1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

lol yea a big trap… all the way down to 16000…

But yea it does look strong… i doubt its a trap.

Iv been wanting to see a bullish dollar for a while, but never seen it lol… how long have you been trading for ? and do you have many loosing trades ?

and a big question, as a rookie, i find it easy to trade dangerous lol, as in move stops , remove stops, how did you overcome this when u started ? and now how do you gauge where to put your stops.

Sorry for questions man, im sure your busy, just when u get a chance, thanks

I feel that E/U are going short nw?

I’m watching this 30min candle about to close above resistance…telling me no short. If we stay above here, it could continue up and I would take a long if I get a valid entry.

Haha this aint no trap… this is a dollar massacre

So, are you in yet?

Perhaps…I’m not sure Admiral Akbar is ready to say it’s not a trap yet.

im a newby man… i was looking to short g/u the other day… so it shows how un trade worthy i am lol… iv made enough mistakes… im fighting my temptation to jump in lol…

I just feel that too many people sold USD recently…many big buyers aim the low value of dollar?

You know every last noob just entered long in the last few mins…that can’t be good lol.

admiral akbar loool thats funny man.

Yea they prob did, but can still go higher and higher and higherrrrrrrrr, at the moment there is no reason for any retrace or for dollar strength.

unless its a trap :wink:

To stay on track…my strategy says get short on a buying climax/reversal signal, or if it pulls back w/o me look to get long after the retrace…at a .50 - 61.8 area.


Can you upload the graph?If you are free…thanks

I took the liberty of doing it instead of the other Peter…
Hope I didn’t mess up something.
“Stronger this one” meaning biger spread, higher volume pin+a solid close below it on the next candle.

You beat me to it. :smiley:

Some sell pressure now above 1.42. If it just continues up now w/o a retrace, than this is a run away train…no trap. That candle I marked has very high vlm on my other MT4 (GoTrader) …So we get our answer now.

this is what i want…^.^

I guess you’re long lol…congrats. Only way I could be in this is if I took a break out trade…but I never do. I’m sticking with my method and waiting for a climax or a retrace like a good boy. :smiley:

To pick tops on a day like this can be suicide…sounds fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

i guess its a runaway train…

Yep, but I have no prob shorting if I get the setup…rather be long today if I can get in but I’m not going to chase it.

I’m in baby! lol. Short with a 25 pip SL. I only risked 0.5% on this…I don’t need the stress haha.

My indies also confirmed which helped me decide to go in. I’m not making trade calls…trade your own way, at your own risk.