Political Opinion

America is importing its psephological skills from Africa, now, apparently: an election mapping platform built by Kenyan developers is being used to track possible voter intimidation and violence in the US election.

As of right now if trump wins the states he is currently leading a landslide in he will have over 270 electoral votes and will be the next president

Is it to late to buy contracts of brick and mortar I see a huge increase in demand coming soon. Something about a wall

Lexy, your presumption was correct. I expected a landslide for Trump in the popular vote, which did not happen. So, my prediction was that Trump and Clinton would split the vote 55% / 45%, ignoring the 5% of the vote cast for the “also rans”.

Obviously, my prediction was way off.

As Yogi Berra famously said, “It’s hard to make predictions. Especially about the future.”

Coincidentally, the Electoral Vote ([I]currently[/I] Trump 276 / Clinton 218) is split almost exactly 55% / 45%. But, I wasn’t trying to predict Electoral Votes.

If the [I]remaining[/I] 44 Electoral Votes are allocated the way they are trending, the final tally will be Trump 306 / Clinton 232. That would be a final split of 56.9% / 43.1% — a result that bears no resemblance to the razor-thin margin in the popular vote.

Looks like everyone significantly underestimated the Trump Effect (and/or maybe elements of the Clinton Effect, too!). Your forecast was actually one of the [I]most[/I] accurate I’ve seen. :cool:

What we should expect after these elections? How will be the internal and external politics of USA?

The transfer of power from Obama to Trump will occur about 70 days from now.

[B]Regarding policies:[/B] Trump has promised to hit the ground running with plans and policies that amount to a massive reworking of the federal government.

In the most general terms, Trump aims to (1) revive the economic engine that is the U.S. economy, and (2) approach international relations in a more clear-eyed and hard-nosed way, dictated by America’s national interest.

Between now and Inauguration Day in January, the broad outlines and specific details of those plans will be made known.

[B]Regarding politics:[/B] The Democrats can be relied on to (1) whine that Trump’s election was illegitimate, (2) demand that Trump govern only with the advice and consent of the Democrat Party, and (3) use every possible parliamentary maneuver to oppose Trump’s initiatives.

As for specific details, Stay tuned.

Trump and Pence on election night



One-way flights to Canada for disillusioned Hillary supporters



Dear Lord! — Will we [I][B]ever[/B][/I] be rid of the Clintons?

Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run


[B]Clint[/B], now will come good times for USA and the world?

This question is similar to the one you asked 4 days ago.

At that time, I gave you my opinion. It hasn’t changed. For now, it’s all I have in the way of opinions.

I’m not a fortune-teller. I can’t predict the future.

In a few years, history will provide the answers to both of your questions.

I believe that some profound changes are coming in the way the U.S. government is run.

And I [I]hope[/I] that these changes will bring prosperity and peace — the “good times” you refer to.

Edit (Monday 11/14):

Here is [B]a good article[/B] from yesterday’s [I]Washington Post[/I] on the rejection of the Establishment in many countries around the world. Donald Trump is part of this worldwide movement, but he didn’t start it.

The writers at the [I]Washington Post[/I] — a left-leaning newspaper not known for saying positive things about conservatives or their agendas — are clearly wringing their hands over the Trump victory, and its broader implications. We conservatives, on the other hand, can celebrate the fact that anti-establishment sentiment is gaining traction around the world.

In this article, you’ll find a more complete answer to your question, than the one I gave you.


The following article by Thomas Lifson appeared in [I]The American Thinker[/I] on April 30, 2015. It gives a brief explanation of a portion of the money-laundering scam run by The Clinton Crime Family Foundation, using offshore collection points to receive untraceable donations to the Foundation from unidentified foreign donors.

[B]The Clinton Foundation as a money-laundering scheme[/B]

As far as I’ve been able to determine, this is an original-source document.

Nine days before the November election, a similar piece appeared in a blog called [I]GlockTalk,[/I] and was subsequently emailed around in the Pro-Second-Amendment community. This piece purports to be a transcript of an interview with Dr. Charles Krauthammer on the Bill O’Reilly show.

Some people have questioned the authenticity of this transcript, and have claimed that Dr. Krauthammer has not confirmed that these are his words. With that disclaimer in mind, you might nevertheless be curious to read this blog version, and you can do so HERE.


I have copied-and-pasted this article from msn.com, which reprinted it from The Washington Post.


Justice is served by the appointment of Jeff Sessions

The Washington Post
Ed Rogers

© Samad Jewel/AFP/Getty Images - Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)

MSN Editor’s note: The opinions in this article are the author’s, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of the lefties at MSN or Microsoft, or the views of the wussy snowflakes who typically read our crap.

Donald Trump’s appointment of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general does a lot to signal the president-elect wants a no-nonsense, by-the-book Justice Department. Sessions has been my friend for 30 years and my senator for 20 years. His Justice Department will not meddle with local governments, it will be respectful and deferential to state legislatures and it won’t look to make trouble with universities, school systems or private businesses.

Importantly, Sessions’s appointment tells the United States’ beleaguered law enforcement agencies help is on the way. It also shows Trump wants to strike a blow to the corrosive, pretentious, sanctimonious political correctness his voters soundly rejected on Nov. 8.

By making the appointment, Trump is confirming he dismisses the residual effects of the decades-old smear campaign the Democrats ran against Sessions when his nomination to be a federal judge was before the Senate for confirmation in 1986. It turns out the gods — with Donald Trump’s help — are continuing to vindicate Sessions, who was attacked with condescending stereotypes Southerners and fair-minded people everywhere reject. Because of the Democrats’ efforts to discredit him, Sessions wasn’t confirmed — but that same man was elected to the Senate, served with distinction on the Senate Judiciary Committee and now, it appears, will be America’s next attorney general.

It is also safe to assume that Sessions will be in the first chair when it comes to advising Trump on judicial appointments, and you can be sure that he will recommend real judicial scholars — proven conservative judges and lawyers who have practical experience and a common-sense approach to interpreting the law as it is written and as it was intended. Laws will be enforced — not created — in a Sessions Justice Department.

Jeff Sessions will be one of the adults in the room. He is tireless, studious, good-natured and a patriot.
He does Alabama proud. Roll Tide!


Here’s the msn.com article.

Trump wins Michigan’s 16 electoral votes, state board says

Final Electoral Vote total: Trump 306 - Clinton 232

Here is a graphic showing county-by-county election results:
Trump red - Clinton blue.


‘Madam President’ Newsweek Copies for Sale, but Beware — NBC News


A portion of the Kissinger interview on [I]Face The Nation[/I] (Sunday, December 18) —

Here is a longer (18½ minute), unedited clip of the same interview:


With 304 votes, Electoral College seals Donald Trump’s election as president

Los Angeles Times article

After all the Democrat attempts to intimidate and threaten Electors pledged to Trump
— in order to pressure them to switch their votes to Hillary Clinton —
Donald Trump actually increased his lead in the electoral count by 3 votes over Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s edge after the General Election (November 8): 306 - 232 = 74 electoral votes.

Trump’s edge after the Electoral College vote (December 19): 304 - 227 = 77 electoral votes.

Two Trump Electors failed to vote for Trump. But, 5 Clinton Electors failed to vote for her.

Not the outcome desired by the Democrats who bombarded Trump Electors with
hate-mail, menacing phone calls, intimidating internet postings, and death threats.

The lunatic fringe of the Democrat Party is not populated by rational people.


Most lunatic fringes, Republican or Democrat, are populated by people who may be linked to moon phases.