1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Guys, did you seriously had to take up two pages with a personal argument? Let’s use PM next time. Thanks.

xXTrizzleXx: I’m here to help teach people about vsa, and that’s what I’ve done.

I noted weakness in the chart that day, and it went down to .50-61.8 fib, just as I marked in the picture. Then Procrast posted in here that buyers came back in there…the usual routine.

I’ve been hanging around forum this afternoon and find this chart, it looks really interesting and I would like to share here. The chart is from someone from forexfactory, he’s friend of mine.

This could well be my target in next 5, 6 weeks as it takes on lot of confluences: 168 fib extension, butterfly and pitchfork… mmm Some food for thought :smiley:

btw Pete, could you have a look at UJ, i see SM are re-accumulating there and looking to go long. Do I see that right?

Hey Luiz, sure I’ll take a look when I get on the proper computer. Since the issue of tick volume was brought up AGAIN, Luiz…why don’t you tell these folks…

I think Trizzle has some misunderstanding here. You can see my chart, hope that clarify a bit what Pete was trying to say/ was looking for
Certainly that day, when Pete looking for short, sellers did come in and pushing price down, but they buyer buying on dip again with higher volume, so they reaccumulating again that day during the news, I don’t see any problem, this was expected.

Pete expected that this 4350 would be the high for this week because he didn’t think they would move up again on friday on very aggressive manner, but we saw buyer on dip again at typical 50%, so after seeing that, new high on Friday is no surprise really. I was trading with Pete that day, we didn’t make any trade because of the messy PA, who would’ve traded that day really.
I think it’s markup phase, not distribution phase Nero :smiley:
I have nothing to say but Pete has helped me to become trader I’m today…

btw, here is the UJ chart:

I wasn’t able to make any trades on Friday either. Way too messy. In fact, I get up on Fridays now expecting not to make any trades. If one comes along great. If not, I don’t care because I’ve already expected not to take any anyway. Once you get it into your head that you don’t need to take any on any given day, your profitability goes way up I have found. I look to not take trades as opposed to looking to take one.

@Hoss: You are right, Hoss, staying outside is also a trading position.
I made a losing trade on Friday because of that, I couldn’t help but have to at least take one trade per day lol

not able to understand. can you give example on the real chart

That chart looks pretty mixed Luiz. Sure, the highest Volume is buying on that dip, but there is also weakness…shown in high volume up bars. I’m not willing to bet on which direction it’s going to break.

Well… There was alot supply… I didn’t like it. It could be little distribution… Still. I had little idea, that there was so much supply, that price would go lower and then make new high… But can’t really predict. Well, at least it went to that 1.44…

Thursday plus friday… I took only one trade. Thursday… Just before news, I took little long. Going against backround. Was risking only 0.5 %… Then I saw something (I don’t remember what), and I decided to put stop closer… So I was risking only 0.3 %… That trade was fail. Bad timing on that one, since price went up.

Friday, no trades. I didn’t think that woulda happen really.

This week I made… Was it 7 %? I don’t know… Don’t really care. As long as my trading week is profit, I’m fine with it. If I have loosing week, I would think whole weekend what went wrong… And weekends are supposed to be rest days… lol… So I don’t want to have loosing weeks. XD

Agreed about not trading Fridays. I stopped a long time ago, but then traded Friday a couple weeks ago. It was the only loss that week lol.

“NeroKoso likes”.

hahaha, nice. Careful with that like button. :smiley:


Come to Skype and we drink those shots. :smiley:

Possibility for monday:

good morning, trading the gap now lol

Up 46% since March 16 trading at 2.5%. Silly how easy this is.

2.5% risk per trade?

If any of you guys are on Skype during the NY session let me know. Wouldn’t mind trading with somebody. Gets a little boring between trades. PM me and let me know how and where. Thanks…