1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

Also that smart money isn’t some homogenous group. There could be number of large speculators, sovereign entities, capital flows, etc. all active at a particular point in time and they could all have wildly different agendas and be looking at completely different timeframes. I guess this could potentially have a big impact on the validity of what we’re seeing during some specific times. But I think for general day to day stuff what we’re seeing tends to be a decent marker for what we’re trying to do.

If you read this thread from the start you’ll see how it’s applied with good results to forex. Some of the folks here’ll post up charts of their trades during the week too so you’ll get to see some live examples. Personally I’ve found it a very useful addition.

I would imagine indeed that the large speculators have different views i think that is why we wait at s/r lines to see which side wins the tug of war.

This is a must read if you want to be proficient at VSA. Tradeguider is just for the lazy trader but MTM gets you in the right mindset. Read it once, twice and then a third time.

And the good news is that you can completely cut out everything after pg. 119 in the MTM book. Well it’s useful to see some more examples but all the core concepts are 119 pages in total and it’s not too wordy overall so not a hard read. It’s probably worthwhile printing it out and marking it up, making notes, etc. Then have a trawl through some recent charts and see how the principles applied in practice. After that you should be good to go to demo it a bit.

That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks :slight_smile:

And that’s exactly what I am gonna do. It seems like a really valuable information so far but it’s not easy to understand. I am little bit shaky on the basics such as that the market shows weaknes when going up and is strong when going down. :slight_smile:

It takes time. Just read over and over again and watch your live charts and talk with yourself and argue with yourself. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s what I basically do.

Anyway… Today, I haven’t found even one trade. Any luck with others? I think this is first time in days that I can’t find even one trade. lol

It is hard to understand at first. I read it once, messed around with some trades, didn’t do so good, read it again, started getting better trades, read it a 3rd time and now I’m profitable.

I wonder if I read it a 4th time, money will just end up in my bank account :smiley:

The market doesn’t necessarily show weakness when going up but it is what Smart Money intends to do. You have to keep your eye out for weakness such as ultra high volume up bars that have no follow through and trade based on that background. If anything, VSA teaches you great patience. Let the market come to you.

Its tourture out there LOL. No liquidity on holidays (which made 3680/3700 so easily rejected) so automatically no trades for me.

Just took 20 PIPS

I saw that trade and was thinking to take it but decided I’d stay out given the horrible liquidity. Oh well!

I was thinking that, but I could hear Nerokoso going - THE VOLUMES DON’T LIE :smiley:

XD haha! Well, I didn’t take that trade. Didn’t seem so good but… Oh well. Then I saw another trade just few minutes ago that I missed totally. I wasn’t looking and it’s over already.

And even thou I was away, it happened so fast that no place to jump in. Unless I woulda look in 1min time frame.

But, there might be double top soon… Just little double top, nothin big. Maybe then I make one trade. We’ll see… This day doesn’t look so promising.

Yeah what little liquidity there has been is really going to disappear now once all the European traders pack up for the day. I’m going to wait for tomorrow though I have to admit I’m tempted by a Euro short what with all the unrest in the ME and futures taking a bit of a beating.

Yea, now it’s totally dead. No trades today for me.

Just went short at 1.3680 with a TP of 1.3615. +12 pips now so moving stop to breakeven - if it works out fine, if not that’s fine too.

Been a frustrating day really, very small creeping movements everywhere and very few setups that were obvious. There was a good one this morning 9am GMT for short on EURUSD but I missed that.

I didn’t find today exceptionally tedious or frustrating, many and many a day not too unlike this, patience - that is the key.

I would think the coming 36 hours will make up for it.
Looks like they got their guns loaded to have a crack at that Cable barrier up there. :slight_smile:

There goes the first barrier…EURJPY…114.00. It took them 10m into Sydney Open with thin liquidity.
Who is next…:slight_smile: