100% 1st Deposit bonus Brokers?

I would appreciate some useful names!! Thanks :21:

I wouldn’t consider any broker who has to make offers like that to get clients. You’ll pay for it some other way, wider spreads/poor service/slow withdrawals.

I wont’ be so sure that if a broker gives any kind of bonuses, the service will be poorer or trading terms worse or whatever. The competitions between brokers are quite high and they do their best to attract customers and - more important - to keep them. It’s just my two cents. As for the question of the topic starter - I use this one, but for sure there are lots of offers on the market.

Having 20-30% is okay but yeah with that large amount, it is likely to be a trap than luxury.

I don’t check current bonuses of my broker (hotforex) as I prefer bonus-free trading, but remember they offered 100% credit bonus or some similar stuff.

Good luck

100% bonus deposit is not too weird but I think you should deposit a small amount for claiming bonus easier.

yeah the 100% bonus is normal, i have see up to 120% bonus at some brokers, but to be honest im not much of a bonus fan, all my trades are done with no bonuses at all. just a reminder before aquiring any bonuses make sure to fully understand the terms and conditions.

[I]Get the chance to take advantage from the unique offer till December 29, 2015.[/I]

A bit funny to see that they still have this online. Very professional :stuck_out_tongue:

Ive gone through many 100% brokers offers recently. Hotforex, Finprotrading, Forex broker INC to be few that I have checked. I had checked with couple of them on Live chat which were HotForex and Finprotrading, both seem legit and Ive checked some reviews about them on various sites. They seem quite good. So you might want to look at them. 100% deposit bonus is always better when claimed with smaller amount as it limits your risk and tension of trading with high amount.

Happy Trading Guys!!

if you wanna deposit forex bonus that can mantain your positions when drawdown periode , i will reccomend you FXPremax. but however, you must read their TOS carefully .
however i prefer brokers who offer no bonus, bonus brokers sometimes so tricky, especially when we want to request a withdrawal.

so i better trade brokers who offer another type promotions, like VPS offer or educational material like Tickmill does

Before going into much details, i like to know this, if we can use this bonuses in margin?

Don’t know anything about Finprotrading or Forex INC but I have experience with Hotforex bonuses, was using it on my zero spread account to get additional buying power for news trading (all-in positions, max leverage) and it was quite efficient. Now I turned to long swing trading and there is no need for bonus.

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+1000. No proper broker would offer anything like that, there is no ‘free cheese’ but in a…