$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

What are you trying to figure out there?

Stellar advice for sure:)

It’s pretty clear how compounding your profits can empower even small accounts safely. Most noobs try to do it all in a day. With a little time, and patience, they would get what they were looking for with far less stress, and time wasted. If there IS a “holy grail” in trading, it’s the power of compounding.

I see leandar is making an appearance on another thread, calculations and all

Yeh: I see that. LOL!!! I ‘see’ ‘Jessica’ too!!! LOL!!! I hope she’s not the same person that ‘lost it’ on this thread (or was it on another thread)??? And I SURE hope it’s not the same person ‘in cognito’ that Buckscoder posted a picture of on this thread (or was it on another thread)??? LOL!!!

Anyway ‘listen up’ piptronix:

I’m RIGHT NOW going to upload a little ‘Christmas Cheer’ to one of my websites ‘special for you’. I know you’re gonna love it. Just give me about five to ten minutes and I’ll give you the link to download it. It’s ‘good for a laugh’ anyway. Once you listen to it: you’ll understand what I mean (JOOLIAAAAS ‘rocks’)!!! LOL!!!



Here you go:


It was an interview with good 'ol JM after they won the municipal elections not too long ago.

‘Shake your bum-bum’!!! LOL!!!



Eish. Tea for Madam!
Well he definitely is entertaining.
I hate to say it, but his responses in interviews are smoother, he’s improving…hahahha

Hehe, yah, compounding is one of the universe’s major forces.
I’ve been trying to find a flaw in Clint’s ‘scheme’ because 1000% per year just sounds too good to be true.
Just look at page 39 / post 385 in this thread to see what I mean. The figures are pretty crass.


Haha, are we gonna ‘usurp’ that thread, too, or shall we be generous and leave it to him?


I had a look at that ‘Africa’ thread … I misunderstood, thought Leandar was the thread opener, hehe.
Weird thread … somebody asking for assistance in calculating 240-175.


Yeah … well, simple enough to calculate profit there: 240-175 = 65 Country Currency Units.
Roughly 25% per transaction … not too shabby.


You know what??? You cannot HELP but ‘love’ him. At VERY least: there is no ‘bullsh*t’. He ‘tells it like it is’. Whether or not what he’s saying is ‘good or bad’ for South Africa could be the topic of another ENTIRE NEW thread (possibly an ENTIRE NEW website on its own)!!!




Sorry but you’ve got WAY too FAR individual posts to ‘quote’ with a reply.

The person (‘low life’) that started that ‘Africa’ thread is quite possibly nothing other than a ‘Nigerian 419 scammer’. It’s that simple. I get ‘sh*t’ emails such as that on a ‘minute-by-minute’ basis. Trust me on this.

The above being said: I guess it doesn’t matter HOW often I ‘refresh’ my screen and check my emails ‘Jessica’ doesn’t exist!!! LOL!!!



Yeah, I guessed something like that … weird request.

Haha, funny, Leandar seems to have deleted one or two of the posts I reacted to … so now there’s like 4 or 5 of me, all in a row, with nonsense references. :smiley:


Yeh: that’s why, when I see a ‘questionable’ post, I ‘Reply With Quote’ i.e. there ain’t “sweet ‘FA’ the member can do” to retract their cr*p’ after that.

I hope you and your family have had a great day. I’m DYING now for Buckscoder to wake up!!! LOL!!!



You think BC’s asleep?

Nah. I just think he’s got WAY better things (and of value) to do than to be posting on BabyPips on Christmas Day!!! LOL!!!

Well: for me it’s ALMOST over i.e. only four hours to go and then it’s over. Then all I have to ‘worry’ about is New Year. When THAT is over: well, then, ‘life as we know it’ will prevail!!!



Here, 25th and 26th are public holidays. You won’t find an open shop or bank in Germany tomorrow.

Hehe, I got used to having BP Forum open on a screen whenever my PC is running, dunno why.

I’m anxious to see how much trading action there will be between now and New Year, too.


Yeh. Same thing here too EXCEPT for the fact that TOMORROW was not ‘good enough’ for our ‘majority’ (the labour unions) i.e. they felt ‘short changed’ because Christmas ‘fell’ over a weekend!!! So things only ‘start’ here on WEDNESDAY morning.

This is NOT a subject we want to ‘touch on’ right now given my ‘mood’!!! LOL!!!



lol, had a little discussion with Captain Morgan, and he won?

I’ve had extensive conversation with Mr Johnnie Walker since Friday. :smiley:


You SEE??? I had a GOOD ‘feeling’ about this ‘relationship’ between you, me, and Buckscoder!!! LOL!!



Hello! :slight_smile:

I’m back. But not for long, lol. Not enough liquidity! No, I’m not talking regarding Mr. Walker, lol. Cheers!

In the US Walmart closes only one day in a year: Christmas day. Open on all other days 24x7.

Did I read anywhere you have no Amazon in SA Dale? If that is true, that would already be one reason not to move down there, lol. Many of my good what I bought came from Amazon. They have open all the time.Tho they just get the stuff ready for shipping on working days.

I hope you had all your Ferraris under the tree, lol. :smiley: