1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc

well you’re trying to test me to see if I have some form of back up…which I’m already 1 step ahead of you

YouTube - Princess Bride

I have 2 different internet connections. If other one fails, I have back up system that comes from totally different place. That has actually saved me couple of time. Even one save pays that back for next year. Easily.

I always put stops of course, but having back up system can still save from losses if I can close position in profit.

Well it seems to me it fits with what Tom William writes in his book that pros use good/bad news to further their agenda. In this case they know, as Coxsonne provided a reason for, that price will increase for JPY (pairs will go down) then first they’d use the bad news to temporarily mark up prices (and depending on what time frame you are on, the volume/candlestick patterns will show selling on the up bars) so others thinking the bad news would weaken the Yen would jump on the bandwagon, locking them into poor posistions, and then they (the pros) could get in at better prices before it went down… classic manipulation…lol.

G/U long for 50 pips could not have been any more obvious today.

I’ve been reading this thread for a month or so now. Best info I’ve ever seen. Thanks Pete.

G/U long for 50 pips could not have been any more obvious today

Is this due to the large bearish bar on the 5 min with high volume at 2:30am, followed by an inside bullish bar with higher low? If so, did you enter at that point or wait for a retrace and enter around 8:15/8:30ish?

(Will learn how to post a chart soon)

Yes, 5 min stopping vol/inside close at 50-61.8. That’s first aggressive entry. I waited a bit and got on after a push though supply. No chart on this computer today, sorry. It’s was a text book entry, so easy. And don’t forget the background was strength.

5 min stopping vol/inside close at 50-61.8

No chart on this computer today

I got my 5 posts now so will give it a shot. This is actually the 15 min… I like the pin bar. Is the area circled in green where you’d say it had pushed through short term supply? So, after the pin bar, buy stop at 1.6053 maybe?

Yes, you marked the push though supply correctly. Entry is based on preference. Could use a limit order, could wait for a 5 min close etc. I’ve seen plenty push though supply fail…so best to wait for close, and even a pip above that push candle to enter.

looks like you’ve picked things up nicely already, nice to have you. :slight_smile:

I would think that that’s probably what Petefader did. That would tie in with a 1-2-3 entry which is a nice entry trigger into a trade. Missed everything myself this morning - now have to sit on my hands and wait :frowning:

Some nice pins on the GU right now. Also near a 50 fib. But, price is trapped above a trend line that also has some nice pressure upwards. Gonna sit this one out unless price closes below the trend line. Not sure how to post pic yet.

Do a printscreen into MS Paint or whatever. Save out as JPEG or PNG. Upload picture file to Photobucket and link using the [img] function.

looks like you’ve picked things up nicely already, nice to have you. :slight_smile:

Nice to be here. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to wake up at 2:30am every day :slight_smile:

That’s my biggest problem too, I live in the wrong time zone!

You guys need to sleep whole day. Not that hard.

Looked like a good entry to me!

yeah, you know I’m all over that.

It’s a beautiful thing when your own doodlings on a chart resemble anothers.

Funny thing is… I predicted that double bottom. :stuck_out_tongue: (hacked it).

I think GBP/USD is showing similiar sign that it is going up. What’s with the high volume on the left side of the EUR/USD chart? I’m guessing that the range is distribution phase but not quite sure with the high volume as it did not end the down move.