$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Remember dead market time we only need to open 6 trades to reach 50% profit within 12 hours.

Friday test report.

what will happen in that Monday all bank holy day times ? lol

I don’t think you’ll see much action before Jan2.
Everybody is in holiday mode.

Interesting avatar.
I cant really see it all, but looks like 15 monitors???

Good morning.

I’m pleasantly surprised that there is ‘life’ here. I checked earlier this morning and NOTHING!!! NADA!!! So I went back to bed!!! LOL!!!

NOT SO FAST about nothing happening or no ‘action before Jan2’!!!

Here’s a link that I’ve posted MANY times (although I see they’ve updated their website and it’s a bit ‘hard on the eyes’ or maybe that’s just me getting older):

These are the LIVE INTERBANK SPOT RATES (LIVE as in whenever you ‘Refresh’ the screen they’re LIVE i.e. they’re not delayed like, say, for fifteen minutes or an hour) and they are updated 24/7:

Spot Exchange Rates| Major Rates | Cross Rates | Rate Charts | Oz Forex

When I was trading Spot FOREX I used to use the site so I’d know whether I was going to be ‘laughing all the way to the bank’ on Monday morning or trying to lay my hands on more margin before the open on Sunday night!!! LOL!!! And IF you’re ‘into the’ or a ‘believer in’ weekly OPENING FOREX gaps (which I’m not) then you have forewarning as to what the opening gap is GOING to be to within a pip or two. This CAN be ‘handy’ if you trade at a broker that allows you to place pending orders OUTSIDE of market hours and in this case you could EVEN benefit from POSSIBLE POSITIVE slippage. But again: that’s only if you believe that weekly OPENING FOREX gaps are tradeable and profitable.

I’ll get to all the other posts shortly.



Here’s a larger image. :slight_smile:

Happy Holidays Weekend to all!


Yes sir! :smiley:

That can come in handy, even if one only uses it Sunday afternoon/evening (UTC), to get in the ‘market mood’. Thanks.

You really think there’ll be much action between now and Jan2?



That is SOME setup. I ASPIRE to having an office that has a setup like that. NOT that I think it would do anybody (me) any good though!!! LOL!!! That being said: it looks like Linda Bradford Raschke’s setup. One thing she made clear though: the ONLY screen that mattered was ‘the one in the middle’ i.e. the rest were ‘all window dressing’. ‘The one in the middle’ (her being a Futures Trader) is where she had the market Level II (in her case probably Level III) quotes showing (market depth) and the current bids and offers (and where she would buy and sell). I know one thing: it would confuse the HELL of out ME anyway!!! ‘Information Overload’ I think is the term!!!

And yes: just because all the calendars show ‘Bank Holiday’ doesn’t mean that ‘the wonderful world of Spot FOREX’ stops ‘churning’!!! LOL!!! To me: ‘Bank Holiday’ just means that YOU (‘Joe Public’) cannot go into the bank that day!!! LOL!!! And remember the likes of American Express and Rennies Foreign Exchange etc. are open 24/7 (as are all the Bureau de Changes).

Oh and by the way: I LIKED the EU Logo!!! LOL!!!



How can we use inter bank spot rates and opening gap for profitable trading?

why do you use many computers for trading? do you staffs there? how many currency pairs / commodities / stocks are you trading?

Oliver, That office is beautiful, Im drewlin (Sp?) over here,

You dont want to see mine, lol…

Keep up the great job,

*Hat Tip

Haha, that’s not my office. :slight_smile:
It’s just a search result on ‘multi screen pc+pic’ on google.

My office is more modern and has more lights, hehe.

Also, I don’t see a need for 15 screens … I’m currently using 3, and if things proceed the way I want them to proceed, I’ll build that up to 6, plus a nice large TV above.

I think 6 screens are ideal, 2 rows of 3: upper row for charts (3 timeframes), lower row for web browser / trading platform / trading tools or notepad. That should do nicely.

Dale: yes, I liked the Euro flag too … but I like changing avatars from time to time, hehe.



Forgive me if I’m wrong here but if that IS Oliver1968’s own setup then what the FCK is he doing here starting to trade Spot FOREX again??? LOL!!! THAT type of sht you ONLY (MAYBE) need if you’re trading Equities, Futures, or Commodities ON EXCHANGE!!! LOL!!! And if you look VERY nicely at any ONE of those screens I don’t see Meta-fu*king-Trader open anywhere. After CAREFUL inspection I see market depth information etc. and I’m willing to bet that the platform showing on most screens is probably TradeStation??? LOL!!! Nice desk though.

leandar: you’re trying to double an account every five minutes and you don’t know what an opening gap is??? So where do I go to from here??? Tell you that ‘too much information’ is as dangerous as ‘too little information’ or what??? LOL!!!

Well a BRIEF explanation is this:

EUR/USD closed at around 1.3042 (BID price and may differ by one or two pips between brokers) at the close of trading last night (Friday night). According to that site (link): it’s currently trading at 1.3039. Alright: that’s not a lot right NOW I’ll give you that. But keep monitoring the rate until just before the open of trading (I don’t know if this applies to ALL brokers but I know Deltastock only opens for trading at midnight, GMT+2, on Tuesday, 27 December). Let’s just say that applies ‘across the board’ i.e. to the entire Spot FOREX market (actually I should check this over the weekend anyway). Let’s just say that just before that time the price on that site (link) is 1.3000. That means that the moment trading opens there will be gap DOWN of -42 pips. WITH EQUITIES AND COMMODITIES ANYWAY: this happens EVERY DAY (a gap UP or a gap DOWN). Because Spot FOREX is traded 24/7 (or 24/5 i.e. you ‘get the picture’) you don’t get opening gaps everyday but only on weekends (alright: not true for some exotic currencies but I’ll keep this simple and stick with EUR/USD). So using my example: there’s two ways to trade the opening gap. The moment price gaps down when trading opens (and believe me you’ve got to be fast) you would, in this case, BUY EUR/USD and HOPE that the gap closes. In other words: you simply BUY at market and your TP is the low of the close of last Friday. Your stop should, as always, be only risking 2% of your account. The other way of trading an opening gap is to wait for the gap to close, then, in this case, go short immediately when that happens, and either trail a profitable stop or set your TP to the size of what WAS the opening gap.

In EQUITIES, FUTURES, AND COMMODITIES trading the DAILY opening gap is, in some circles, know as ‘the highest probability trade of the day’. Some traders make a living from trading ONLY the opening gaps (and no they don’t double their accounts everyday). That’s it. ‘A trade a day’ type of thing. BUT: ‘all gaps are not created equal’.

If you’re REALLY interested in this there are E-books available on my forums for download that detail different trading systems for trading opening gaps, what gaps are, why they happen, and why ‘not all gaps are created equal’. Take a look at John F. Carter’s ‘Mastering The Trade’ and ‘Street Smarts’ by Laurence (Larry) A. Connors and Linda Bradford Raschke (and I have another system lying around here somewhere that I’ll upload if I can find it).

But NOTE: HOW WELL this works on Spot FOREX I have no idea. I’ve seen one or two threads around here where some ‘live and die’ by it while others say it’s nonsense. I don’t know because as you should KNOW BY NOW: Spot FOREX isn’t my ‘thing’!!! Does gap trading work on Equities, Futures, and Commodities??? HELL YEH!!!




Hey Oliver1968. Sorry: we were ‘overtyping’ or ‘overanswering’ each other hence my post above which may appear ‘out of context’ after your reply. LOL!!!

Haha, very perceptive … I didnt even pay attention to the software on the screens, lol.

I’ll take some time to look for a proper 6-screen setup … that will look cooler.

Good afternoon folks!

Well, the EU is with their organization structure an oligarchy and no democracy and I do not like that. So I like your new avatar better, Oliver. :slight_smile:

Here is by the way some underground information in DE which I find useful:

GoldSeiten.de | Das Portal f�r Edelmetalle, Rohstoffe und Minengesellschaften |

Tho, just in German. Sorry you other folks. Maybe you can use babelfish or something to translate it.

Regarding vola between the years I’d also say, wait for a surprise. NOTHING is certain in this business.

Regarding the myth everything is okay with a 800x600 pix screen on your lap and trading, I’d also go with those who have more screens. I have to switch a lot here if I make my analysis and the more screens I had the less I had to switch between timeframes and instruments. So, 6 screens would do nicely! I mean, my bots trade without any chart, but for analysis from my side it would be nice. :slight_smile:

Yeah … and also, it looks cool, and gets you into the right frame of mind for trading.
4-6 screens and a nice large TV will do nicely.

50 days later I am still waiting to see 2.74 become 274 USD.

Nah, please no tv aka brainwasher for me, lol. I mean in DE it’s even worse than in the US where you don’t have to pay for it and a lot more choices. :wink:

The issue with the tv is it’s just one way and it’s filtered as well. You will see nothing what is not filtered by liberals particular in DE. Another thing is if you use satellite receivers, but even then it’s filtered and one way. I prefer the internet where we have two way communications and I am much more interested in opinions from individuals than those of tv brainwashers, lol. Plus then for movies I can use my monitors and computer anyways.

I mean, just 2 hours of tv consumption every day adds to a waste of lifetime of more than 10%. 24 hours a day subtracted by 8 hours sleep aka 16 hours left. So, if a man lives say for instance 80 years then he wasted more than 8 years watching the brainwashers program how to take the best path for walking into the slaughterhouse for sheeples, lol. :smiley:

So then you probably have to wait another 50000 days, lol. :smiley:

Well think of it this way: at least you were not ‘holding your breath’!!! LOL!!!



Same goes for newspapers btw. I am often more interested in reading the individual comments about a particular article than the article itself.