$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Nice numbers

Bro, why dont you do the 5% per day plan, like I layed out in my money management plan?

you need to find something you can consistantly do day in and day out…

100% or 200% a day is possible without loss but this chance is only 1 day in a week with my trading system.

cool, do your thing,

is that demo?

this last statement is demo but some time i use real money

nobody believe ?

Raghu System | Myfxbook

this is my 1 day forward testing report,

contact me if anyone want this EA

ha, funniest post I’ve seen this year to date!

I’ll buy the EA, when you have some balls and use a live account with $10K opening balance.
I didn’t realize people buy EA’s for demo trading purposes.

I am not selling this EA, its free

I know the difference between demo and real, experienced traders can understand the strategy from demo trading report.

That’s the spirit leandar i.e. NEVER GIVE UP!!! LOL!!!



One day you will make it Leander!!! :wink:

Keep focused. But I think that you keep adjusting the thread title. That is not very helpful to new traders.

You alive ?

I can not edit my first post’s attached option to add this EA

Oh I think he’s already “made it” i.e. I think he’s just “taking this p*ss”!!! LOL!!!

As for the thread title: you don’t HONESTLY believe it was a mistake made or a “typo” do you??? Do you KNOW how much attention the thread title has drawn??? LOL!!! (Somewhere around here I seem to remember “having a laugh” with leandar on this very same subject i.e. sometime last year or the year before).

And leandar:

DO NOT tell me that BabyPips has started this “sh*t” where you cannot go back and edit posts that were made after a certain period of time!!! I’m gonna check this.

I don’t know WHAT is going on with the Internet and forums of late but MAN: it’s getting to the point where people do not WANT to post anymore. “That other FOREX forum” (where all the “friendly” people are)??? I cannot post there anymore because I’m deemed to be a “Commercial Member”. Why??? Because I have my OWN forums for crying out aloud!!! Alright: I’ll admit that at some point I began charging for membership (long story and I had my reasons at the time) but that’s no longer the case. Come to think of it: maybe I should contact them to see if such “Commercial Member” status can be removed. Of course: it doesn’t matter that there just happens to be HUNDREDS of OTHER posts on the said forum that are actually HELPFUL and FREE!!! One “lil 'ol ad line” and “boom”!!! “Commercial Member” (restricted to posting ONLY in the “Commercial Members Forum”)!!! LOL!!!

Let me see if I can edit an OLD post of mine now (for fun)!!!



P.S. leandar. When you’re making (or losing) $1 are we talking about ONE WHOLE DOLLAR or some type of “fraction” of a DOLLAR??? LOL!!! You know what I’m talking about!!! ROFLMAO!!!

You know: I just want to be sure (again)!!! LOL!!!

Long may this thread live!!!

It doesn’t matter when he can make 400% a day!

Extensively tested, I might add.

By the way leandar:

I can confirm that I can edit old posts of mine (even first posts on threads started YEARS ago). Sorry Admins!!! LOL!!!

So I don’t see any reason why you cannot delete old / upload new attachments to your first post on this thread (unless I’m misundertanding you).



you’ll have to post in the bugs section.

Sorry i was researching how to make 200% a day its possible check statement, this method was very easy … :smiley:

Hey leandar i search a good strategy for last 2 month an now finally your have the best strategy. i want to continue with you. can you send me your strategy ( skchandigarh07#gmail.com) or post here.

Thanks in Advance

yes u r right