1000% Per Year Possible With Position Trading, I Will Outline The Strategy For You

I’m bored. I’m broke. I’ve got plenty of time on my hands. Shouldn’t you be at the studio practicing Kung Fu?

ahahaha, Tang …

“I’ve come to kick ass!”

Love that short video, hehe.

Regarding the topic of this thread: shrug

What is your prediction of EURUSD ?

Will it fall in this around 6 months ?

Everyone talks about weaker European Economy or Europe Crisis etc that made me bankrupt because I believe it…

Don’t follow what everyone else says. Come up with your own conclusions if you can’t do that stay away from trading.

It seems to oscillate within a narrow range when compared to the USD/JPY which has shot up like a rocket if you compare yearly charts of both. It seems to most effected by Fed policy. With that said I’m long term Bullish on EUR/USD because I expect QE to continue for at least another 6 months. That’ doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have it’s daily fluctuations because of Economic news from the USA and the EU but long term I would say it’s slightly Bullish this will be the case especially if the EU economy experiences a more robust recovery than America’s.

Germany is the main driver of Europe and if you take a look at Germany it is still very solid. I don’t know why they call it the Euro, they should just call it the Deutsche mark.

The next buying opportunity could be when there is another crisis like the Greek one, as you can see the Euro dropped sharply after talks of Greece being forced out of the EU but recovered nicely when Germany agreed to a bail out.

Knowing how to trade fundamentals can be a big money maker. Don’t over leverage as there will still be some whip saws, but if your gifted with good intuition you will stand to gain a hefty profit. Anyone who had a good understanding of human psychology would have been on the correct side of the Greek trade, a bail out was certain, not to do it would be a huge loss of face for the EU and undermine confidence even further.

A genius level IQ is necessary for successful trading. I would advise against trading unless your confident your smarter than the average person.

A genius level IQ is necessary for successful trading. I would advise against trading unless your confident your smarter than the average person.[/QUOTE]

“Your” lol … The average genius would know that it’s “you’re”.

I thought genius live in lamps…

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;539851”]

I t

note to self: avoid IQ tests

The worst part of ignorance is the ignorance of ignorance. Warren Buffett Quotes on Life - YouTube

Have we passed the yearly low yet? :22:

absolute power is said to corrupt absolutely. You’re right about the two main drivers for the past months. You forgot the current debate on the debt ceiling and the japanese decision on wether or not to hike the tax coming up next month, anything else is more or less inbetweenies jolting the market (regarding to this particular pair only here) after which it retraces to a point where it displays the comparative state of both economies. That’s somewhat my opinion, thats probably why fibonacci levels are so popular it seems almost mystical or else its just because people base their positions on exactly that. Im gonna stick to this one single pair for a long time before even thinking about trying actual money on another. I like to see the trees and the forest all at once. You know at the risk of sounding silly and out of place : i used to be an avid reader of fantasy books. In one of them the master wizard of the world explains to one of his pupils that everyone is capable of magic while pointing at one of said trees. All he has to do is to be able to visualize the whole tree from the smallest root to to the smallest leaf on top, all in one thought.
Simple as water … that always stuck with me :slight_smile:

i think the eurusd is one of the less trustworthy pairs but as to your quote here, i hear nothing but talk of a recovering european economy in the media while looking at it from downhere i see nothing but unemployment levels never having been this high. Businesses seem to climb out of the pit , but probably because they sacked so many people and [I]restructured[/I] as they call it with a nice ecopolitically correct word. What the impact is of all these people being able to spend less in the long run sounds pretty straightforward but is pretty unclear. The re-election of merkel seems to have given some hope since das mädchen is somewhat seen as one of the current pillars and hopes for this conglomerate that never was anything but on paper so far. Greece is doing pretty bad, spain has serious red numbers. They’re not the only ones. Afaics in my little country unemployment rates are rising, not slinking. Businesses are slimming up or leaving the place (the big ones at least) but theres some kind of small business boom which (imo) will bubble itself out in a few years because theres too many and no room to keep that expansion up.
It think the general consensus in the forex media is that it will fall by the end of year but i just stay clear of it

i dont know about warren buffett’s iq and i dont even know he knows himself see the way i see it theres a thing called talent that lets some people do things easily where others have to sweat hours and night just to be able to come up with one idea. I think this is possible in any kind of anything. I dont think classic iq is a very good measurement of what someone is capable of unless its about mathematics. I have no clue what my iq is, im sure im no einstein. Simple psychotests for simple jobs always put me on top of the class which doesnt make me a genius. It shows im capable of pattern recognition better than the average
thats all. If you feel confident and it works then it works, if you burn out a few accounts , your always sweating in front of your screen and indecisive id try for masterchef or something else that suits more. Theres no set formula or blueprint for success. I talk too much on this forum … my alien masters and the gods will try to correct me for giving away the basic secrets of the multiverse again now … halpz
no, seriously, everyone should be pretty well able to decide for themselves wether they can or cant stand this after doing it with real money, demo accounts are psychologically invalid to test your ability to cope with stress and make decisions
as i see it

i dont know a whole lot about warren buffett, i know he’s filthy rich and he hasnt always been. He was probably not born in a ghetto from a broken home. I know he has this thing to never go with anything you dont know [B]but[/B] i also know since he started with some stocks at some time, there was a time where he went with what he didnt know and just went for it. Probably never expected it would bring him where he is right now.
Id very much like to have a beer with the man someday, wouldnt we all :slight_smile:

i wonder if any of this is disrespectful at all to anyone i sometimes seem to say some things that offend while i dont have a clue or never had the intention so if … no disrespect at all :slight_smile:

Somebody is better acting fast…really fast! :slight_smile:


It’s not luck. For Example I bought very close to the absolute low of the 97.75 for the USD/JPY. How do I know this is the absolute low for the year?

Well given that the FOMC announced that it will not taper and this was totally unexpected and the worse case scenario for the USD/JPY and the USD/JPY not only found support at 97.75 but managed to rally over 100 pips to 98.87. I can say with confidence that this is an absolute low for the year and for the next 10 years.

If you don’t believe me let time play out I guarantee you that in one years time I will have made over 300% on this trade.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh… Looks like you were wrong lol

Let us know when you will catch the next high or low of the year so we can all make money.

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

I wondered who’d be the first to push some salt into that wound!! :slight_smile: