1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

High volume 15m candle with short wick, enter short on the break of the wick.

I donā€™t trade mechanically. If it looks good, I trade, no matter how many checks there are.

gotcha, look at that baby runā€¦I had a very good day today.

Off you go guys :wink:

Right, and by ā€œlooks goodā€ you mean from experience. This [I]is[/I] real technical trading, not a mechanical system. We are reading whatā€™s actually going on in the market. New comers are not going to be as succsessfull at this unless they are already experiencedā€¦then itā€™s not hard to work in. But again, with countless setups and explinations in this thread, I think all the info is there, it just takes time to absorb it all and practice.

haha nice.

TP Taken.

Hey, Iā€™ve been in this game long enough and Iā€™m not easily impressed and I can spot the wheat from the chaff, but I am, I am very impressed.

The only complaint I have is the title of the damn thread, I always thought it was a bit OTT so I didnā€™t bother until it it was shoved under my nose a couple of weeks ago, but I can believe that 1500 PIPS a month is quite achievable some months.

Hats off to you.

We cleaned house today Dodgeā€¦I took some more profit off here too. The red lines/square is 50-61.8 and itā€™s a lower TL. I have 1/7th of my original position from 70 locked in profit and running with no tp just for sh#ts.

I should stop trading for the day and have some fun, not that this wasnā€™t. :smiley:

Itā€™s ok; you answered it perfectly.

Iā€™m not looking for anything more, just trying to understand the process better.

My issue is that I am impatient; I have been trading less than 2 weeks and expect to understand a method that has taken 7 years for you to have achieved and still refining.

I seem to conveniently forget that since practicing this system on a small budget I have in fact tripled it. (letā€™s see how Iā€™m faring in 3 months).

I have read the thread twice now, printed out the snippets of wisdom and advice scattered throughout and pasted it on my wall at work)

You will just have to forgive me if I ask questions about the whyā€™s and whatā€™s. (Iā€™m never afraid to ask) :slight_smile:

Itā€™s great you post the charts and what you think will happen and what you do.

The piece of the puzzle I was looking for before was as you said. ā€œgauging the response to the priceā€ (near enough quote)

Iā€™m overcomplicating it by trying to judge (guess), when itā€™s going to happen and when (as just now) my blood is up from being in the same zone as you guys, I forget the key rules.

As you both said, itā€™s experience and understanding.

(sorry for rambling on)

I know, I canā€™t change the title. I thought since there were so many threads, no one would even notice it among the catchy names, so I thought I had tooā€¦oh wellā€¦get your 1,500 pips here *****es! :eek: anyway, thanks.

Yes today was a good day. If I didnā€™t have work in 5 hours (4:22am here) I might have taken this bounce off the 50 fib :stuck_out_tongue:

Goodnight all!

Worked out for me too, took 61 pips :wink: Not that Iā€™m an expert or anything, but the last two trades are the first ones Iā€™ve made where Iā€™ve actually felt like I knew what to expectā€¦

would you say were in redistribution right now?

Post a chart and Iā€™ll let you know what I think.

Look at 1hr to define the phase. It hit stopping volume on a large down bar followed by inside close. My text book reversal.

Then a high volume up bar said possible redistribution, but I look at the next candle close when idenifying phases on a 1hr. It needs to close down to confirm redistribution. Doesnā€™t look like it will.

Now we simply have a mixed backgound. Weakness in the 1.3680 area and strength from 1.3575.

Reaction to 1.3680 is key for the next move.

Looks like the buyers ran out of steam on the 15minā€¦

Iā€™d post a pic, but Iā€™m not sure of the procedureā€¦

When you are replying youā€™ll see a little yellow sqaure to insert an image, but first uplaod the image to a free image sharing site and get the link. I would appreciate charts with your posts so looking back on the thread is not just a bunch of jibberish.

Yeah, I seen the insert image tool, do you have any advice on a decent service, that wonā€™t spam me into next week :wink:

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