$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

lol, you only say that coz you’re probably using 250k to trade and make 12% per month. :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re on HOLIDAY today ARE YOU NOT??? LOL!!!

I WISH (about the $250 000)!!! LOL!!!

Here’s a post of mine that you’ll find entertaining:


As a matter of fact the entire THREAD is VERY entertaining if you have the time to read it!!! LOL!!!

It’s one of my ‘better’ posts over the years!!!

Put it this way: if I WAS using $250 000 to trade and making 12% per month then that post should give you a good idea as to where I’d be right now and it would most CERTAINLY not be sitting here at my desk in my ‘home office’!!! LOL!!!

By the way: you were not a member at the time BUT REST ASSURED THAT YOU WILL BE INCLUDED (in the party)!!! LOL!!!




The sad part: that was posted in MAY of this year. First: it feels like JUST YESTERDAY. Second: I cannot honestly tell you that I’m ANYWHERE closer to doing any of those things or buying any of those things!!! LOL!!!

I think that’s the thread where I ‘met’ Buckscoder too come to think of it. He’s got some ‘clangers’ posted on that thread too!!! LOL!!!



Haha, ok, sounds like a ‘must read’ … will get to it right away. :smiley:

Well try dividing your money by 7 when you migrate to another land.
Thats a big ouch.

Whoa, BC and some other guys are really having at each other nicely in that thread … talk about speaking openly. :open_mouth:

Addendum (edit): Sigh, posts containing links are being reviewed by a mod prior to being published … I read somewhere on this forum that that’ll stop, once I’ve reached 50 posts … hope that’s true, it’s annoying.
Like I was gonna post links to animal porn or something, lol.

Hell yeah.

It’s quite ‘the thread’ that one!!! LOL!!!

Did you want to post a link???

If so ‘s-p-e-l-l’ it out to me and I’ll post it for you (or just ‘s-p-e-l-l’ it out in your post). I never realised it was FIFTY posts. That’s DEFINITELY been ‘upped’ since I’ve been around here (but then again: the number of ‘spammers and scammers’ has grown ‘exponentially’ in the past few years too)!!! LOL!!!



Not sure if it’s fifty … think I’ve read that somewhere on here … and since this is my post #50, I guess I’ll soon find out.


Yeh: I’ve heard you cannot REALLY work things out that (my) way i.e. converting USD to ZAR and the other way around. I mean: a friend of mine lives in the UK. When she’s HERE: cigarettes cost her NOTHING but she pays the SAME amount in GBP for a box of cigarettes as she pays for a box of cigarettes in ZAR here!!! So a box of cigarettes HERE would cost her, say, £2.50 (roughly R30 ZAR), but she would be paying £20 - £25 over there. ONE thing is for sure: I’d HAVE to be trading with £100 000 JUST TO BE ABLE TO SMOKE if I lived in the UK!!! LOL!!!



Well: reply to my post above with something ‘inane’ and you’ll find out soon enough!!! LOL!!!



monthly 5% or 10% is enough for living that doesn’t matter to test this theory

i am checking the strategy, i am not expecting money but this theory will be wonderful … that’s it.

Well you are right about that and when I arrived in Oz about 12 months ago, thats the advice I got from everybody: dont
worry about the conversion.
Easy for them to say, they were not spending my hard earned SA rand.
But I’m glad I found a job and started making some $. It seemed easier after that.
Anyways, I spent a year in Josie, before coming here, and for the sake of my liver I’m glad I made the move.
Damn you Gauteng folk can drink!!!

I’ve done something of such leandar, but i don’t quit understand ur strategy


To WHICH ‘strategy’ are you referring??? LOL!!! ROFLOL!!!

Most of us have forgotten what the title of this thread is by now!!! LOL!!!

leandar: maybe you’d be so kind as to ‘fill in the blanks’ here.



Good move my good man (I ASSUME you’re not a ‘she’).

I never thought I’d see the day when I said that this place is ‘going south’ but it’s ‘going’ and it’s ‘going’ fast.

You should NEVER have mentioned the word ‘drink’. DO YOU KNOW what you’ve done now??? FIVE WEEKS STRAIGHT I haven’t touched a drink (and believe me: my RECORD for YEARS has been two weeks). To make matters worse: I don’t even have a good reason for NOT having had a drink for so long. That’s scary. But now you’ve ‘put me in the mood’ come to think of it!!! LOL!!!

What the hell. I just found out that my beloved broker only opens for Trading at MIDNIGHT ON TUESDAY NIGHT for F*CK!!! What am I supposed to do between now and then??? I may as well go and buy a CASE of Captain Morgan!!! LOL!!!



You, me, and the other (currently) 9 755 people who have viewed this thread!!! ROFLMAO!!!



Yikes man…now I feel bad, I should not have said drink…aaarghh there I go again.
But seriously, stay away from it. Or go to the Coast, I know you guys don’t like Durbs, but you WILL be healthier.
Plus they give you discounts on medical aid for living there, did you know that?

Anyway, enjoy xmas, for all its faults, its a wonderful and beautiful country. I miss it!

Don’t feel bad. It was really only a question of time!!! LOL!!! And like I said: my ‘abstinence’ has not been anything PLANNED I assure you!!! LOL!!!

Durbs??? I LOVE Durban. Well: Durban and the South Coast. Best places on earth!!!

And no I didn’t know that (about medical aid). Too late now though. I USED to have a cottage on the South Coast. No more I’m afraid.

And you too: take care, have a wonderful time, and nice to ‘meet’ you.



LOL! The thing is, some of my “argue partners” were hit already badly by reality. Not to say I am happy about it, but that’s how it is. If there is a winning streak overconfidence comes for free. :wink:

I mean, even 5% roi a month is a hell of a lot of money not even average hedge funds have and some guys who even can’t calculate their percentage math right dream to make it from 1k to 1m in a couple of months or even weeks. I guess we are here also in the right thread about this. LOL!

I mean, it’s probably possible to have a good year with maybe 500% gains if it’s trending strong, but not consistently for 10 years one after another, lol.

Regarding “demo” I can’t recommend using it for learning to trade. Demo has no slippings, no emotions, no nothing. Demo trading is imho nice to get a grip with the trading platform, but as soon as possible go with a live account. However small you trade. Even nano lots are better than demo! You can also bet that brokers try to put all their energy into having nice order execution and spread in their demos. That doesn’t say anything about their live platforms.

Well now, I’m not saying it’s all bad and ugly lol, but it can’t be wrong to look down first before looking up. 95% or so I heard are losers and I bet the 5% left are not all gazillionaires, but some guys like myself who make “some” money. For sure there are also gazillionaires, but them are probably not more than 0.01% or so, lol. Which leaves the question if it all came by strategy or if there was luck involved, too. There are also lottery millionaeres out there, which proves that by luck it is well possible to make gazillions. Just not for the majority.

Well, I think a tiny little bit of luck is always involved … no matter how experienced one is or how sophisticated and well-tested his system may be.
You need that bit of luck … and be it only that MT4 doesn’t freeze at just the wrong moment, hehe.
The old proverb ‘Luck favours the bold’ has its merits, insofar as (forex-related) generating and then sticking to a proper trading plan will ‘help luck along’.

To rely on it is the Road to Hell, of course (anybody remember that old Chris Rea song?).
In any case, relying on it isn’t trading, but gambling … which is much more fun in a casino, with a glass of scotch in your hand and a gorgeous woman next to you.

Oh, by the way, regarding:

I mean, it’s probably possible to have a good year with maybe 500% gains if it’s trending strong, but not consistently for 10 years one after another, lol.

I’ve had a look at http://forums.babypips.com/honorary-members-club/39060-honorary-member-q-clint.html … and ever since I’ve read that page I’ve been trying to figure out his ‘Item 8’ in that Q&A. Kinda weird.
