Will you be alive in 2078?

That is the question. Will you be alive in the year 2078, which is 61 years from now? For me, chances are, I might just about be alive then,if I’m very lucky, by then I would be 95 years old. Automatically, though, no one alive today would live up to the year 2100, unless they are children or younger. And how would you imagine the future then ?

I won’t be around then.

But, why did you focus on that particular year? Do you expect something specific to happen then?


I’ll be 110… hang on… no I won’t… I’ll be home for a small animal…

No particular reason. I simply heard it on some ad on the radio, I could choose any point in the future.

Strange question, I must say… I’d like to think that by that time I’ll still be on this planet, but that’s not up to me)

Wahaha I still b around also in this planet, but hv to dig mi out cos I’m Rip… Hahaha

If I’m alive - then good, if I’m not - well, it won’t be my problem :smiley: But, I’m curious to see what the future holds. It’s been so much the past few decades, I can’t imagine what’s next

I guess that the technology would be evolved and robots will serve people. :57:

Hmm… very interesting question… That’s impossible to predict, perhaps by that time mankind will think of a way to prolong human life and everyone will become immortal, as they say, we’ll live and see.

I hope the elixir of immortality or something enabling me to live up to 300 years will have been invented by 2078) But even at this age I’d like to live a healthy life-style and be in the right mind.

YUP i’ll be around !

Cigareets and Whiskey and Wild Wild WOmen - They’ll drive you crazy - they’ll drive you insane !

Lovely way to go ! :relaxed:

knowing my character I do not think

I hope so.
Chances are quite Good if I leave my City Life and Start living a Fresh Nature.
Btw, If I’ll be Alive I’ll be just 76 years. Btw, What’s happening in 2078?

Nothing, I just picked it up from a radio advert on Natural Gas mentionong that year.

I hope I’ll stay alive, but, as the saying goes, time will show. In fact it’s really interesting what the world is going to be like in the future and what other technologies are going to be invented.)

I don’t think so, cause I have a weak heart.

No anyone know how long time their life will ended, although now you felt sure will alive for 2078 or more, but eventually will only waiting life become death, everyone that has soul will felt of dead and never denied if time already come.

Who flagged this, perfectly sensible answer

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It’s an interesting date; you know something you do not want to tell us, don’t you?) I’ll do everything in order to live and even be active at this age.