1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Pete, discipline and being strong enough to say no to a bad trade is pretty much impossible for me lol… i wish i had more discipline and sense to walk away and realise i dont have to trade every day.

Yeah, if you want to have fun then play a video game, or trade on a micro account while you wait for a setup on your real account. If you dont get diciplined, all you are learning will be for nothing. You MUST find a way my friend.

Yea ur right. I ust dont know how. Its kind of annoying, il trade well a couple of days and walk away when my target get hit. But then other days il just trade stupidly. Cheers for the advice.

We need things to work themselves out. I have a feeling we’ll get a nice move starting London tomorrow. See ya then.

im sure this evening will tell us which move we are gona get.

How exactly will it tell us this?

looking at Aisa in context of the US session can be telling as levels get tested, and the US trend tends to attempt a retrace.

I had to get back on here…G/U and E/U are enticing me to go long.

Enticement sounds kind of like an emotion… trading on emotions produced one margin call for me already. :slight_smile:
G/U is kissing the 61.8, E/U is wandering somewhere between 61.8 and 100. What do you consider a GO! signal now?

Even my scalping bot was sitting in the hammock for 2 days, where usually it makes 3 to 5 trades a day, lol.

Do all the pros plan their christmas parties?

I’m just trying to stay tuned into smart money and think how they think. It’s all about them having a consensus, and I imagine I’m part of that…even though my trades are so small with my bucket shop broker, it could never move the market…I’m just playing pretend, lol. I dont think you can take all judgement out of trading.

Yeah, this G/U is looking good. You can see 2 test on the 5 min of 61.8, resulting in pins and increased vlm. Would be a bit safer if vlm was higher on those. At this point at least I’m waiting for the solid 5min close, bullish on medium vlm to go long. Maybe at a smaller risk, since today has been a bit strange.

I think Williams says that price gets marked-down to entice unfortunate sellers, not buyers. Or I got it wrong, I don’t know, English is not my first language, so I could have mixed something up. :slight_smile:

Your right, and their thinking is always backwards…the herd. Maybe entice isn’t the word, lol.

Small range here, buyers not that excited. Like I said, more volume on the 61.8 rejection would have been better. At least a solid candle close above the white line to show buyers are serious.

EDIT: Volume dropping no movement…I’m done for the day.

What the f* just happened??

Interest decision and fomc. A minute candle of almost 200 pips. Hard to see that in one day. Wow! :eek:

This is sick. No wonder it’s been a strange day since this has been cooking. :stuck_out_tongue:
A good thing I’m (again) just learning with no eggs in the basket. :slight_smile:

Well that qe caused a small stir and then put us right back where we where lol… didnt seem anthing that the market hadnt already predicted or almost priced in. But hey what do i know, looks like the dollar will be sold off even more. Just how high can e/u and g/u go lol…

Haha…just opened my charts, nice.

So here’s the deal, I’d rather be looking for shorts.[I] Remember what I said about how long term trends typically end[/I]?

In an up trend…a buying climax that traps traders the wrong way, and gives pros a better price to TP and start shorting.

The ONLY way I would even consider a long today is if we get some solid candle closes above the red area I marked. You can see it’s sort of a “rejection zone” of just pins on the daily…Solid above it, and I will have to consider longs.

So to summarize…I aint falling for it.

Yea dude, like when i heard it, i thought that wasnt even as bad as i thought it would be, people where saying 1trill and more. So i thought maybe a bit of usd strength… this is whyim a rookie pete lol… What do you think and g/u today…?>


G/U looks so bullish it’s just silly. I’m not buying it this high though…not my style. I’m hoping it’s a trap and all the USD pairs crash as soon as I get my short on…lol.