Law #1 The market are fractual in nature
That is they display similar states and patterns in all degrees of time.
Law #2 In any given time frame, the market can either be trending or balancing
Law #3 Prices moves in a series of thrusts and corrections
Law #4 Price discounts all information efficiently, but not perfect
Any information that becomes known about market get factored into the price very quickly. That’s why its a losing proposition to trade based on rumors, tips, and otherwise. If it’s publicly available information, the price has already likely discounted it and there is no edge based trading on that.
Law #5 Trends start from balance areas or after major climaxes.
Law #6 A trend in motion tend to stay in motion.
Law #7 Trends end in climax or balance
Law #8 High volumes on the vertical scale signifies directional conviction and a rejection of value.
Law #9 High volumes on the horizontal scale signifies values.
Law #10 Previous market behavior influences current market behavior.
Happy Trading…
Victor Lew