1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

TP Taken.

Hmm, looks like the exact same thing happened about an hour ago. Too bad I was sleeping :o

you guys seem to be nailing some great entries here. . . and I am on the sidelines - man I wish I were there with you.

I just am not able to check charts, but I have tomorrow off as vacation, so I am planning on preteding I am a trader, and put a good number of hours in

I just plan on watching a couple of pairs see if I can read the charts and volume as they are happening.

Anyhow keep posting what your charts, it is helping all of us I think.

Another entry I missed.

Would’ve hit TP.

Easy pickins all day… I even took a small risk trade based on the momentum at .3219

This trade was taken based on decreasing vol on the down move. Closed half at +30, BE at +5.

Just went long again

Congratz on your nice trades today. Guess we can all agree that we have a pretty strong bull bias going on, all the good (BS) news from the Portugeese/Spanish bond auctions and the various bad numbers from the US, and whatever.

Quick question though: why haven’t we seen any attempts of shaking out weak holders which, I assume, also has gotten in on this up-action? The price has just kept shooting through resistance after resistance without any serious retrace or sudden dips. What’s up with that?

My guess is the accumulation (my forex interpretation of it) that took place over christmas break. Add in the herd jumping in long and you have a loose freight train. Price has already taken off, dips are being bought heavily and I think its too much momentum now for a SO. Could be wrong though. Could happen at any second. If one does happen, Ill be looking for a reaction at .3080

Waiting to see how the next 4hr bar develops. Would love to hear your thoughts, Petey boy!

Not this time

Note, if the next candle breaks through then stalls, might be a good idea to exit early.

“Right now, the market is focused on a 1.3350 digital, set to expire at 15:00 GMT.” Which is also near the weekly open, lets see if the bears are feeling frisky.

It literally just hit my SL then reversed to hit my would be TP. Upon further analysis, exiting early for a small loss because the first candle didn’t hit TP immediately would keep me out of many profitable trades.

Had I kept my R:R 1:1 as I usually do on these trades, I would’ve been fine. Oh well, at least my analysis was correct :stuck_out_tongue:

As volume decreases, the up move is meeting more and more resistance. Expecting a mini mark-down coming soon. Gone short.

Don’t jump the gun just yet. I, myself wouldn’t go short until I seen some type of stopping volume (equal to the marked bars on chart) on a down bar followed by a ND bar. Even then, it would be a small risk trade with a tight stop. Theres lots of demand to overcome and price is trying to stay above last week’s open.

Can you explain the following terms you’ve used for me please? I have an idea, but would like to be sure :slight_smile: Otherwise let me know where in this thread the answer may be found, thanks!

ND bar
Stopping Volume

I’ll give it a shoot. Plz correct me if I’m wrong.

SO = Shake Out, fast down/up move depending on general direction to catch stop loss and “shake out” weak holders.

Stopping Volume = Volume increase with a bit of wick on top indicating some selling pressing price down.

ND I dunno.

ND - no demand.

and I believe there is also NS - no supply -

a higher volume up bar and this bar is somewhat small, means no demand, cause if there was then the higher volume should have suported a higher price.

I hope I’ve got that clear. if not I apologize for the confusion.

Now I have a question - - what I am understanding the volume information is based sort of on - Buying a position, then getting out of that boughten position.
But in forex, you can actually buy into a postion or I want to call it sell into a position. (your not actually getting out of what you have boughten, you are taking a position to go short)

Does the accumulation mark up distribution terminology go both ways?

I suspect as Dodge was speaking earlier the big money can take ‘accumulate’ for a short position – -- whilst the terminlogy suggests this is distribution.

I guess do you think in forex it is simply interchangeable -?

SO = [B]shake-out[/B]

ND bar = [B]No Demand bar[/B] - [I]lack of interest to the upside, usually up bar on low volume and NS would be No Supply, just the opposite.[/I]

Stopping Volume - for example, after a bullish move, theres a candle that closes off the high and then the following bar is down with equal or more volume. This action changes the direction of the move, or causes the price to go sideways, away from its original downward direction, showing that professional money has stepped in and has taken an opportunity to accept the buying – usually from weak holders [/QUOTE]

When it comes to Accum/Dist in forex, I just look at it simply like this to keep myself from getting confused.

Accumulation - Smart Money building long positions over a period of time, splitting up their orders into chunks, otherwise if they just put in one big order, price would take off and they wouldn’t get the most out of their position. Smart Money will also place smaller short orders to keep price where they want it and to also test the waters. (hope that didn’t sound confusing)

Distribution - Again, the opposite.

Thanks for the help everyone!

Regarding this terminology question, here is my understanding of it…

In Stocks, where these terms come from, “distribution” always means selling, or exiting your position, while “accumulation” always means buying or entering a position.

Even though things work differently in Forex, it seems for convenience’s sake that we aren’t switching the terminology around for each trade. You can go short in the Stock market as well (even though it works differently in Forex), yet it seems they keep the terminology the same in this situation as well, again for convenience.

In short, Distribution = going short, Accumulation = going long.

When looking at a “pair”, accumulation/re-accumulation is always buying before the markup of price, and distribution/redistribution is always selling before a markdown of price.

However, when looking at one currency in a pair, then depending on if it’s the base or quote currency of the pair, then accumulation/distribution can go both ways…for example USDJPY - JPY is the quote currency so accumulation for it is opposite the pair (or base currency) so if you think big money is accumulating JPY (therefore distributing USD), then you expect the USDJPY to decline (markdown).


Ah , I think we (I) am with you on this, however, I feel that – and now I might be splitting hairs and I don’t need to but if I can get past this thought, I think it will help.

I feel that – in forex – there can be an identifiable difference (Now please realize, I am theorizing, I have no basis other than what I think) between :
Distribution (which in my definition is ‘dispensing of long positions’ getting out of a position)
Accumulation to go short (getting into position actual selling pressure, NOT unloading long postions)

And obviously I believe then to:

Distribution can happen as big money uloads there shorts – so distribution can happen at the lower end.
Accumulation –as we all know it to be ‘buying into’ postions.

Am I full of crapola - - or way to nit picky - - or as I tend to think – don’t friggen overthink it ; it simply is what it is!