1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

You learned that word from me didn’t you?

Only if your last name is Webster…

Higher volume red candle with small wick, went short on the break of the lower wick. The next red candle had a higher volume and long upper wick, giving another entry to support the first.

Edit: That was quick, TP taken.

Nice trading Dodge. Some of your entries may not fit the traditional VSA entry conditions, but I have no problem that. :slight_smile:

As long as you have an understanding of the action, and can spot those high probability entry points, more power to you. I am actually testing an additional VSA based entry at the moment that I discovered…or at least never heard of before.

I would like to post some videos in here. Can admin please tell me how to do that without getting an infraction?

Oh I’ve posted videos here multiple times. You can’t get them to actually embed, just link to the Youtube/Vimeo video directly :slight_smile:

I rambled alot lol. Maybe I’ll keep a video diary of my trades. I never heard from admin, hope this is ok.

-------->> [B]YouTube - trade analysis[/B]


Clear NS off the highest vol bar to the immediate left but I got out with a small profit as I’m not feeling this price action (mostly due to the holiday).

I disagree. That wide spread high volume up bar shows weakness (The one ten bars back from your blue mark).

I would be looking to short no demands…but not this time of day during a holiday.

Except for some flirting with it in the past, I’ve never used volumes, but I’ve got enough experience now to see what works and what doesn’t!

So why is that bar showing weakness? My take is that technically it is a bullish bar, but experience tells me that the market will show strength towards S/R then reverse, i.e. the close is just below the resistance, showing not enough strength to break through.

Any agreement?

Highest Volume of the day, wide spread up bar into .50 fib.

If that was true smart money buying, volume would not be so high, and it should have been able to continue easily. This was a trap move. Traders went long on the eye candy and smart money absorbed it causing high volume. That puts smart money short off that area.

look at the very next bar, it’s a doji. then a quick pop up and it’s over. Where is all the buying now? Also, 61.8 held to confim that’s not real buying, only a retrace.

Gotcha, really appreciate that. I think it gives the reason why to my hunch.

Was just looking through the thread again and thought, you should have said something like,

'how many times do I have to tell these people - look at my previous post http://forums.babypips.com/free-forex-trading-systems/21453-1-500-pips-per-month-method-vsa-sr-fibb-etc.html#post100704

That says -

Very high volume spikes can mean buying and selling in large amounts. That usually happens when for example, buyers made a final push up to resistance, where they found sellers entering, all during that one candle. So, that could cause a volume spike…lots of buyers AND sellers during that candle.

Yes, that is what I’m saying. Traders went long but that was absorbed by smart money. Meaning they are going short in harmony with herd longs to cap price, but not mark it down yet.

The only difference in my lastest explination is WHO is doing the buying and selling. It’s more clear now.

Hi Petefade

You mentioned about support and resistance. When drawing support and resistance or fibonacci how many time period you will normally select in any form of chart(5min,30 min,1hr,weekly). Is there any specific rules for this?

I am a new in Forex Trading and I have a silly question. You mentioned about Jesse Livermores idea.
But when the accumalation stage is reached, how can we specifically say that this is the period so that an entry level will result in long term profit in both directions.

Time frames are just ways of looking at the same thing is greater or lesser detail. Example: If the last 2 days had a trending move that’s starting to retrace, slap a fibb on it, maybe you would like the 1 or 4hr chart…whatever.

If your scalping and it ran up 35 pips and it’s starting to retrace…slap a fibb on that 5min and you have an idea where it could retrace to.

The simplest answer to your accumulation question is to see high volume on down bars that do not continue down, taking place after a markdown in price. Not sure what you mean about the both directions. Read the entire thread if you can.

That weakness played out some more in Aisa…40 pip drop.

Long off the break of the high volume green candle

Buying into .50-61.8 …that’s ballz for ya. :smiley:

Highest Volume of the session now at 61.8 test. If it doesn’t break I’m looking to short.

Got within 0.4pips of my TP, then reversed. Got out with a small profit, then went short at the close of the 15m high volume long wick candle.

Edit: Had I waited 2 minutes it would’ve gone back and hit my TP :rolleyes:

Well the short hit SL. I’ll think twice before making a move like that again without more confirmation of the reversal.

Am now long off the break of the last hourly high volume candle.