10,000 pips!

Hey guys I just wanted to celebrate a milestone in my account. This account is my test account and the reason I am proud of it is because I blew it up last year and it got closed with nearly no money at all. I think it might have had $12 or something. Anyway I had some affiliate commisions from hotforex deposited right into the account and so I had $100 deposited in there by September 2011.

Needless to say that $1000 is over 6k and that account has reached its 10,000th pip :smiley: The only thing that sucks is now that I hit this milestone I have to close this account coz hf doesn’t deal with US clients anymore.

Sorry I know this post seems a little pompous but I don’t mean for it too. Fact is I earned most of those pips by automated trading but I could never have done it without the help and support of this very wonderful community, so thank all of you. Now I ma focused again on my manual trading and I look forward to more support/ input as I take on this new leg of my journey.

(btw I hope you guys can read the text in this image tinypic isn’t the best)

Well done. But isn’t this just a test account? Why don’t you trade on a live account with small sums? You’ve been testing for nearly a year…

i was hoping for a 10kpip trade but this is still cool too. :slight_smile: congrats

Nice job dude! True though, it’s time to switch brokers and enter the real-time arena, assuming you haven’t already.

I think he’s saying it’s a live account that he uses for testing.

& very nice if that’s the case johnnykanoo! I’ve always found your posts interesting.

you guys are silly. Honestly I have several accounts and quite a bit of money in the market but this is really the only public account that I have and yes it is real and not demo.

It was an uphill battle for me, I started trading in late 2006 and I blew through quite a bit of money doing things all wrong so I took a step back and started fresh and all of 2010 was profitable and I felt really good and 2011 was decent but my real account wasn’t growing as fast as I would have liked so I started testing and I went overboard. At one point I had something like 20 ea’s running and it was way to much so the account tanked. My main account was fine because I was altra conservative with that one but the test account gave me courage to add more ea’s and take on a little more risk. Needless to say I have been very consistent and if I can keep this feeling alive my dreams will come true.

Proof positive that people do succeed in forex, if I can do any of you reading this can do it too!!!

I discovered forex in November and first learned about MQL in January. I really like forex, but I absolutely love automated trading. I wrote my first indicator in late January for Toby’s 600 Second Breakout System and in the middle of February my first EA for the same system. Since then I have written at least 20 different EA’s to test various ideas. The latest that I have been working on is for JAWA’s Price Indecision System.

So far, in addition to the two systems mentioned above I have written and tested EA’s using average daily range, asian range breakout, opening range breakout, fractals and various candlestick patterns.

With each EA that I write I learn something new. All along I have believed that it is possible to be profitable with automated trading and you have just provided the proof.

Thank you for posting this. It is a great inspiration to me!

Waaaaaow…this is truly inspiring Johnny, thanks for sharing it on this forum and I wish you many more successful trades ahead of you…

That’s so inspiring Johnny! Keep up the good work! :10:

Man, what more is there to say other than a very big congratulations Johnny! :smiley:

And kudos for sticking with the system through the inevitable drawdown period from January to April because as we all know, automated trading is somewhat seasonal / requires a specific kind of market that matches the specific strategy.

But lo and behold, you sticked with it and it picked up again and… 10,000 pips! BOOM! :cool:

Here’s to the next 10,000

In that case, hat off to you, well done and look forward to hearing from you when you hit 1 million pips.

Congrats :slight_smile:

how about sharing the account with us ?

or some more snapshots about wich EA’s gave u the more pips

congrats jhonny! thanks for sharing your awesome experience!

congrats. great job anf thanks for sharing.

well done sir!

by the way,i thought of learning ure successful system before i learnt its automatic…:frowning:

nevertheless ,ure success give some balls to my will…:wink:

wish u better than that!

What is EA? Can’t find it on forexpedia…


how about sharing the account with us ?

or some more snapshots about wich EA’s gave u the more pips

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

If you want to disect my account here it is

you can go into custom analysis and filter through all my ea’s and see which ones did what.

My favorites are wsfr eur/usd gbp/usd
all the smartfx ea’s all though they are struggling a little bit I think in the long run they will be consitantly profitable
fgb, I just love this ea! I turned it off for a period of time but revisited it and it has been doing great!

Not on this account, but I love magic-champ II
I love megadroid- slow but steady

I think that is about it. I am testing some new stuff and focusing on my manual trading too so I expect my millionth pip will happen sooner or later :smiley: Thanks for all the encouragement!!! and be encouraged it is hard work and it takes time but you can succeed at this game!

What is EA? Can’t find it on forexpedia…

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

ea stands for expert advisor. It is a robot (plugin) for metatrader 4 and it enters/exits and manages trades without human interaction. Some are good and some suck and they all need monitoring. One of these days I’m gonna get my blog going again and I will write some articles about automated trading.

No matter what you decide I highly recommend learn how to trade first! It is critical otherwise you will lose money in more ways than one.

Thanks Johnny, ive been reading for last 2months, dont even have my test account open yet, it will take me a while before i manage to learn all tje terms and finish the school at babypips.com, but thanks for the advice. Any is greatly appreciated.

thanks for sharing jhonny :slight_smile: very inspiring, I hope you would keepus posted even though you going to transfer to a new broker, Imm not much of an EA person and honestly its kinda hard to start looking in too eas specially with all the publicity with eas now a days, I’ll be looking forward to your blog and maybe start messing with eas thanks to u :slight_smile: