11 losing trades in a row

I have been losing 11 trades in a row this week.
My win rate is around 33%, RR 1:4-5 so I know that most of the time I will lose, and it’s a matter of possibility.
Even though it shows positive results of backtest / forward test with my trading system.
Still it crashed my confidence, I doubt about my trading system, i got hesitated to enter a trade…

I didn’t trade today, wanna take a break for myself it would be 3 winning streaks today if I was not afraid, and just simply follow the plan…

There are many times that I feel like to give up, Becoz I m not smart enough like others to understand this forex thing, not strong enough to put the emotions aside.
I wonder how many people giving up Becoz they don’t wanna feel this psychological pain anymore.

Ofcoz I will not give up from here,:sweat_smile:after a nice weekend , then it’s a new start again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sorry for spreading negative vibe, I don’t know anyone who do trading in real life, so it’s hard to share to people who don’t understand this field…

I wanna know how do you guys deal with a losing streak? or generally, what keeps you still moving forward when you are feeling lost?

Thank you for reading and sharing
Have a wonderful weekend for you guys :rose:


You did what I do. Walk away for the day. Clear the head of trading. Then I come back and look at my trades and see what went wrong. Am I guessing? Was it my SL? Did something happen in the news that I missed.

I mean you have to try to figure out why the trades didn’t work out.

What keeps me moving forward is the winning trades! It’s like golf. I completely suck, but when I hit a clean ball or drain a put on the first try, it keep me coming back. And it’s learning and trying to understand markets and price action. It’s definitely tough.


There’s always somebody that can lose more, and that’s me when I lost 13 consecutive trades on thirteen different pairs on one day. That taught me to never again overtrade.

While your losses were over this week, it’s important for you to determine why these losses occurred. IMO, the RRR is wide enough to produce these consecutive losses.

I would ALWAYS focus on my T/P which is THE critical placement. Aim to find where it could reach a satisfactory price action level profit, and abandon the random RRR guessing process which should be chucked in the garbage bin.

Then place the S/L at a convenient distance that you could risk in case the price action retraced. I use these srategic placements for every trade I make on the principle that one cap does not fit all.

Hope that helps.


I follow these guidelines weekly to not only deal with the psychology of trading but also to deal with the rest of my life, as well.



That’s a great tip!

Thanks for sharing it and I hope it will help me to some extent.

That’s is true, even though I feel frustrated when I have a situation like this, but I still coming back, everytime I look at the winning trades and testing results, I still believe that I can get better with time.
also I will dig deep to all these losing trades , to find the whys…
Thank you for your sharing :blush:

This is definitely one of the reasons for me, as you said, random RRR should be chucked in the bin 🫣, I always use the same SL, same TP, depending the volatility, or if there is news coming up, I move my SL TP relatively.

Do you still overtrades sometimes?

Your words are comforting, Thank you for your advice

Thank you for your advice, it’s true that sometimes we gotta focus something else in our lives than only trading💐

Hi, what show you your backtest? How many strategies are you use? It is discretionary or automatic strategy / strategies? Regards Greg

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Hello, Greg
currently i m using only one automatic strategie, solely using 3 indicators to help me identify to short term trend, if all 3 indicatiors give the same signal during the specific time, i will just get in with the fix SL and TP and ignore the big trend, once it reach 2X RRR, i will close half and let the other half to run til TP.

i have tried to use discretionary strategy before, but i got emotional and often not confident enough to let the winng trade run, so my RRR is not as good, and its hard for me to have clear ideas for what i did right or wrong

The backtest result is very good ONLY IF i follow the plan strictly. To be honest, when i trade live, there is not even one month i can accehive the result like the backtest shown, coz when i see the market may go opposite… i would just exit earily, sometimes i m right, but most of the time it would have hit my TP if i was not scared to lose.


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it is very bad, if you can’t handle with emotions, go back to demo trading. Check this topic about trading via one strategy The risk of trading one profitable strategy

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It does help a lot, Thank you for your advice
Have a nice weekend :bouquet:

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that is what we all did before
dont think ti is just you
i take break when i think it can help and i go to environment and visit different places
just dont trade and after that come back to trading


With your risk reward ratio this is expected… you can get breakeven with 3-4 trades.

This is part of the business, and you’ll be fine as long as you stay disciplined.

If you loose your ■■■■ and start trading for revenge or fomo, that’s a different story.

So just be honest and see if any of those losses have been revenge trading, and Next time stay disciplined.

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there is nothing wrong in loosing 11 trades in a row. even the best trader experience that. if you work with a trend following system 11 loosing trades in row are “normal”. but i think you should rethink your system and a ratio of 1:4 is not good i think. try expecting less/realistic outcomes. Would your trades have been winners if you had lowered the TP?

would you like to introduce us your trading system?

Speaking for myself, the biggest challenge in forex Trading is picking a strategy that best fits your personality. I do recommend that you have at least two of those. I don’t like losses and I have very little patience so I scalp.

Knowing that almost every trading day is going to be a winning day keeps me coming back.

If you wanted to trade based on riding a trend, you could just use the PSAR and set it for 0.0009 and 0.015 on a 1 minute or 5 minute chart. Open trade on PSAR change and close trade on the next PSAR change. This gives three to five little losses per day along with generally one nice long trend run. It gives you a Target for opening and closing versus setting a static risk reward. The more static your risk reward ratio is the lower your successful trade rate will be.

If you think most other traders are smarter than you, they have you fooled. I’m betting you have everything it takes to be successful.


I am a swing trader so “Patience” is the thing that works for me. I don’t use SL and always watch my leverage (very important) . my own account i have winning rate of 83% and Prop account 85.29%

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Hi Ando, thank your for your response.
i trade on 1min chart, using macd crossover, ma50, and chop zone as a filtre, 5p S/L, minimum 20p T/P. once it hit 10p, i would take half, and let the other half to run either hit SL or TP. only 2 trades (max3) a day
yes for sure if i lower the RRR, the winrate will be higher, before i would take profit with lower RRR,but it cause me over trade, as i would just kept looking for oportunity… and on 1 min chart there are many…

what is your win rate and RRR? you dont think 1:4 is realistic?

i know no strategy is prefect, and i should focus on the psychological part

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[quote=“AmericanTrader, post:17, topic:1197326, full:true”]. I do recommend that you have at least two of those. I don’t like losses and I have very little patience so I scalp.


Hi American trader, yes, I m trying to test on different strategies as well, to have atleast two.
But as you said , it’s always a challenge :sweat_smile:
I m gonna try with PSAR, its a simple system with clear entry and exit.

How many strategies do you use? Do you scalpe on a specific time everyday?

Thank you for your words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: