The Simple Truth To S&R Trading

Kinda made my eyes bleed :smiley:


Yeah, nice question there that do I actually see price? Let me ask you back a question. Who told you only clean chart can make money? Text book trader? Text book not a professional full time trader I think. Continue with your naive mindset. If text book taught you something great, then there are not so many failed trader then. I don’t mind that. No wonder you says S/R don’t works. Now it make sense after you shows something.

Thinking a clean chart or EA could earn you money equals to working out a business without an effort.

Don’t worry, I am one of them back couple years ago as well.

Thanks mate. Only amateur don’t know how to respect those lines and don’t know what it is all about. Just like one of those who quote with Clean Chart. Those line is the most important to me on my career.

1 more tips might help. Real life example. You saw a river, inside the river are full of gold but there are a lot of crocs as well. So will you jump in when you see all those crocodiles? Of course you won’t, right?

Professional trader don’t trade clean chart, they trade clean area.

Mr. Lord Piper,
Know why I say can I see the price is a good question? My answer is I don’t look the area that I can’t see the price. Don’t tell me those crap clean chart stories. Clean chart is for amateur, only clean area is for professional.

Never said that only clean charts can make money either. I’ve said that urs are kinda look like a trip vision, and was concerned that if you manage to see the price. Messy charts, messy minds… :slight_smile:
Yup, i will continue with my lame clean charts :stuck_out_tongue:
And never said s/r dont work. I’ve said that the conventional application of its faulty :wink: Dude, that’s why i’m wondering that if u actually manage to see the price… At least look at a response before u reply :D… Ah yea, and try to not mention professional 5 times in every post of urs, it makes you seem like a bit trying too hard… BTW i know industry guys who are able to amass pretty good amounts of roi with a single EMA on their charts. Now there are those who don’t even require that. And example is the thread openers father. Mike(aka ICT) is a very good trader with a very simple approach(on the charts at least,the whole messy cot op and the rest of that analysis salad in my opinion is a different matter) for example. Cause you are confirming the price with an indi, not the other way around.


And here’s a picture of a pair of shoes

darn… let me dig my history back a bit farther… :stuck_out_tongue: I need to prove myself with this challenge… :smiley:

You don’t have to prove nothing bro. We all all free to express our opinions but expect to be critiqued by those that have a different view. S/R are very important to me but as I’ve demonstrated else where I view S/R as zones rather than a specific level. They have an uncanny success rate. But that’s how I see my chart. What tools and how you use them at the end of the day is up to the individual speculator. At the end of the day they answer only to themselves.

But this,

Haha. If price action [I]actually[/I] presented an edge over the market, here is what you would see:

Price would immediately shoot off in the direction implied by the price action signal. Much like when a news release comes out, Wall Street would pour money into and take it out of the market with their superior speed and access. You would blink after a pin bar closed on your chart and price would jump 50, 100, 200 pips. If you tried to enter you’d get enough slippage on your entry and exit to outweigh whatever profit.

If there was an edge, it would evaporate almost instantly. Thinking that others with more money, intelligence, and speed than you would essentially just leave money on the table is foolish. This goes for all trading methods and systems.

If you don’t agree with the above, then you don’t understand the fundamental principles upon which markets operate. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you can stop gambling in the Forex market under the guise of having some sort of “system.”

I was being sarcastic. And shot that up as a point that i can stand behind what i’m saying. But that was pretty pointless anyways.

True that… But by the tones of the answers,and the quality of the logical explanations behind them, you can pretty well guess the desperation of the person behind it. :slight_smile: But no matter what you hear, you still have to listen, because nobody knows everything, so kinda in trading you must grow and learn each day, no matter how good you are. Hence i’m reading to the depth every post here and weighing it from an objective perspective.

If you have success with it, then i’m happy for you. It’s an individual sport. :slight_smile:

That’s what i love about the markets. You get instant feedback about how “right” you are according to circumstances.

Too good to be true? :wink:


I am not of the opinion that price action itself gives those who have it an edge. But you do realize that major market participants in the forex take losses willingly yes?

Currency hedgers take winnings from exposure in business transactions and transfer them to traders. This includes major corporations, financial institutions, central banks, and governments. They are losing money on purpose in the same way that individuals lose money on purpose when they buy car insurance. You may spend $1000 on insurance this year and file no claims whatsoever. But you do so to protect yourself against uncertainty. You short your car by betting on a crash with the insurance company and lose on the short. But you do it anyway because you went long on your car when you bought it. The two positions actually cancel each other out minus the premium. You took both of those positions without the slightest consideration for market trends. But you are smart not foolish. Currency hedgers are the same and they are the bread and butter of the forex trader (be he/she institutional or retail).

So when we see a major market top followed by a big crash we need not worry that some poor bloke lost big by being the last one to go long. That bloke just may have been hedging a short position that won all the way down that crash and made up for the loss. And he may have been happy to take those positions the whole time as his profitability came not through forex trades, but from enterprise operations.

And so long as I am on this rant: This is my complaint with Sentiment indexes. While they capture the net long/short position of a given pool of traders, they are completely blind to the net long/short positions of the participants with positions in other pools or outside the forex entirely. The thinking of traders betting against net positions in these indexes is that the number of potential buyers or sellers has run out as the pool becomes more net long or short. But that would only be true if that pool of traders was the whole of all market participants and it is not and that is why the net long/short position of that pool is not reliable as tradable information.

The whole idea of derivatives futties in the beginning was as an insurance for the producers/industrialists.
And you can never really capture the fx sentiment(decentralized), since nobody really have a clue who’s taking what positions except their own pool. But if you really into sentiment trading you can always check the centralized futties positions, they can give you a pretty good idea where are the big boys positioning them selves and the major market waves are usually moving to the opposite. Larry Williams wrote a book about it, i think it was: trading the market with the insiders.


Well that’s really the dumbest thing I have read all day, I would say all month as well but its only the 1st.

Makes me think of the Billy Madison Quote
what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I love this. But you understand that’s fundamental principal, therefore it means technical avoiding those. Nobody read price action during high impact, because those only for gamblers.

OMG this guy Piper came here from another forum, didn’t get attention looking for new victims to express his professional trading :slight_smile: keep it to urself u silly

This is actually how smart money trades they go to level of interest spends there 1-2 days to accumulate orders and use big news impact days like todays ECB press conference to do their business :))

I’m aware. What does that have to do with all of the speculators who are attempting to predict market direction rather than hedging their currency risk?

Lol, ok bud. That’s how markets work. You’re a moron if you think Wall Street is going to leave “free money” on the table for you to pick up. When presented with the following situation:

  1. An edge may exist.

  2. The amount of money necessary to correct the inefficiency in the market exists, and in the hands of those faster than me.

2 is almost always true for the time frames people like to gamble on. Then 1 must be false, unless we are so arrogant as to believe we are the only market participant who can see said inefficiency.

Thanks, but I don’t need the mercy of your sky fairy. Hope there’s still something left for your family after you’re done being played for a fool in the world’s biggest casino.

jadd806. Doctor Bob here bro. Got pills for all occassions. Prepared this pack for you my friend