Editing limit?

good companies ALWAYS find a way to kill off their products.

time and time again.

I noticed I have to be logged in to view pictures and profiles. How is that meaningful if I’m already reading a threads main body? Login to contribute or communicate is fine.


Thanx for being so considerate u guys are awesome. If I ever become a millionaire it’s your fault :smiley:

Hey Clint,

We’ve increased the editing window to 10 days while we investigate a solution that hopefully benefits everybody. It’s not exactly what you’re looking for, but let’s start there. Thanks for your patience.


Good companies are also flexible with their decisions, which we’ve already stated we are above. Your image issue is one related to a recent software fix. We’re aware of the issue and are working to fix that shortly. Thanks for pointing it out.


I hope you guys come up with something here as while I see the need for the new policy. I see some very negitive side effects in cases like Clint pointed out. Also ict thread where he edits his first post often to keep his videos and such easy to find after the thread gets long. So maybe an option for the op to edit there posts. I do agree with the policy though as it will make people put more thought into there posts before hitting the post button

Hey Clint,

The posts being continually updated, are they usually the first post in the thread or spread throughout the thread? Do you have more examples that I can look at? Thanks!


I have the same problem as bobmanic pointed out. ICT thread is always updated, and the easiest way to find his videos are in the front page.

I have started my own thread aswell, and now having difficulty updating my first page with results or new/updated trading plans.

Looking forward you resolving this issue.

We wanted to let you all know that we are testing a fix that would give the OP indefinite time to edit the first post of a thread. We’d still keep all other posts under the new editing time limit, currently set at 10 days (this could still change). Once we’ve thoroughly tested the fix, and have approved it, we’ll let you know. Thanks for your patience.


The "Going Offshore… " thread begins with a long list which we call the Offshore Broker List. This list is spread over [B]three[/B] posts, each of which needs to be updated from time to time.

Being able to edit only the first post in the thread will not be useful.

I have discovered a factual error in one of my posts in the thread titled “The LIBOR Scandal”, which I would like to correct. However, that post pre-dates the changes you have made to the editing protocol, so I’m unable to make the correction.

This new editing policy is very annoying. Please abandon it.

If tracking down and banning trolls is the objective here, please find a more practical and user-friendly way to do it.

Hey Pipstradamus…

I can only speak for myself on this matter, but I have a lot of material coming over the next few months… this OP access on the first post would be essential for me. I hope this is permitted atleast. Clint thanks for bringing this to my attention as I was not aware.

Thanks! :57:

I agree with Clint, the community always helps the moderators to bring spam to your attention, so for me this new rule is pointless and not needed in my opinion.

A lot of forums operate with a time-limit on edits.

Being able to mark the first post as indefinately editable is unusual and should be welcomed warmly. Perhaps it could be coded in such a way that the OP/thread owner could mark other posts in the thread as indefinately editable, or editable for another 24 hour period? This I feel would solve almost all of the issues being put forward by thread contributors.

…or if they wanna keep their 24h rule, moderator’s status should be given to ICT, Clint, and other heavy contributors so they can operate freely…

Not a great update at all.

Please please make the first post okay to edit!

With new members come the very same questions over and over and being able to add to the first page with answers of these questions and update it as new posts are made is essential! Without it a lot of threads will be killed from the good contributors left reading the same questions everyday who will then leave!



This is the direction we’re leaning towards. We’re testing another version of the fix to accomplish this, giving individuals and groups of users different editing limits. Also, in it’s current form, editing limits are a global setting that affect all or nobody. That’s an out of the box feature that requires us to do some custom programming to tailor it to our needs. That’s why more changes haven’t been made. Our forum platform doesn’t allow for such changes.

If the custom programming takes longer than this week to release, we’ll remove the editing limits until we do release the updated fix.

The editing limit was also changed to 10 days, away from the initial change to 24 hours, which is still being mentioned. Thanks for all of the feedback. It’s been very helpful.


Thank you for listening to your members and working towards providing a greater experience each time they return to this website.


I would love to be able to edit the first post of my thread again… :frowning: Just to add a link to my trade log.

Although I realize that I am rather late to this, I would add that I am also in favour of OPs being able to edit their own threads for the duration - although in my case it is generally vanity (I keep spotting typos when rereading old posts for reference and like to correct them when I find them!) there is also, as Clint highlighted, the valid concern that should one of us post something which turns out, either through error or more facts emerging, to be factually inaccurate, or to be a belief that we no longer hold, it is good to be able to edit in an amendment, rather than having our name to something with which we no longer agree for ever more. But you seem to be on top of it and, as ever, very open to hearing our feedback, so please don’t interpret this as a moan!


Hello all,

All the changes we’re making to the edit time limit are now in place. OP’s (original poster) have indefinite editing permission on the first post of their thread, all users have 10 days to edit any of their posts, and FX-Men Honorary Members have indefinite editing permission on all of their posts.

We will continue to monitor the 10 day limit. If members are actively making changes to their posts for SPAM purposes deep into the 10 days, there’s still a chance that we will decrease the 10 day limit.

Also, indefinite editing permission can be requested by any non FX-Men Honorary Members on a case by case basis. Please PM me or send us an email to make a request (Contact us[B] here[/B]). We’ll review your account and make a determination.

Thanks for everybody’s feedback on this one.


Pipstradamus, thanks for devising a fair and sensible policy on post editing.

I’m quite satisfied with the compromise you have achieved, and I hope that others are, as well.


p.s. — I still want one of those crystal balls.