10,000 Babypips Post Read

We also appreciate all your contributions!

Congrats man!

Holly crap!

I’m at 16K. Need more time to read!!


Even more impressive! Congrats on that! :clap:

Happy 10k!

I’m at 59.9k posts read.


I very much agree to this. I keep putting myself to the work till i get it right — It’s rewarding!

While i don’t fully agree to this, the school system has made a whole lot of mess of itself over the years because in a changing environment, the curriculum should have been revised and school made to evolve; this overlooked has made the school contributed nothing to the ever evolving society but,

The subject of education divided into two parts, the schooling and the self-education is wider in itself as we still can’t underestimate (schooling) its unchanged core value that has proven to be a big part in the educational sector till date.

Elementary aspect of schooling alone has made self-education (self-discovery) possible.

College’s role in education is just to widen the opportunities one could be presented with, just that these opportunities were boycotted by the system through governmental powers.

Sorry for your loss! And what a great feeling to have married somone of your dream.

I also don’t trust anyone and nothing but the fact that humans are subject to change. The good man today might be the bad man tomorrow, we all acting in accordance to our wills, inside this will is found differences in ideologies, of our different ideologies differences in belief system came to being, differences in individual beliefs led to differences in individual acceptance of what’s right and wrong, differences in right and wrong present the difference in decision from one man to another.

While this issue of trust seems to be a thing, this doesn’t stop us from coexisting though, just that we humans won’t want to accept their differences.

And the only way for a peaceful coexistence whether we like it or not is by recognising our differences and embracing our similarities.

Oh man, i have to look that up. Lots of english that i still struggle with.

Lol, it’s not something that can be denied, everyone can tesitified to it.

That one thing i have always admired about you is the composure in your conversations. Whether you like it or not you got to accept this flattery of mine. :grinning:

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Thanks for the compliment. 15k is also not a joke, it’s something. Every contributions matter no matter how little.

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Yes, I agree with that. What frustrates me about the modern western world school system is that it leaves many pupils with a feeling of low self worth because much of the grading system relies on the pupil to be able to understand written questions and to naturally be able to write responses that are judged by teachers. As we discover more and more about savants, autism and other neuro-diverse people, there is hope that we can celebrate and encourage difference, and modern decentralized and distributed information systems (web 1, web 2, and most encouragingly web3 with AI) can be leveraged to the good and to maximise the societal contribution of the neurodiverse in our community.

When I see parents complaining at their children about how much time they spend in front of a computer screen, when they lack the knowledge themselves of just how liberating that can be for their offspring, it makes me angry. I spent two years as a volunteer chair of governors of a local private school some 15 years ago, and witnessed behaviour by teachers and staff towards pupils that would just not be acceptable today. Nepotism, bullying, screaming and shouting, arbitrary detentions, parents and pupils challenging headmaster decisions (backed by governance and written contracts), it made me vey happy I never entertained being a politician. :hushed:

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This is crazy impressive. The dedication is amazing. Good Luck to reach to 100K soon :grin:

Yes, Haven’t been around much recently. Doing good actually. Thanks! Hope you’re doing well too @ria_rose It’s nice to see a familiar face as soon as came back. :smiling_face:

Hey there! To be honest, yeah, I have been exploring outside my comfort zone, haven’t done much trading or trading related learning. Had a career change and started taking a 6 month course related to my new career. (I was in Graphic Designing, but got an opportunity in Banking Industry and took it, which is a completely new area for me, but something I was interested for a while). So yeah, missed being around here :slightly_smiling_face:.

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I honestly wouldnt agree less to that. The grading system of school tests for how well we could remember stuffs and not how well of intelligence we possessed, which is quite bad because rather than bringing the best in us, we’re being reformed to be someone who we wouldnt want to be — a conformist.

This alone is one of the many reasons the government won’t want a revised and standardised education because it benefits not only them but the upper class.

Goodluck with whatever you’re doing buddy. My warmest regards.

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