1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

THIS is why I don’t take breakouts…my condolences to the sheep.

Sell volume is low…might be the shakeout I’m waiting for.

Got in long at test of blue line, .50 fibb. Closed some at +22…letting the rest run locked at break even.

I closed the rest of e/u long at resistance for +40 pips. Plan executed. :smiley:

Notice on this entry we did not see stopping volume on a down move, BUT the chart shows Smart Money positions heavily weighted to the buy side…AKA “background Strength”.

Has the EURUSD just had a shakeout? Nice pin bars with volume on the 1 hr. If so what is the trigger to go long? (My snagit trial has expired and I cannot post pics until my software gets here in a few days.)

Looks like 1.3540 support is holding…move up from there. Would have been nice to see more volume at that level, so it’s not perfect, BUT there is alot of buying in the background which should be enough. I’m already in two other trades, so not talking it.

Volume was generally low today. We saw stopping volume at support on eu. The same support area from yesterdays charts, BUT it wasn’t enough Volume for me to take the long. If it retests the support again, I’ll be looking to enter there…if volume agrees.

Looks like 1.3450 support is holding…

I suppose you really mean 1.3540? Maybe a bleary eyed typo?

lol, yeah it was a typo sorry…1.3540 is the support area.

Your analysis is correct. One key ingredient was seeing the pins at Murry Math resistance on high volume. If volume was low in that area, it could have continued up.

So to summarize: The move up was littered with pins on top, showing selling into the up move

Price met resistance with 3 pins in a row, high volume, which showed enough selling activity to reverse the move.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Good day!
Had this trade in the morning. noticed buyng preasure near the muray math line so decided to go up with the money :slight_smile: nice +11

There you have it…

Behold, the power of VSA…

How do you trade this? What is your trigger? With the three previous pins I would be looking for a drop instead of a rise.

Hi Petefader,

I’d like to apply volume to my trading. For what I understand, if we see high volume at an important suppport/resistance area, does that increase the chances for a reversal?


VSA is a way of discovering what big money is doing. It’s a method, not a system. If you tried to apply exact trigger conditions to VSA, it would be counter productive.

If 1hr VSA says a double bottom, with high volume buying…you can even use a smaller TF system to get you in that direction.

If you are taking about the pins at fib that would make you think drop…look at the low volume…its not reversal volume there, no stopping Volume. at the end of the chart, you see stopping volume.

I laid out this week on EU 1hr VSA, to show you that you can UNDERSTAND what is moving the market, and know WHY. It is the complete opposite of a blind indicator system.


If it pins off s/r, then chances are even better. Double bottom with second bottom a big pin is VSA heaven.

Great! Thank you.

I’ve also seen that there are no particular levels of high/low volume to consider. They’re relative to the previous volume showed in the market, am I right?

I’d like to know your opinion about this chart and my volume indicator.

Red circles (in price and indicator) show high volume and pin bars touching a trendline, in wich case a reversal was made. (I didn’t trade those BTW)

Now in the green circle I shorted eur/usd with my method, but speaking about volume, I don’t see a hint of it being a good signal. Am I right reading volume?

To your first question, yes.

At your red circled trendline pins, notice that the volume is very high, and sticking up above the recent range.

looking at the green circled area, you do not see that [I]higher than the range [/I]volume.

There was obivously [I]some [/I]selling pressure since we see it maintain generally high volume with no further up move, and some rectracement. I dont see it having a substanial down move off there. As of now, that accumilation off the bottom has played out for the day, and not hit large selling, so another stab at that level should come soon…for a double top, or continuatioin up if sellers are again not biting in large numbers.

The last red area…not much of a selloff, considering all the buy volume behind this move.

Buyers should be looking for a retrace to gather up more longs before another test of the high. I may look to get long on that retrace, if volume agrees.

Also, I’ll be looking for lower volume on a test of 1.3678 area and a continuation up OR, high volume to create a double top there, and a short entry.