1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

send me a pdf file of master markets

:)send me a pdf file of master markets please petefader;)

sure, I will share it.

Hello there Pete!

I would also like to have a copy.

Regards Fredrik

hello petefader!! i would like a copy of your method :slight_smile:


Newbie here. I would like a copy as well please.

Can you please send me a copy

i would like a copy of your method :slight_smile:

copy for me too, please?
thanks :slight_smile:

Master the Markets by Tom Williams

Link to the book!
VSA work, do you homework yourslef, everything is free, its the internet guys!

This message at the top is one of the funniest I ever red. There’s NO Holy Grail, you need to work on anytrade.
Becomming the hero… LOL so funny!

“Got the “[B]Holy Grail[/B]” system? Want to share it for free and [B]become everyone’s hero[/B]?”…

Thanks inzider, it was getting a bit silly.

Pleasure bud! I saw that! :wink:

Good thing you reply it over your post since the moderator remove it since i don’t have 50 post yet! Muahahh! What a joke!

VSA is awsome tech, I include harmonic trading, basic s/r, trendline/pitchfork, bucket/breakout point whit it to find support.
VSA help me to see market response at these level.

I got a thread on FF about harmonic, drop by if you feel.

Take care mister!

We’ll…SHORT SHORT SHORT the pound!! …not so fast :wink:

  1. area is low, everyone is selling today (after the move has happened), GBP news came out negative,
    so what do we do? BUY BUY BUY!!!

I took this trade today in my trade room, classic pin bar high volume reversal… 60 min murry math supp/resist, RSX over sold.

…and still going up, the heard just got OWNED! :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone on this site is talking about EAs…Turbocrap, Poison Ivy, Mega Fraud and the like.

Gee, if I can only get the right setting, maybe it will work…lol.

I knew this was coming…more buying.

15min and 30min showed hi volume pins, 149.30 area

Small TF volume showed smart money waiting to pounce…and I roll with them …no draw down.

closed it…going to bed happy.

Why the Short G/J hysteria?? G/J has ranged for 4 months, but everyone says it’s over and it will break down, why?

Market opens this week at the bottom of last week RANGE, not below…I fear another slaughter this week.

This last “down move” was bought into…big time. Green areas are BUYERS.

I’m not saying I’m about to jump in long at market open, just that I see plenty more reason for longs than shorts, and will have to see.

hey pete, do you confirm ODL volume with esignal or another service?

I am one of those buyers;) just at 150.09 a couple of minutes ago.

The short Hysteria, might have something to do with the 1400 pip drop over the last 2 weeks, the broken long term daily trend line… U/J is nearing all time lows… G/U is holding her up now… USD is supposed to continue weakening…

If 149 breaks, its a free fall to 141… then to 136…

Just my opinion,

Enjoying the thread
