1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

I think it was not ready to go up yesterday, maybe due to the holiday. Don’t be so paranoid…lol.

ah, e/u is bouncing already before my entry point…that hurts alittle.

just a way to say MM hide their intentions very well…

I’m looking for an entry point.
It’s “never gonna go” to 50 fib.
I think it might go up 200 pips today… it’s 2 days or so they accumulate.
And now it’s just skyrocketing hahahahhaha

If you look back on the 1hr to the high on friday, there could be some sellers still lurking around…shorts are not off the table for me up there.

Also, let’s see the reaction here to that 61.8 fibb I marked.

The reaction at 61.8 seems they stopped buying.
True at the top there could be sellers.
The highest vol of the day on the red bar as a stop speaks about who is moving the toy.
That was a good buy. That vol stands out.
Let’s see if we get an entry.
Would u entry on a retrace with high vol or need to see on 50fib?


now 50Fib is right where the high vol red bar was.
That’s not so far away…

yep not too far away…might also form an up channel, keep a lookout for that. Also…a hint of head and shoulders forming on 5min…perhaps.

I’m also open to shorting a double top with confirmed volume at 1.2555.

ya, I did it…

oh heck no…I took a small pice off +8 and locked BE…did not like it as 5min candles starting hitting buy volume with pins on the bottom. BE was hit. Feeew…maybe I’ll get in again though, lol.

This is what I was waiting for…
Let’s see if it’s going to be faithful to the 2 days accumulation…
I expect it at 1.262 soonish…

I’m open to anything…reaction to 1.26 area will lead the way.

Scaling in shorts…may the force be with me.

That red bar in 5min chart 10 min ago. That’s a clear sign of reverse.
What you think?

yep, the recent 5min chop shows the highest vlm of the week, after an up move, with no new high…it’s sellers for the taking now…and they need to show up very soon.

how about the H&S on the 5 min EURUSD?

yeah, it’s a messy one…is that a right shoulder or a double top head? lol

Typically, low volume at the test of the neckline means it will break downward. Increased volume there means buyers coming in to stop the down move off the last shoulder.

All positions in profit now. Going to start picking off small profits along the way and locking BE…then going to get some rest!

Impossibile to trade…
But damn this mornign when I woke up totally unconscious I saw the bottom.
Bottom without vol though…

That’s using the force. Good idea, maybe I’ll look at a naked chart as soon as I wake up and my unconscious mind will tell me the direction…spent enough time looking at charts, it should know by now.

I was in the up move so early! …but closed for a scalp. Only going for those small scalps, you see why…rest of the time it’s been dead.

See you tomorrow Peter!!!

Closed it all up in various profitable amounts…could go lower but it too darn slow…I can’t take it no more! I dont feel like sleeping with a trade running and dreaming about the outcome…is it just me? Around 1.5% for today. Thank you, good night.