2-year backtest EURUSD, 300 pips/month

yes ghost pips…

you are the good guy! right…!

‘’ Former hedgefund trader? Fully automated? These guys shouldn’t even be thinking about managing other people’s hard earned money. ‘’

Dude, all pictures you are posting are positions made when customers were already out of the account…
We disabled the account. Postions were taken to still get commisions that month.
Not any client suffered from those positions.
We did nothing wrong. -400 pips and half lotsize was exactly our trading range.
Thats why we stoped trading. We wanted to produce a more advanced strategy.

But you are so good… Because you warned people right?

We are not doing anything illegal. I can send you registered forms of our company. (I will not do that because you are even typing my private adress here. I don’t like this. Maybe next thing my tax number is everywhere on the forum)

As SP you do not have to be registered by financial authorities, only as an investment firm. (were are only giving signals, zulutrade is excecuting the orders, they need to have licences)

And please stop by the insane way of trying to communicate with us.

We made a new link. We are currently combining a countertrend (new) and trendfollowing system. (previous strategy)
We will fully backtest it on all pairs. We will not do any rediculous adjustments when live trading anymore. (we learned our lesson) No adjustments when live trading. So the strategy has to be finished (and backtests) before we are going to produce data at zulutrade or saxobank. And we will stop communicating so much with followers. We really need our time to focus on trading and developing our new strategy hopefully live (producing data) at 1 januari 2014.

Backtests | PipShip

Pipship, I think you placed your argument quite well. I wonder what ghostpip will find to nag about now?

You claim that clients didn’t make losses because of your trades, then why do all clients complain about losses?

See my previous posted printscreens.

before that they were claiming they were all in love with the trader…this is us followers - very unstable - will turn against the trader at the first sign of weakiness…and this is applied not only to pipship but to every single trader on zulutrade.

As said months ago, this is just a scam. 10+ indicators, really???
Now broke & gone.
Watch out people & use your brain, always!
Simple trading and simple mind get you the money, not crazy robots!

I dont think this trader is scam, lets wait and see how the trading will reveal itself! :slight_smile:

What are you talking about?? They disappeared from zulutrade after massive losses.
Seriously, I hope people use their brain when someone claims that with 30 indicators - read again - 30 indicators you can make easy money while sleeping!!

Dear investors, babypips forum readers, demo followers etc.

We made the mistake to trade a more volatile pair with same strategy parameters (normally trading less volatile pairs)
Therefore we desided to stop trading, first analysing all pairs with backtests. After disabling all followers, we tried to end the previous month with positive end result by trading manual short on eurusd to safe our commisions. Unfortunately, november wasn’t our month either.

The previous weeks we separeted our company in two parts: strategy development and live trading. Development will only take place before live trading. Only our trader will be able to control our trading server. Programmers will only be able to log in on development and test servers. By both trading EURAUD and letting go the stoploss (only exit formula, making a change in the strategy) the previous event was able to happen.
Previous two weeks we fully backtested 10 pairs, we were able to group them in 2 separated strategies. Trading normal ranged pairs and jpy ranged pairs. (pipship strategy 1 and pipship strategy 2)

1 dec we will start trading 2 new accounts. (-300/300 and -900/900 DDmax/monthly performance number)

Yours sincerely,

The PipShip Team

read more : Backtests | PipShip

thank you for the kind update~ I think some reflection and backtesting will be of need to soothen your trading strategy.
Keep us posted.

hey guy… r u all discussing about EA? or some indicator or system? sorry for not really understand… hehe

Nope. discussion is on zulutrade and a certain trader that is talking about his strategy of trading.
For us the followers is easy to get to know the traders and thus trust them more easily.

ooo i see!! i’m still newbie in this forum … thanks a lot !! hehe

Hello there newbies,

whoever is new, go ahead and open a demo account - this is the best way to earn by getting to know the program the best way possible. :54:

Dear followers of this forum,

First backtests are finished with end result codes.
We will start trading by tomorrow.
We are performing test on about 30 currencies to check the performance of the strategy.
Target every month 2014: earn 300 pips /max DD of strategy 300 pips.

First backtests: Newz & Backtests | PipShip

sure !! hehe

wow!!! every month 300 pips? is that possible? Mind sharing trading strategy or post signal? really appreciated that!! :slight_smile:

you lost the other part - which was a dd of 300! is that max/month or per trade?
either way, just the math doesn’t add up :slight_smile: care to elaborate :slight_smile:

sorry my english not that good hahaha… cant get what u mean? what is dd of 300? meaning total add up or the other way round?

Did this guy blow up?

dd-drawdown. or loss of 300 pips per trade.
The signal that you are interensted, you can follow in zulutrade. Go open a live account and you’ll get all the trades you like.