed ero come un operaio della Fiat: Nessuna carriera in futuro e… Mi ando’ male!
  4. Mi presi una bella vacanza e venni negli USA dove un anno dopo, aprii una piccola azienda di restorazioni pavimenti. La ditta parti subito a bomba e pensavo finalmente di aver trovato il lavoro che mi avrebbe fruttato la pensione. Nel 2007 quando comicio’ il problema dell’economia, il primo settore che crollo negli USA, fu il mercato delle case. Ovviamente, nessuno investe a sistemare un pavimento di una casa che probabilmente verra’ pignorata dalla banca… Mi e’ andata male!
  5. Durante il periodo di calo, ho fatto dei corsi e sono diventato consulente per le credit card transaction per le aziende (che come sai, qui la carta di credito viene usata anche per comprare una caramella). All’epoca in tutta america c’erano forse 20, 25 aziende private che offrivano quel servizio. Pultroppo con il fatto che tanta gente non pagava piu i mutui, anche le banche si sono viste calare i profitti e cosa hanno fatto? Si sono messi ad offrire il credit card transaction service quasi gratis. Per le banche il profitto e’ avere i tuoi soldi in tasca loro e quindi: Mi e’ andata male!

Se vendo acqua nel deserto, comincera’ a piovere… Se vendo ombrelli nella Rain Forest, ci sara’ il sole.
Mi sa che ho un po (scusa il linguaggio) sfortuna di merda!

  1. PRESENTE… Alla fine del 2011 mi sono comiciato ad interessare al trade: Una carriera che non ha competizione, non necissita grandi investimenti per partire, non a spese sulla testa (affitti, operai, etc), puo essere fatto ovunque… Il Trade :wink:
    Nei messagi precedenti avrai letto di quanto ho studiato. Da quasi un anno che spendo 15 ore al giorno (quasi tutti i giorni) davanti al computer. Chiedimi una cosa rigurado al trade e ti rispondo pero se mi chiedi di entrare una posizione, scappa via perche sicuramente il mercato gira contro di me appena entro il trade.

Come mi dicevi, sto infatti cercando qualcuno che si metta a sedere con me e mi faccia vedere come’ che questo market mi si gira sempre contro. Qui in USA la parola “favore” non esiste e sara’ quasi impossibile che trovi qualcuno che si prenda il tempo di ore per farmi vedere cosa sbaglio e senza chiedermi un botto di soldi…
Onestamente, non vorrei essere sgarbato ma vorrei chiederlo a te questo favore. Non mi aspetto che prendi l’aereo e voli nella West Coast (comunque se vieni ti ospito) :wink:
Sarei piu che contento di fare una chiaccherata su Skype.


PS. My apologies to everyone for positing a message in different language than English. Thanx

Hi Paterna and Pipwhip… I really appreciate your effort to reply and of course, I am taking in consideration every advice.

Paterna, I am glad you liked Italy and I hope that beside the mal-functionality of the public/private transportation that Italy has to offer, you enjoyed good food and wine :wink:

I had being thinking about different ideas but same as Pipwhip said: “He could never be a lobster fisherman, I could never be a tourist guide” :wink:
I also cannot even think about start another business and for two simple reasons. The first I don’t have the money and the second, my head is not-all-there at the moment but is all in this trade thing…
I tried many careers in the past and I am not very lucky: “If I open a funeral agency, people will stop to die… If I sell water in the desert, there will be rain… and if sell umbrellas in the Rain-Forest, there will be sunshine :wink:

As I was telling in my previous messages, I am pretty broke and I need to start to make some income and I am only looking to make about $1500 a month. The idea/goal is to sell my motorcycle and put the money in the trade where hopefully I can make $75 a day (multiply by 20 trading days = $1500).

Yup… I think I will follow the advice from Pipwhip and “stay on the game” and the advice from PipMeHappy which is: As I study so much and learn practically everything about the trade, I am probably need someone that is willing to coach me in few trades and simple makes me understand my mistakes.

Again, with this post, I am taking the opportunity to ask for help… Maybe connect on Skype and possible connect the ~remote-control PC~ to see some live trading while we can talk…
Thanx to all. Ciao

In my opinion you aren’t in a position that will allow you to get anywhere in trading. It will take at least 2-3 years of full time studying and trading before you will be anywhere near consistently profitable. In the meantime you’ll need some sort of income to keep you alive. Not to mention you’ll want at least $25,000 to trade with to use proper money management if you are wanting to live off it solely as well. I’m afraid if you continue down this path in this manner, you will end up losing what little money you have left before you even get to the point where you even know what you are doing in the market. :slight_smile: but best wishes as I’m sure you will try anyways, and hope it goes better then I expect.

Phew! Depressing!

Looks like this post has had a few replies. A lot of it pretty good advice.

Like any profession, you will succeed if you are good at it…The words of Earl Nightingale. Trading is only best done if you intend to be a professional not if you just want a hobby. Hobbies are expensive…I have many, airsoft to name a few…

A lot of reading on the overall world of finance not just technical’s but fundamentals too by that I don’t mean spending hours figuring out the garbage that comes from Bloomberg but understanding the correlation between commodities, bonds and currencies, risk of a particular trade based on the economic climate, etc. Also what the market really is from a liquidity perspective and order flow. Believe it or not news does not move markets, market makers do as Rothschild so interestingly proved during the Napoleonic wars.

As you can see my knowledge of the markets is broad and does not stop with candlestick and S & R. This knowledge is easily acquired in the information age. Simply spend a lot of time reading I spend at least 3 hours a day reading books on finance and markets and an hour every morning analyzing the global basket of commodity prices, bond yields, stock indices even overall volatility indexes plus also taking a look at open interest movements (smart money).

If you are serious about trading then start doing these things applied with money management and risk management you will at least be able to trade safely. A demo only helps if you do all these things and can in no way make you profitable.

It doesn’t start and end with trend lines…Good luck Amigo! Hang in there just change your approach and stop following indicators. Learn the BUSINESS!!!

I am quite new to Forex, and my main idea (for now :-)) is to try trading Forex just for the fun of it. Sure, it sounds pretty to be able to throw a couple of trades every day and just enjoy free life, but as previously mentioned, I think this applies to a tiny percentage of people and for the time being I am not among them. But it’s still fun!! :smiley:

Thanx for replying LexiFX and Emeraldork…
Well, I do not have $25k to invest on the trade but I am nether looking to earn $1K per trade…lol…

Definitely I am looking to become a professional trader and not take it as just a hobby, otherwise I was not even being here on BabyPips and nether I was spending last year and half of my life and 15, 18 hours every day in front of the computer :wink:

I learn how to deal with my personal emotions, how to management my money with all the limits, etc, etc… but obviously, I haven’t learned and figure out why too many of my trades are going in lost, and is the reason why I am seeking for help!

Again, from all my study I noticed that some successful traders are doing what Emeraldork is doing, which is spend at least 3 hours a day reading books on finance and markets and an hour every morning analyzing the global basket of commodity prices, bond yields, stock indices even overall volatility indexes plus also taking a look at open interest movements…
BUT out there are also successful traders that just study the very basic rules of the trade, sat in front of a platform and start to make money…
Maybe lucky?.. Maybe blessed?..
Just to get an idea, please search the name “downscalper” in Youtube and watch what that guy is doing. I don’t think he spends so much time reading financial books and nether he needs an account with $25k as he trades 5 mini SP contracts at time ($2500) and it seems like he is doing pretty well…
As I am looking to earn about $1500 a month, I will be more than happy to get as those levels!

Thank you all :wink:

Observing and then creating your own method from what you learn should be the ultimate goal, rather than relying on others to provide signals.

I disagree!! Some people (myself included) can simply not learn how to trade. having professionals trade for you along with protective tools of the platform (zulutrade) can be a very good combination for good trading results.

[QUOTE=“EDDY MO;610080”]I disagree!! Some people (myself included) can simply not learn how to trade. having professionals trade for you along with protective tools of the platform (zulutrade) can be a very good combination for good trading results.[/QUOTE]

Hey man if you go into the game thinking like that you can’t expect to have any admirable results. Trading is extremely difficult in the beginning and in my opinion that’s a good thing. If you can’t withstand pain and failure in the beginning of your trading journey then maybe this isn’t for you :frowning:

[QUOTE=“PlPSTAR;610925”] Hey man if you go into the game thinking like that you can’t expect to have any admirable results. Trading is extremely difficult in the beginning and in my opinion that’s a good thing. If you can’t withstand pain and failure in the beginning of your trading journey then maybe this isn’t for you :-([/QUOTE]

Your my Hero


I couldn’t resist

[QUOTE=“pipwhip;611020”] *you’re I couldn’t resist[/QUOTE]


Lol cheers

I’d agree and disagree with this. You basically cant make anything in this game if you cant take a knock that part I agree with. I think however people need to be careful what the deem a failure to be. Blowing your first couple of accounts should not be seen a failing. This is somewhat expected and is a necessary cost of learning the business. I think a lot of new traders start with really unrealistic expectations of the returns they can achieve and what draw downs they will encounter. I think proper failures are somewhat hard to deal with but for instance loosing a 1000 account is nothing serious.

[QUOTE=“pipwhip;611043”] I’d agree and disagree with this. You basically cant make anything in this game if you cant take a knock that part I agree with. I think however people need to be careful what the deem a failure to be. Blowing your first couple of accounts should not be seen a failing. This is somewhat expected and is a necessary cost of learning the business. I think a lot of new traders start with really unrealistic expectations of the returns they can achieve and what draw downs they will encounter. I think proper failures are somewhat hard to deal with but for instance loosing a 1000 account is nothing serious.[/QUOTE]

Yep I completely agreed with you.


Sorry to hear your initial experiences of Trading have not been good. Like most people on this thread, I would advise you to stick to a demo account - until you start to make $ - consistently. Trading money consistently and successfully is not easy and requires a big investment in yourself and your emotions. For me, this is probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. One of my favourite quotes is, “Know Thyself” as the Marketplace is an expensive place to find out who you really are and how emotionally involved you are when it comes to money. Get some pro FX training, get some strategies on paper that suit your personality, work out how much you are prepared to risk and don’t change it. Keep it simple - find out what works for you. With regards to Zulu Trader, as with most other copytrader systems they are simply designed to drive trading volume from subscribers for the benefit of FX Brokers.

If this is the case, why dont you try to become a follower on zulutrade? let the profesional traders do the work for you, while you sit back and relax getting trades in a protective environment that the platform gives you.

[I][B]I wonder how much money George started with?[/B][/I]