$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days


Anyway fishing is the best time pass while trading.

Where EU will touch before NY?

Better watching 30 min now

My coffee. Plus my keyboard. :wink: :smiley:

Do you have contracts with keyboard manufacturers?

Reminds me at one guy I know in person, lol. He invested some in stocks. Now he is down 15%. Then he wrote it was already worse with 25% and he is [B]optimistic[/B].

No really, he is a nice guy and good friend, but it breaks my traders heart, lol.

Have to ask, since the JPEG’s are based on real info, what about the strategy part of it? And any suggestions on both manual/Robot strategies, suggestions? Did you test your strategy on a demo account?
The urban myth is that a demo account varies from real accounts, from spreads to movements - not sure if that’s the case. But do provide more info on the strategy used, if you have tested it out on bigger amounts, demos…duly appreciated!



Don’t ‘hold your breath’ for the strategy. You obviously haven’t read this thread from the beginning otherwise you’d know how come we’d arrived at the ‘Man Fishing’ JPEGs point!!! LOL!!!


You’re a ‘good sport’. Good on you!!! Come to think of it: you’re ‘honest’ (as I noted previously) AND a ‘good sport’. Now if we could JUST get you to forget about trying to double your account every five minutes …



Hmm, the more I think about it, why not? See, you can also cut your account in half by one day easily. Why not trade it up the other direction in one day? It’s just the opposite direction. Think about it, with this strategy every 10 days you would make 1 million out of 1k. Another 10 days and the billion would be yours. Just trade it UP, not down. :slight_smile:

Oh my, I couldn’t resist either. Sorry, lol:


Mr Gecko.

Don’t YOU start!!! LOL!!!

Hmm, the more I think about it, why not? See, you can also cut your account in half by one day easily. Why not trade it up the other direction in one day? It’s just the opposite direction. Think about it, with this strategy every 10 days you would make 1 million out of 1k. Another 10 days and the billion would be yours. Just trade it UP, not down.

Well not unless YOU want to be ‘fielding’ posts asking YOU for THIS (YOUR) strategy (the one you’ve just alluded to in your post and as I’ve quoted above). LOL!!!

Well done on the image though (I like the ‘StopHUNTER Bank’ shark i.e. he’s ‘cute’)!!! LOL!!!




Whatever you do: PUH-LEASE don’t buy an ‘el-cheapo’ keyboard that has a ‘Made in China’ sticker on the back!!! Instead of bothering to open and wash and clean some of my keyboards THAT I’VE USED FOR AT LEAST SIX YEARS NOW if not more (obviously cleaning and servicing them periodically) I thought ‘what the hell’ and bought a new ‘el-cheapo’ keyboard about a month ago. After only a few DAYS the LETTERING had dissapeared off of most of the keys (I never even HAD a chance to spill Rum on it)!!! So guess who spent a while last weekend servicing DECENT GOOD QUALITY OLD keyboards??? LOL!!! Like everything else: 'they just don’t make ‘em like they used to’. Either that or ‘you get what you pay for’!!! OR BOTH!!! LOL!!!

Oh I’m sure I’d get a lot of followers for my new “strategy”, lol. Sound easy, eh? Just double up, not down, LOL! What’s so hard with doing it? ROTFL!

As you can see my photoshop/gimp experience is not great. I am glad you like it. I thought about moving the name of the fisher a little bit to the right and down, just right above the bait. Anyways, I let that to anybody else to proof their photoshop experience, lol.

Anyways, I am maybe not worse than those who tune their account statements with their favorite paint application.

Regarding keyboards, I write “blind” with ten fingers, so that would probably not the issue. As long as the keys work. LOL! Oh well, I had also a lot of this cheap stuff what went to the trash quick. Memory sticks for instance. Albeit I wouldn’t trust the country sticker. You can have really great stuff as well from China. It all goes back to the quality control department. Sometimes I guess that the same company uses the checked stuff for selling and some guys look at their trash cans and grab all the stuff from there and sell it on Ebay for a cheap buck. Maybe in your case they just forgot the coating.

However, I’ll think about buying a super special keyboard protector before I read any one of your posts. Do you have a contract with those, too? :smiley:

Oh, you wanna see the outcome after the fishing session?


We could get REALLY creative with that picture and ‘name some names’ e.g. Goldman Sachs, MF GLOBAL (there’s a good one), Morgan Stanley??? It could become ‘quite the work of art’!!! LOL!!!

I, like you, ‘touch type’, so it wasn’t a problem (with the keyboard) but it’s the PRINCIPLE!!! And actually yes: I’m being a bit unfair blaming the Chinese (although I still wouldn’t buy a replica of ‘Charging Bull’ with a ‘Made in China’ sticker underneath). Like ANY country: there are quality goods produced and also utter ‘cr*p’. The PROBLEM HERE is that ‘in the old days’ we had a Government Department called the SABS (‘South African Bureau of Standards’) and NOTHING was allowed into the country until it had been approved by the SABS. Well: nowadays such approval is ‘optional’ so ‘anything goes’. We get all the electronic goods that the USA won’t accept!!! And THEREIN lies the problem. What ‘kills me’ is that the darn thing EVEN has a one-year warranty!!! And yet it was so cheap that the cost of petrol (gas) to go and get it exchanged makes it not worth the trouble!!! LOL!!!

HOW we got onto HERE I’ll never know!!! LOL!!! See leandar what happens when you don’t give EXACT details of your strategy??? LOL!!!

Anyway and while we’re now WAY off-topic:

I was thinking about your ‘optimistic’ friend for some reason. I don’t know what stock he owns but he, in the long run, may JUST be right. Here’s why I say this (and your input would be appreciated i.e. I’ve ‘bounced it off’ my other ‘friend’ and he reckoned it’s not a bad idea):

Bank of America (BAC)!!!

Right now (as I type) it’s trading at $5.89 / $5.94. As you know: Buffet bought a couple of BILLION USD worth of stock the other day in BAC. It’s highest close was at the end of November 2006 at $53.88. And I cannot help but think that for those of us that don’t have the ‘safety net’ of a retirement fund: wouldn’t this be an option (no pun intended)??? Think about it: for every 100 units (I’m talking CFDs here) you get $1 per $0.01 movement in the price. So what if a whole bunch of people got together, formed a PROPER LEGAL ENTITY, and bought a few thousand (or a few hundred thousand) USD worth of BAC CASH CFDs. I say CASH CFDs because there is NO leverage i.e. 1:1 BUT there is ALSO no swap or interest payable (nor receivable) BUT you receive any dividends paid out. Your downside risk is limited to the price going to ZERO but the upside is really unlimited. Alright: the broker could go ‘broke’ (but you’d be covered up to a certain amount depending on their particular regulator so you wouldn’t want to have ONE account that exceeds the maximum cover but multiple accounts). BOA could go broke (but that, in this case, given no leverage, would be the same as the price going to ZERO). And Buffet isn’t the ‘type’ the ‘sink’ billions into something for no good reason. The only POSSIBLE ‘caveat’ I can think of is if they ‘pulled’ a reverse share swap like CitiGroup (because then you’d not be getting $1 per $0.01 movement in price anymore). Alright: this is not TRADING. This is INVESTING. And L-O-N-G, L-O-N-G, term at that. Pretty much the same idea or principle as you’ve had (done) with Gold. But I’m forty-six now. What do you think BAC would be worth in, say, twenty years time??? And of course there’s the chance that they could be the target of an M&A which would certainly help matters??? Just something I’ve been thinking about (and as I sad: maybe your ‘stock friend’ has good reason to be optimistic in SPITE of being ‘down’ right now).

Your thoughts???



Hello Dale.

Well, leandar might forgive us and learn something about investments at least from you. :wink:

With the gadget stuff I know exactly what you mean. In the ez they get also the stuff what doesn’t go to the US. Not to say some of the stuff even now and then will make it to the US. But it’s not the rule. If I am in the US I often buy some things at dollar stores. You can get almost everything from there and it’s really a good deal if you enter the right store. I found out that some are really good, others are striked out in my list. And yes, it’s really not worth thinking about warranty. Even the gas for driving to the store again is more expensive than the gadget sometimes. LOL!

Oh sure, my friend could be darn right. Albeit I used him lately as contra indicator. When I bought xau a couple of years ago, he said it’s too expensive. Now as it got more expensive, it’s then cheap enough so he bought a little, lol. I promise I will sell all my xau if he buys with both hands!

That idea with bac I’d say why not? Albeit I am not a friend of long term investments. Xau is really an exception, because there is no default risk. A lot can happen in 20 years and then just try to remember Pan American Airlines and countless others who were big players at their time. Regarding Buffett, he lost some billions lately. So I am not sure if this is really a good target for following. It won’t make a big problem for him, but for you or me it would. I must also think at the little story of the stock operator book. Where a newspaper brought up that Livermore sold some stocks and he was glad for the opportunity because others sold as well and he bought from them or anything vice verse. Not sure which direction it was. Long or short. I get very awake if I see some buy or sell “promotions” in the news.

Plus then I am not a big friend anymore of stocks. I was often right with it. I bought rhat for $75 around and three months later it hovered at $300. Forgot to sell, though. Because it was for long term investments. LOL! :smiley: Anyways. The reason I am in fx is that it can’t be manipulated by stock gangs who buy or sell in groups or such stuff. Sure, we get no dividends. But so what? We both know very well that all what you get of dividends is priced out of the shares. And all what is left is rather easy. Either I let my bot do the hard word or every now and then I look for panic actions and often it’s a great opportunity to trade counter. So in 20 years from now I hope I am really at a level where I do not need to think anymore about this stuff. I mean, 5% a month is doable. Even with my bots.

The other good thing with xau is btw. that we here in Germany don’t pay tax on the real thing. So it’s all tax free. I can count with one finger of one hand that this worldwide debt issue will be solved with inflation. It’s already under way. So then it’s really a small way to the idea what makes a lot of money over say the next 10 til 20 years. At least for me. Xau for protection and “a little” gain of 25% per year for just sitting on it, bot trading in fx (also hard with stocks, because a bot can hardly select stocks) for the “meat” of 50-100% per year.

To boil that all down to a conclusion: That above is what I rhink right now. If in 2 years some variables change and some stocks should make it into my radar screen, then why not? Albeit not right now and with stocks. I also have the charts here with the equities and it all looks not that rosy. Even bac might look cheap right now, but what if you can buy it at 50 cents and after it goes up? They have still issues. All the banks have issues, because the fiat money is in the last stage.

Well, I hope you get my idea a little about investments. :slight_smile:

All there already, lol. Just type in goldman sachs and shark in Google and you get this:



And as always: thanks for your valuable insight.

It’s just that I got to thinking (for a few personal reasons the other day and I think I’ve noted them somewhere around here on another thread) about the future is all. I mean: there isn’t enough time left in my life to start paying into a pension fund or retirement scheme that would ensure that when I was too old or had become too pedantic to trade that I’d not land up ‘on the street’ LITERALLY or, at best case, maintain my standard of living. Alright: right NOW my standard of living is ‘up to sht’ but going back to my ‘heyday’ my monthly living expenses WITHOUT paying into a pension fund or retirement scheme and NOT saving was in the region of $103 000 per annum (assuming a USD/ZAR exchange rate of R7 ZAR to $1 USD). Now in hindsight: that doesn’t SOUND like much i.e. at that same exchange rate it’s about $8 571 USD per month. I don’t know how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ that is in terms of a the ‘average salary’ being paid in the USA for IT Consultants or the like. And with decent capital: sure one could make that type of money on a monthly basis trading ‘normally’ (leandars words). But you’d have to make that AND more and this was before I started trading so inflation and such things have to be taken into account too. There’s no point in trying to save money in a bank because even with OUR interest rates you’d need a WHOPPING chunk of capital to make that type of money monthly (without having to touch your WHOPPING amount of capital). And then there is INDEED the question of trading. Since my ‘spectacular wipeout’: I’ve managed to ‘behave’ myself very well having an unbemished record of managing risk etc. But just the other day, for no explicable reason, I ‘broke every rule in my own book’ on a particular trade that could quite easily have set me back three years had it not been for some creativity (and a lot of sweat and heart palpitations) on my part. The point is: you NEVER know. You could trade for twenty years and one day: ‘boom’ for no explicable reason. That’s why this business is fraught with stories of ‘rags to riches to suicides’. And as I noted in that post to which I referred: what IF for some reason you COULD NOT trade for a month (or longer). You know: bad car accident, health issues, that type of thing. I don’t think that enough thought is given to this by us (well me up until now) traders. We all believe (and hope) that we’re going to trade ‘until the cows come home’ and we’ll have made SOOO much money that we’d not need pension plans or retirement schemes. But as the proverbial saying goes: 'sht’ happens (can happen)’. With this BAC idea of mine: we’re not talking about trading i.e. it’s a simply ‘purchase’ and ‘set and forget’ (which I know is easier said than done of course). With the amount of money I’ve got it wouldn’t be worth it i.e. I could make more by TRADING it. But with some REAL decent capital: an INVESTMENT such as this could pay off in a few years. And that’s to say to NOT trade along the way. Just the creation of a REAL and long term ‘buffer’ is the idea.

And also: what is the future of trading as we know it??? I watched an insert just yesterday on Bloomberg TV. It was about a half hour discussion on the subject of something called ‘nano arbitrage’ (alright I’m not sure that’s the correct description and I’ll endeavour to find it on Bloomberg’s website i.e. hopefully it’s been archived or is a podcast or something like that). But the fundamental discussion really was this: they are now capable of having computers trade in nano seconds. And this has nothing to do with algos or anything like that. As I understood it: with a server connected only 10 metres away from the exchange server there is STILL a delay and somehow this software makes money because somehow it ‘knows’ even BEFORE the algos ‘kick in’ what price is GOING to be ‘coming down the wire’. Alright: it’s literally pennies that are made but on HUGE HUGE trades. The point I’m trying to make is that trading, as we know it, and particularly spot FOREX trading (and no this has nothing to do with my equity futures vs. commodities argument) may not BE here anymore. The way were going now: the busines of trading could very well ‘boil down’ to computers trading computers (like those ‘robot competitions’ i.e. the strongest and fastest will win the contest). And this is (apparantely) what ‘Quant Funds’ are focused on. Now if I’m not I’m understanding this correctly and even if I AM it may not happen in MY lifetime but it’s for sure possible that it could happen this way.

I don’t know. I’m no expert on these things and have always ‘lived on the edge’ financially. But as you get older (well as I’m getting older): I’m starting to think about things is all.




I was composing this post while you had posted the ‘Golman Sachs Shark’!!! LOL!!! Good one!!! LOL!!!

This has been an entertaining 8 page diversion. I think I can sum up Leander in the little time I got to know him/her.

Leander is one of those eternally optimistic types who’s enthusiasm cannot be dampened, is of generally good character and after a while you can’t help but like…QED

Take care all :slight_smile:


thank you too! As I said. Good possible that some stocks arrive on my radar in a few years. I am older than you, but I have less fears. Why? Yes, you’re right. Everything can happen. So what then? You can’t do everything to prevent any outcome. We Germans are specialists in this, I assure you. If a German builds a heater system in a house and that house get’s blown away by a hurricane you can not anymore see the house, but you can still see and use the heaters! Don’t be so German, lol. What we have now is a lot of tax, because insurance is mandatory for almost everything. Life becomes so expensive that 50% and more goes for insurance fees. So, that’s obviously not the real deal.

20 years is a hell of a lot of time. Even 10 years is enough that you can do a lot in this time to grow something to the extent that you won’t worry anymore about things what were an issue before. As long as you are active as trader, you can make more than with any other business imho. So why worry? I am also an expert in IT. I do it for more than 30 years. I assure you that trading will always be there. Eremarket had the same fear. I told him as you now that if there is an edge, either humans and computers can use it, and if there is no edge anymore even computers couldn’t trade profitably. Sure, things change, as they have changed always. Look how trading/investment changed over say centuries. Now we expect no less than a fraction of a second for order execution from home. There was always a time gap between the real professionals inside of the banks and the other folks. And this gap was never so small as like now. We are closer with this fraction of a second to the nanoseconds than ever before when intrabank traders had the seconds and all others minutes or even hours or days! Was it ever an issue? No it wasn’t. Sure, arbitrage is another case. Arbitrage traders need always to switch to new opportunities, because no arbitrage opportunity lasts forever. The arbitrage traders/speculators for themself close this gap sooner or later. It has always been this way and it will probably ever be. So why worry? Technology changes the way we do things, but it brings more opportunities, not less.

I mean it’s the same like with trading. You can worry that your trade goes wrong and now what? There is always a new opportunity with the next trade! So it goes in life. Right now I can still say buying xau (the real thing) is the best one can do for a retirement plan. Not all together, but in small coins and always in dips. To average the buy price. Not sure if or how your currency down there is bound to xau these days. Most currencies like the buck and fiber and so on are completely decoupled from it. Even the franc is not coupled with it completely anymore. So, that’s one thing which has no default or third party risk. There are lots of sites at the net, so I won’t tell more about it. I just say it’s way safer than put any money in something where you have way more risk. Particular banks. What only a few people on this planet seem to check is that gold is still a bargain if you compare that to all the floating debt around. Fiat money is nothing more than debt and it’s going into the quadrillions soon probably. Can you imagine what happens if, what sooner or later must happen anyways, the paper money pyramids crash? If all that money what is floating around goes into a safe haven like the real thing? Can you imagine what happens to the reception of value of that small precious metal market?

Besides that only selected stocks might be a good investment. I would not buy any financial shares. Reason explained above. If I would buy stocks now, I’d probably look for something real. Like commodity companies/miners/explorers, fabrication of sole goods, etc. If I had more knowledge regarding wheat, sugar, soy beans all that it would probably be also a good investment if you look for dips in this segment.

I mean, it’s just my 2 pips. I am in no way a guru or anything. I just have a receptor for undervalued goods. Banks are not undervalued. Them are ALL overvalued. Real estate is in most cases also overvalued. Societies in the western world typically shrink these days. So the demand for houses shrinks as well. That’s why banks try desperately to sell you a house credit. Imho avoid everything what is based on top of a fear and what most people do. That’s all good for a loser. Look for niche things. Could even a thing to buy a part of a business outside of the stock market. Or buying land with wheat on it or whatever. Just to give some examples. Or buying ships if you believe that the intercontinental market grows. :slight_smile:

Buckscoder you are correct XAU is better than anything to invest, china want next 2 years all world’s gold production to reach their 10% reserve, there is another discussion about global currency with gold standard or USA return back to “bretton woods” this will make gold high.

Gold reserve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

look xau monthly chart after at 2008-2009 crisis there was smooth price action in every 6 month ( $250 high ) $100 retrace but now its changed to bigger volume. 2011 new crisis started.

leandar, it’s not China alone.

If we look at what gold bears have to say, they just come up over and over again with the minor corrections and blow it off like paper money. If one would have bought an ounce in 1960 for $35 I guess the correction from $850 (just a peak for a few hours I guess) til $250 was easy going.

Gold is THE best retire solution:

  1. It’s without ANY third party risk
  2. No fees for asset management
  3. x000 years of history as reliable backtest it works
  4. Survived any currency on this planet (can’t say about extraplanet performance, though) :smiley:
  5. If you don’t like banks, buy even more! Banks don’t like gold in other hands, because it’s the lowest performer for them. Much better to sell product xyz with insurance of abc and quanto currency insurance of def. Plus on top a [U]not guaranteed[/U] bonus. :smiley:
  6. Easy to move with
  7. Can store it in any bank safe for a ridiculous fee, because it’s compact
  8. Undestroyable

If you think long term, there is no better asset for performance with insurance. Means, asset AND inflation protection. Plus if you buy in dips you get a good performance as well.

I ‘second the motion’!!! LOL!!!

UNLESS I find out he works for InstaForex!!! LOL!!!



Hey Mr. Gecko (and leandar).

Mr. Gecko:

GREAT reply (the LONG one) and loads of ‘food for thought’. I think I’ve read it ten times today already. I’m just having an ‘off day’. Nothing to do with business or trading or anything like that. Just ‘one of those days’ where you’re not quite ‘with it’ for no good reason hence my not responding. But I’m sure I’ll have my ‘mojo’ back over the weekend or by Monday at least!!! LOL!!!



BEER … Time … ;):60:

See You Monday

Well ordinarily it would be RUM time for me but I’m not even in the mood for THAT (for a change and again ‘inexplicably’)!!! LOL!!!

But YOU enjoy!!!

