Political Opinion

Pence should consider invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump, business ally of the president says

I quit following a LONG time ago, but when they started with that “take a knee” crap i knew i had made the right decision.


Yeah, that can happen in less then two weeks.

Trump is a danger to his own country. He shouldn’t be president for one more minute.

lots of conflicting news, one calls it a violent protest, another a riot, yet another notes how friendly the protestors and police are to each other, clearly we have agenda driven bias news reporting. Which is why I do not watch the news, I get more than I want on this forum

You get all the links you need to find the real news…:wink:

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Bitcoin just past 37K


Was it not the senate that refused to give Americans a $2000 stimulus check, Now that would be a good reason to storm the capital building, that is one protest I might even participate

You don’t see any difference in BLM protests about police brutality and race inequality that, yes, resulted in indiscriminate property destruction, to “protestors” breaking into and destroying property during an actual session of Congress to protest fake voter fraud and Trump losing? Breaking down doors while the actual government is in session debating a Presidential election? You’re worried about optics?

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Maybe there’s nuance in the world. You know, peaceful protestors, random people, right, middle, left, intermixed with a whole bunch of hooligans. All of your statements could be true.

Maybe blaming only the media needs to stop, and instead share the blame to the people who the media are reporting on. Yea, the media has an agenda, but they’re not the only ones to blame here.


the media spends billions in propaganda aimed at the left to hate the right and the right to hate the left, on that note they bare the brunt of the responsibility. but we each must also take responsibility for our own actions and understand we are being played, we are not each others enemies,

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Ok Mate - Perhaps they wont :slightly_smiling_face:

Or perhaps - just perhaps - it s YOU who are wrong ?

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I’m pretty disappointed at what is taking place - I could go down the tin foil hat route and say truck loads of antifa were bused in and causes trouble but will not

So the 24 hours of solid evidence will not be heard now and Pence (maybe correctly maybe not) refused to throw this back to the legislatures - ironically without actually hearing any evidence on the day

So it does appear now that Biden will be inaugurated (thank God I didn’t make a bet).

The issue is there are soooo many peeved off voters this is not going to be pretty.

If you think the small number of soccer mums, snowflakes, and alternate lifestyle followers wouldn’t accept Trump as president, you ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to Biden.

Plus with every passing day dithering Joe from Scranton’ gets worse.

So it really is likely Kamala is going to take charge - to be honest I don’t know much about her.

But again it’s going to be tough for her with so many questions hanging over the election.

I really think there is likely to be an implosion of the Republican party as it becomes the Maga party (even without Trump) and who knows maybe even Ivanka runs for Congress in Florida eventually.

That is unless we start to see a balkanisation of the US itself - people just are no longer going to accept getting screwed over by troughers, CCP compromised politicians, neo cons - all who have had it in for Trump from day one.

It does seem like the last days of Rome here, China are totally laughing at all this - they even arrested all the youth protestors leaders in Hong Kong just to rub it in

Anyway it is what it is, congratulations Trump haters you seem to have got what you wished for - at least the bull market in gold will be strong

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Is someone suggesting that a few dozen over zealous Trump supporters are going to burn down the enter country, The left set fire to dozens of cites over the summer and the country some how survives, I think we will get through this.

But Washington needs to take note that there are a lot of angry people with pitch forks ( both right and left) and if Washington continues this path sooner or later they will do something to piss off both the right and left and when that happens, well let’s just say have you read about the French Revolution

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Yes in exactly 2 weeks we will have a President who cannot complete a sentence and a Vice President who could not earn a single delegate in the primary , and some here wonder why we question 80 million votes for Biden

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No I see the BLM movement far worse. This Trump protest was inevitable given the crap conservatives have had to put up with from the left everyday.

Portland Antifa rioted destroyed property looted burn property, punched and kicked inocent bystanders for 50 days. That’s right 50 days. Protests by Antifa ran for weeks in other cities.

And you want to compare one protest by the right as the same as Antifa and BLM.



Two things about Trump I question.

He appears to be an appalling judge of character and despite claims to drain the swamp - it only got bigger and ultimately he’s paid the price for it.

it is fair to point to a lot of things Trump got wrong, and draining the swamp is one of them and what exactly does that mean, for me the swamp represents money, the way you drain the swamp is to cut the flow of money and Trump was never a fiscal conservative.

In the end who is sitting in the white house matters little to me, I understand their game and I plan to profit from it

I see your point but when you look at it the poor guy did not stand a chance. Right from his inauguration he was pursued by a bunch of mongrel dogs who wanted to get him out of office by any means.

Russia Gate Impeachment his tax returns. It was never ending.




Yes fair point - money is going to be made as the dollar debasement narrative goes from strength to strength.

Correct Trump isn’t a fiscal conservative but what will be ushered in will be an absolute fiasco for the US.

The bolshivieks hardly knew how to run a country and I expect the same with this lot.

I also expect a lot of infighting as the squad and the white male and privileged contingent go head to head.

Probably big fallout for Taiwan, Australia and Hong Kong too from all this as China starts flexing it’s muscles big time

It is what it is though and I personally need to turn my attention away from the past few months.