$100 to Infinity and Beyond

Perfect. Jezz, will do. I want to make certain that this project is transparent.

Thanks for your feedback. Polite feedback I should say.


Me personally, after 4 years of failed attempts trying to figure out the market…it took me seeing a trader win consistently, 7 years ago, to cause me to believe winning is actually possible in forex.

I hope to instill that kind of belief/faith to give another fellow trader hope. If it inspires only one, then my goal is accomplished.

Haters will always hate, especially if they are consistently losing in the forex game, it enhances the bitterness. I will promise all those subscribing to this thread, that I will block all babypips members who bring negativity, and they will be unable to post here. We simply can do without it.


Just my 2 cents, I don’t think you should be blocking people because you don’t like what they say.
Personally I don’t care what you post, but I disagree with resorting to censorship.
It’s the internet and its a trading forum. Just look around and you’ll see that even one or two of the longest standing threads had negativity at the beginning. Negativity in the end is a different thing…

When I scan the threads I want to read, I generally look for the contribution of some seasoned BP members.
There’s so much to read, and I don’t have the time, so I stick to the ones where I know I can find familiar names that have a record of quality posts. Looks like some of them may already be on your blocked list?
Anyway, censorship may do your thread more harm than good. It makes you look like a dictator.

Just do your thing, whatever that is, and if its good and has a purpose then it will speak for itself eventually.
I enjoy your psychology thread, it’s more inspirational to me than this one, but I can see how some may find this one useful.

Ps…this is not a negative post :slight_smile:

Thank you Piptronix. Excellent feedback. I hope we can simply keep it professional moving forward. No need to block. We should all remember we are adults. The first page of this thread reminded me of Grade School, very immature. I will take your word of advice and let the content speak for itself. There is opposition in all things, especially legitimate good things.



Personally, what your doing is something that should have its own Blog, or even a differant forum that is password protected.

Here is why Im saying this.

#1, its off the wall, to other traders
#2, WE are trying to acheive something 95% traders dont think is possible.
#3, Yes, the negative **** is a downdraw to the handfull of " Out there " traders
#4, Share the info with Traders that WANT to read this stuff,

Im trying to do something similar, but I dont want to even discuss it here, because of the " Your Stupid" or " your going to fail" or " see you when you blow up your account", or " That will only work for so long"…

We can start a forum, and we can discuss it there…

Great points, I hear you. Being part of the 5% as you can agree, is like swimming upstream, especially from a “Way of Thinking,” or Psychological aspect.

I am attempting to marry all 3 threads together that I have created:

  1. 301 Moved Permanently
  2. 301 Moved Permanently
  3. 301 Moved Permanently

However, the “haters” came at me hot in this Thread! lol

It is funny how much emotion is tied to the Dollar. Another reason such a large % lose. I’m simply extending a life preserver, and have come to realize there will always be opposition when doing so.

Let me know when you start your Forum, that sounds exciting.


give me a couple hours, we’ll be up and running,

You can make a bucket load with a demo…ive bagged 10,000 in a few days with a demo…im sure trading for real is a whole new ball game

Very true Southsydah,
In my personal trading style I am more concerned with how many pips I had to risk to get there. You will find traders all over the threads telling you they “made 150 pips,” but they don’t show you it took risking 300 to get there.

I would like to show my equity curve on this new account, not to boost my ego as was previously speculated. Someone also said “nothing will be taught.”

One of the main things to learn from this thread in future posts is, yes it can be done, and while doing it the equity curve doesn’t have to look like a WILD BILLS ROLLER COASTER RIDE :slight_smile: having fun, forgive me…

Most traders will tell you how much they know or when to buy here or sell there, but… They will never do what I’m about to embark on. Show you my statement. Not from 1 million or 10,000, but a mere $100… Stay tuned.


Just a fun little image of what some Forex Trader’s equity curve looks like, until they “make 30 pips for the day.” Enjoy :slight_smile:

hmm, i just realized something. not to put a fly into your ointment, but does starting with a $100 account have the same psychological impact as starting with a $5,000 account? i had toyed with the idea of doing a similar “live journal” of my account, but then i thought - if my starting account balance is small ($200~$1000), do i really ‘feel’ the sting of an occasional $3~$10 loss or are my psychological responses not much different from what it’s like in demo-account-mode? and if my starting account balance is big ($10k~$50k), do i really want to expose myself / account activity / details to a relatively broad audience (who will likely insist on some method of verifying the account, which i may in turn think would/could compromise my security)?

hmm, i think this may be a catch-22.

i’m assuming (and correct me if i’m wrong) that you have enough expertise and (more importantly) income through your other trading to be relatively unemotional in this $100-and-growing account. is that a fair assessment? would most other traders have the same emotional detachment?

how about - instead of starting with a $100 account, start with a $100,000 account, and remind all readers that ALL profits/losses (in dollars) should be divided by 1000 in order to match what a more typical “i’m starting live with $100” scenario would be. after all, the entire process scales up & down linearly (up until you put on a trade so massive as to impact the liquidity of the market), and a beginner’s emotional response to $100 may be more akin to your own emotional response to $100,000. (( or $10,000 as an alternative, again with scaling up/down by 100 ))

Polite opinions and suggestions are completely welcomed here.

Soundoflight, my method of thinking here was to show traders whom, coming up with $100 was a very realistic endeavor, what they can do with it. And to inspire them to escape the death grip that might be upon them in a dead end job.

Being a professional trader, whether I am trading 1 dollar or 1 million, at this point makes no difference to me. All of the trading principles, money management are the same. Other traders who have it down, and are consistently profitable understand how and what I am talking about.

I say that in the most humble way possible. I’m not here to be arrogant or on a pedestool, just here to inspire belief and hope.

Thanks for the continued ideas, as this thread is in its infancy!


Good luck with that, i would love to see it done and am all for the positive attitude coz without it, it couldnt be possible…happy trading

I’d really like to see how it will develop. This is what every person that is serious about being a consistently profitable trader is set out to accomplish.

It will be refreshing to actually have ‘full disclosure’ to see the entire picture. As opposed to just being shown the ‘wins’. Anyone who is attempting, or has attempted, to trade live knows it’s simple but not easy.

If I posted all of my wins and none of my losses I’d look like the next George Soros. But, alas, I’m merely a small fish in a huge ocean trying to swim in the same waters as the sharks.

I wish you the best in your endeavor and commend your efforts to uplift fellow traders.

Hi, i’m interested in how your doing, i haven’t seen any links to your MyFXBook though. I could check your other thread, but i thought that was what this one was for.

I’ve seen some people expressing their opinion in this thread, however i don’t feel that i’m experienced enough to be able to do that yet. However I am interested in anyone who genuinely has a belief that they can make a decent amount of money from a small starting balance.

So good luck, however you are doing, i’m look forward to your response.


p.s removed the link in your initial post, as Im not allowed to post links yet

The thread starter has been banned.
So you will never know the answer.