1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Um… but you marked NO SUPPLY! … Why? //EDIT: Oh… I get it. Sorry.

2ProCrast: When did you enter then? I know you predicted this but the price went even lower than the 61 fib level, would that still be a valid entry? thanks.

Thanks for that. So the 50 and 61 fib lines on the up move were resistance levels for the retrace for the previous upmove. I understand that.

I saw another high volume bar, that would indicate SM move? - I thought it was likely to be a short position - the previous upmove, the area of weakness - at the moment the trade is 5 pips in profit. When I see these high volume bars, I can also tell myself it is SM long position - but in my mind less likely because SM has already entered long previously.

  1. I didn’t enter, I was asleep this morning. But as is said elsewhere in this thread, you’re looking for high volume rejection at S/R, then finding an entry on the 5m via a NS/ND. Enpoint already posted a few such examples from today.

  2. S/R holding is a pre-requisite for entry. Wouldn’t you say that’s what happened here?

  1. Nobody is predicting here. What I posted was a likely scenario that would be highly tradable based on the background. That exercise allows one to better plan what areas to watch the following day, and which direction to favor.

goldenmember: To be honest, I don’t know. You don’t trade the way I do. You’re looking hard for signs of SM activity and trading without a directional bias. For me, that would lead to frustration and overtrading.

We’re certainly at resistance right now:

Maybe your short will work out, but personally I’d see this more as a place to exit a long than a place to get in short. It’s also kind of late in the day for my taste.

Pr0crast - you’re certainly better than me at trading, so you’re probably right. But as you say: this looks like to be resistance - there looks to be a pin bar, there looks to be higher volume - so all the signs were pointing to a short.

You’re entirely correct. All the bars marked are NS. I basically just woke up when I wrote the posts. I tend to do that often.

Nice posts…love the shark! lol

Goldenmember, I think you should study some past entries in the thread. You can start from the end and go backwards.

Sir I am following this thread in babypips and forexfactory since last two years but I am not posting here. but I have become a big fan of volume and you because volume is the only thing after price which tells you about the possible reversal or continuation and the professional value. I am trading with fibonacci relationship trendlines and price divergence. and I have recently added vsa with but I am not know to VSA too much so I would request you mention some high probablity trades with fibonacci relationship and vsa. because I just win 200 pips trading eur/aud trading with trendline and fibo but I want to master VSA to setup some high probability trades so please help me with that

Well, you guys were right the price went up this morning, fortunately closing at the US close meant there was some profit, but it was no place to short.

ok - I have been re-reading through - and surely this on cable is a VSD setup? An uptrend, with a pullback to the 50-61 fib area, and high volume on downbars, plus a pinbar indicating resistance? Was up 10 pips, but waiting it through.

GBP/USD 5 min

Took 31pips off that trade because I didn’t want to watch it. At about the same time there was this on eur/usd - I suppose this is a no supply, but bouncing off the 23 fib, that I suppose you wouldn’t classically trade:

EUR/USD 5 min

Goldmember, could you try and get the Currency and the price and timeframe on your chart, it helps everyone, thanks.

One possibility for this week:

2Goldmember: Actually, the bar you highlighted is a NO DEMAND. Indicating no interest in the upside - and with weaknes in the background it would indicate that price is ready to move down.

Guys, sorry for correcting y’all but I hope it will make things more clear for people who are learning VSA. I know we don’t stress the terminology in this thread too much but the basics should be clear. :slight_smile:

And because I also want to share something, here is my trade from today. It was a bounce from colliding trend line and fib. I entered on the NO SUPPLY highlithed with the blue arrow and exited right below 32 FIB for nice 40 pips. My stop loss was somewhere below the 23 FIB giving a me nice R/R ratio.

Could anyone review this trade and check if it was done accordingly to VSA? Did I draw the 1h trendline correctly? Thanks guys… Still learning :slight_smile:

Good stuff but technically the no supply entry is when a candle closes above the high of the ns candle. In this case 6 candles later.

Thanks! I didn’t know that. Gotta write that down. :slight_smile:

Does it though? Its surely the trend and where the smart money bought that indicates whether it was no supply and no demand. Whether or not the bar was an upbar or a downbar, when the smart money stopped buying (the volume decreased), there was no-one interesting in selling - hence no supply. Isn’t the critical thing here that there is a narrow candle body because very few people are interested in shorting or taking profits at this stage. In this case, very few were interested in selling and were exhausted by the time the the next candle had finished, and the price marked up quickly.

Honestly, I don’t know. According to VSA it is a NO DEMAND. And I would ignore it in this specific case. It certainly does not confirm strenght since it is sign of weakness. It is a contradicting sign and it makes the previous sign of strength less reliable.

That’s just my personal opinion. I have very little experience so maybe someone else should set this straight :).

Erased the reply I had earlier because I didn’t want to get people get hung up on terms. That bar would be a “No buying pressure - NBP” and would indicate weakness. It was confirmed with the next bar and then invalidated by the buying - bring price back to the NBP close.

Thanks for your input EnPoint. We are all glad you are contributing to this thread so please continue. I honestly don’t care about the terms because I understand what you mean most of the time, I was just imagining how hard it could be for a newbie when the terms get mixed up. Thanks for the explanation. :]