1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Nope, we didn’t see high volume at .50 and 61.8 and there it goes breaking through. Buyers in control now…look at 1hr close…on EU also.

I’m off to bed, safe trading. :slight_smile:

Yes, buy in control.
How do you enter at this point? Wait for retracement?
I suppose I have to use the other mothod of retracements ove or around 21EMA.
supported by vol.
wwoooowww just spiked! :smiley:

I entered on both GBPUSD and EURUSD at the very very bottom…
after in the 5 min and 1 min I saw pin with high volume and bullish close.
At such moment I forgot to look into the 1h chart.
This was an awesome setup, since it’s a retest of yesterday low!!!
High vol entered and…
I just got out after 27 pips on both, and not after 90!
1 thing per time, this is promising.


I wander if your broker/chart show an unusual spike in vol last night at about 2:15 GMT time.
If so how to interpret.
I’m looking at AUDUSD, AUDJPY

Like you were saying Peter, there has been a huge spike in vol right before London Open in the EURUSD.
A spike through resistanceon the way up triggered some huge selling orders.
Like double the average orders in the 15M and 10 times in the 5M time frame.
I wander if it’s my broker… or it’s a sign that here nobody passes through.

I opened another Demo account so to double check and it’s indeed my broker.
This needs to be sorted out.
Comments are very welcome.

My original Broker

New Demo account

I finaly finished moving, and computers are up and running. :smiley:

If you see something out of the ordinary on your volume, it’s best to check another broker…might not be real.

My first trade today…[/IMG]

BE hit…bad time of day to be trading. Better to wait for London if I can stay up, if not there’s always new york.

edit: I didnt mean to delete the last post. I thought I was quoting it, but I was editing it. oops! :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll post some more setups soon anyway.

Analyze EURUSD yesterday, let’s say from the day before, the top to yesterday.
I tried trading with no luck.
2 days ago I did some good pips, yesterday I lost.

Point is if you look at the chart like if it was live you see that from EU open things got pretty confused. I mean there was a “war” between higher and lower prices, and the stock market was totally interconnected with this pair.

If the stock markets were going up then the pair was going down and vice versa. There was huge volume in the up, and in the down, and it seemed to me that none had decided yet where it was gonna go, here the confusion meaning that the pair could go up 50 pips in 20 minutes and then down the same on very high vol leaving you confused about the big picture. Who knew SPX was going down to 1093, from 1015 moving currencies with it??

For example there was a double if not triple bottom on EURUSD, but it it was going to hold wasn’t determined by anything I had seen before, even if there was huge buying because it was more the change of perspective and the sudden lack of buying that could revert it any moment like when it happened during the bounces up.

OK, so some master comments :smiley: are welcome.
New house? in NY?

E/U yesterday was rangy, back and forth moves with stopping volume. You can trade the range.

Im long G/J, buyers on the dips…

Would you say that the price and vol action of today are common ones?
Just like any other trading day?
Just to understand…
I’m on the GBPUSD… huge bars up and down…
Either 2 parts are fighting or they play with mouse clicks…

ahh, by the way, Martin Cole suggests a 90 pips take profit from the very bottom of the move, unless on the way appears signs of weakness, first target 45 to unload half or nothing.

Out +40, stopping volume here.

There has not been anything particularly strange. Maybe you are used to the big trends we’ve been having, and things are ranging more now, as you see buyers and sellers closer to each other price wise. New traders tend to think a week or two, or even a month can represent what they will “usually” have to deal with, not so…the market goes through phases and you have to adapt with it, and try to stay ahead.

About the 90 pips thing…targets based on pip count, and not what your chart tells you, makes no sense. It just doesn’t work that way.

I’m short. The move up was stopped with very high volume at 61.8 fibb. Now we are seeing low volume buy interest on this retrace.

Risking about half of what I made on the last trade so I’ll stay in profit for today.

It was indeed a wild trade.
I mean the one you/I were stopped out.
All like a story… who brought up the market needed to buy al they could. They went down on purpose to collect stops, fearful etc etc.
Then in 2 minutes… +60pips!

It simply couldn’t have been all that buying, and power gone just like that. In fact, it was just a story.
I went out before the stop, at the crossing of the bottom.
Lesson learned.

Not sure about the lack of buying.
A move like that left everybody annihilated. Buyers, sellers.
It’s like everybody got hurt, nobody wants to trade anymore!
Maybe it’s retracing a bit.

Ah, the art of the exit…takes time. Best thing is to stick to a target that makes sense on the chart, and see how price reacts when it gets there. If you have reason to close, then close…if it keeps going so be it. I got 38 pips on that with a 20 pip SL…fine with me.

Ha, you could be right. Keeping my stop just above the high…maybe I’ll get a double top to save me.

The reason to close was a higher vol on a down long bar.
But as we can see now, there’s huge buying behind this… it’s going 200pips or so…

I’ll believe that when 61.8 fibb is broken. :wink:

Well… I mean it just felt strong to a novice, that’s all I wanted to say.