1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

As long as everyone can understand the relationship between price & volume and always have set in your brain that this is supply & demand (certain levels will be protected or ran right through) at its finest… then we’ll do just fine.

I’ve settled to trading VSA by just scalping trend continuation patterns on the 15m, it’s a great way to trade VSA, the setups are easy to spot and they are so reliable it really is quite amazing.

I am sorry but if you can post the easy setups while trading VSA on 15m chart I am new to VSA so I am looking some easy setups to watch out everytime for high probability trades

thanks for the post though


EUR/USD 5min

Again, price went to 61 fib line. Seemed like a setup, but I was unsure that there was a definite trend up. Should I have traded this on VSA?
Scary to see it go down 15 pips straight away. Was this trade invalidated because it was so far away from the high volume, or because the candle closed slightly under the 61fib line? Up 20 pips atm.

Give it a go, I tell you what I think if it’s right or wrong.

Take the time to read through the post. All the setups are laid out in this thread.


same set up as before. One question - where is best to set target prices? There’s a lot on entries, but do you exit at stopping volume? Or a predetermined amount of pips? Or at fib levels?

Stopping volume is a good exit strategy.

You have to keep your eyes open at all times to all areas of possible support/resistance. Look at how price broke out of that range and then came back to the red line on declining volume, suggesting no demand. It still appears you are trying to top/bottom pick without waiting for confirmation bars or waiting for a trend to be established. You’re just hoping to get a short ride from here to there… you’re not gonna ride this thing till the wheels fall off LOL

Next buying opportunity (for me), was when price broke above one of my S/R levels then came back onto it on No Supply. Learn to spot these pullbacks on low volume, these are almost guaranteed. Purplepatch trades only these setups because they are so profitable in nature.

Thank you Enpoint, do you also get the feeling of being a bit of Cassandra and the words ‘falling on deaf ears’ keep coming to mind.

Haha it would seem so. Also why I’m trying to give these guys a rod and not just the fish. But some people … :confused:

I use SV or atleast a 1:1 RR.

The setups I have seen seem to be:

  1. Likely continuation of the trend, pullback to 50 fib and bounce on higher volume
  2. Continuation of the trend, no supply/demand indicating no interest in bucking the trend
  3. Higher volume at previous resistance level which leads to a double top/bottom

Is that one type of trade, or a number of different ones, the reason I ask is that it’s not clear you see, and if it’s not clear to me, is it clear to you?

edited 3 different set ups

I see what you mean now.

Are there any more obvious ones? Although thats plenty - usually at least a few of these set ups per day.

IMO, it gets pretty subjective after those setups you mentioned (and entries become more aggressive).

Could you explain this to me a little deeper? I don’t understand this :(. What exactly is “pullback on volume”? Which part of your chart is that?
The price collapsed down after this, so where would you buy?

There was a push through supply. The red arrows shows buying going on (the 3rd bar is a confirmation bar to me of the buying - another up bar on STEADY increasing volume). The higher volume didn’t play out to be sellers (there was no confirmation - price just slid down on low volume). My S/R lines are my bread and butter so it would’ve been a nice trigger for me. While price did come down after that, thats a whole 'nother story once you get there. You have a two-bar reversal on equal volume - suggestive of sellers. Its an aggressive entry and I don’t see a safe one after that.

Tom Williams mentioned in MTM that VSA is best applied to intermediate trends. Get in; get out!!