2-year backtest EURUSD, 300 pips/month

Kevin: If they have a positive month overall (pipship this month was positive by 27 pips) then they are awarded their commissions. He was 400 pips positive for the month only 3-4 days previously so I suppose the conflict of interest arises if they know they’re going to get paid by the end of the month and therefore are happy to open up multiple positions caring little about whether it’ll end in profit. Bare in mind there are going to be plenty of people who will join mid-month so whilst he has a positive month, they may not. I had a positive month with him by £4, but considering I lost $800 in the space of 2 days and had my capital tied up with him, and also after informing him something seemed unusual with his system [U]before[/U] this all happened, you can understand my frustration.

Username I look forward to the explanation, will help me decide whether I want to continue with him or not.

This is the math:

the guy made 100 trades in February.

He has $100,000 live capital following him, he recommends 0.1 lot per $1000 which means he trades 10 lots each time.

For each traded lot he receives around $4, no matter trade is successful or nor, as long as whole month is in profit.

Meaning, his total profit for Feb can be estimated as $4 x 10 lots x 100 trades = $4,000.

That’s why on zulutrade you can see number of demo providers that have dozens busted accounts, still ‘trading’ as they are making money from commisions and not from actual results.

What this guy is doing, he is essentially selling you a dream of risk-free, consistent and automated profits.

If he was a genuine trader he would trade the system with his own money first for a few months, to test it live without putting too much hard earned money at risk.

The fact that he makes promises of high returns based on back tests and started promoting website before system went live makes me think that he is more interested in commissions instead of proper trading.

For this reason I would recommend dropping this provider for now. Check his results in next 1-2 months, if the system improved and the followers are in profit then go back and follow him. You will not loose anything by staying on hold for a month or two as if he is as good as he promises he will be around for a while.

Not proven, works only in backtest…
I see a lot of frustration. I’m not sure if any of my words will do any good.

Well, the system works.
Also the sytem of the previous two months works.

Two events caused damage to our performance:

My trader made a costly mistake burning 300 pips by a manual trade. Because of this event, I had to take over the control of the system. He is still at my company, but he no longer controls systems. First I have to trust him for 100% again.

Fault in system caused entry in uptrend. Position of -100 did not close because SL was not executed properly, exits didn’t work and also the system went in over weekend! (previous message)

This caused another loss of 300 pips.

Before and after event 1 we were able to win 300 pips. Now, there is just a ****ty performance at our account.
300 pips is a realistic montly performance (looking at backtest AND LIVE PERFORMANCE, exactly the same)

If the two mistakes did not happen. Then there was no frustration at all. (then profit of 600 pips)
I’m not designing a new system, because I cant. (not able to do this in just one weekend, and I only know my way of making profits trendwise, trading after big move of the day)

This weekend I tried to make the system less complex. Instead of 3 EA’s we work with 1 EA again. (Current strategy is almost identical to first month of first pipship account) Backtests are not something like ‘it only works in backtest’.
Backtests show precisely the same entries en exits as live performance.

First system of pipship was able to gain 9 pips trade.
The test I calculated this night had a performance of 9.9 pips/trade. (EURUSD)
Now I’m running the GBPUSD test. I’m able to give you a preview of this test running at the moment.

I don’t need to advertise. I did have 50-100 followers with babypips. When I was ranged top 100. This increased to 1000 followers, so their is only little advantage for me to tell the inside story. I know I will be trading top 100 in a few month. If not, why am I trading today? I’m not able to run my business with only 50 followers.

EURUSD: First year 2012 (still need to do 2013 and first 2 months of 2014)

GBPUSD: 2012 - march 2014 (running at the moment)

I’m not advising 0.1 lot /$1000.
At the moment only half of followers is active in account.
And the are certainly trading with less. At the website and account I’m naming 0.2 [B]mini[/B]Lots / $1000.

If I’m trading with $50.000 and 0.2 minilots / $1000. Then I’m doing 10 lots each time.
1 pip = $13,60 (1.36 EURUSD, 1.56 GBPUSD etc.)
Commision = 0.5 pip = $7,–.

This two months about 100 trades = $ 700,–

Actual salary is $780,–
I can’t even pay my office with $780,–.

What about support staff, server costs, website, software costs, development costs and my own salary?

I’m not doing all this work for this ****ty salary.

I’m focussing again on trading next month and finishing one test for each pair each day. I totally agree with the statement you are writing at the end… performance will come.

For this reason I would recommend dropping this provider for now. Check his results in next 1-2 months, if the system improved and the followers are in profit then go back and follow him. You will not loose anything by staying on hold for a month or two as if he is as good as he promises he will be around for a while.

his “trader” probably is a 5 year old playing around with the laptop while the captain was having a piss; and his “company” is most likely him, his 5 year old and his dog.

happy sailing!!

what i dont understand is if the previous EA had been working fine then why don’t you continue with just that? If something isnt broken then why are you trying to fix it? if you want to try two new EA’s then why not open an account just for that on the side and let your followers choose whether they want to follow the EA which worked well for several months, or 2 new EAs which have not yet been proven to be effective.

You still haven’t addressed what happened on the 26/02/2014- when multiple positions were opened up at pretty much the same time- these ended in profit but we had 6 positions all bullish USD. Before then multiple positions on the same pair were only opened after a defined DD not at the same time.

(please read message at the previous page, then you also understand why I had to make changes)

hahahahah. LOL I like your humor!

Current progress GBPUSD test:

Ok, no more guinea pig experimenting. Different approach. Qualitity trading instead of commission hunting. From now on: 10 pips trade. MaxDD = 200. About 5 trades each week. (will be weeks without trades due to only trading most safe setups)

Two tests have been finished:

EURUSD jan 2012 - jan 2013 : 9.9 pips trade, MaxDD = -111, profit: 792. (70 pips/month), 80 trades.
GBPUSD jan 2012 - jan 2013 : 12.9 pips trade, MaxDD = -67, profit: 555. (45 pips/month), 43 trades.

Today I will do:

EURUSD jan 2013 - march 2014.
GBPUSD jan 2013 - march 2014.

Then the same for AUDUSD, NZDUSD and USDCHF.



GBPUSD 2013 + jan, febr 2014

GBPUSD jan 2013 - march 2014 : 7.1 pips trade, MaxDD = -122, profit: 522. (45 pips/month), 73 trades.

Hey pipship, hows zulutrade trading going on?? Did you make what you were promising us?

[B]Dear eddy,

Previous two months trading was difficult. Due to the mistake my trader made. The system that did not function like it supposed to. I wanted to trade above all stable, safe and reliable, but this time performance was not what it supposed to be.

The previous two months I worked day and night to design a more stable strategie.
I found out how to trade price outbreaks. Not as profitable as my trendfollowing strategy, but now I’m also able to trade on a different time of the day trading the big move. Eventually the other system will try to catch the next ‘wave’ after a small reversal of the price.

I chosed to use simplicity. Well still my system has about 50 different indicators and two EA’s running. One for trendfollowing EURUSD and one for breakout GBPUSD. I’m trading more safe. Only best entries will be opened. This will cost half the profit each month, but the probability of drawdowns above 300 pips has been lowered. Also by using max 3 trades open instead of 6. The previous strategy was not fully backtested the day I started trading. I was in a hurry to open the account after the big account trading 2.2 million dollars.
So I was still making tiny changes to the parameters. Above all my server wasn’t able to cope with the difficult strategy. It was running out of cpu. Now this strategy is fully backtested before we start trading or making live data. No changes have to be made. And finally, I’m totally relaxed. The only thing I have to do now is push the button ‘play’. Because I want to be more carefull with the deposit of followers, I will trade live the first two weeks, but I will open the account two weeks later. Then I’m sure everything will work as planned :slight_smile:

At the website I wrote this:[/B]

Two different strategies have been developed:

  1. EURUSD trendfollowing.
  2. GBPUSD outbreak.

This time we focused on ‘simplicity’, constant performance and safety. First two months of the previous strategy we had troubles with identifying all different strategy components. Now a more easy setup has been used. Because the two different strategies do trade on different market volatility moments, orders of both strategies do not interfere with each other. (always max 3 orders in, same amount of risk) Other currencies did not match the results we calculated for EURUSD and GBPUSD. We will only trade EURUSD and GBPUSD fully automated. Backtest performance results below. Please use a -300 DDmax / 150 pips montly performance ratio. (1st month 0.2 miniLots / $1000, 3rd month 0.4 miniLots / $1000, 5th month final lotsamount of 0.6 miniLots / $1000 available for PipShip Strategy. Then profit is 10% each month, max risk EVER is 6% on original deposit.

Account wil be open start april 2014.

Backtests Growth/weight Status Profit DDmax Pips/trade

EURUSD ||||||||101| LIVE 672 -106 6.7
GBPUSD ||||||||159| LIVE 859 -232 5.4

EURUSD 2013:

GBPUSD 2013:

I will start trading this account next week.
To make sure now everything works like it supposed to I will open the account start april 2014.

More details can be found at:
Newz & Backtests | PipShip

PipShip (account homepage)

[url="ZuluTrade (open start april)

your zulutrade trading strategy is not public, I suppose it the same as the one that you showing above?

Account has been opened. WE ARE TRADING LIVE AT THE MOMENT.
Account is public. Robot works 100% -> acoount open.

700 pips last week…[/B]

ZuluTrade - Signal Provider Performance - PipShip4X

[B]Instead of trendfollowing/breakout…

We now use swing trade.
50% manual (spotting superb high probability trade setups scanning the market by our trading team)
50% by robot (robot trades are recognizable by 30 pips TP of trade = all 30 pips trades are robot, robot is live since today)

Maybe we will also set up an account trading trendfollowing.
We see breakout also makes profit, but swing trading is just tha bomb.

-600/600 is ratio we try to accomplish. (20% profit each month, max risk of -6%)
Anything above can be seen as a holiday bonus :wink: [/B]

Very good performance my friend! Keep on doing the good job! I am definitely following you on demo account.
I think you finally are getting the right combination of trading :wink:

[B]He eddy!!!

I’m so trilled by the live results of previous two weeks :slight_smile: After work of now 7 years programming and analysing the market…

I hope we are now able to earn the 50 k needed to set up a real IB (introducing broker firm), licensed, this year by commissions and letting investors earn a huge capital! Then we also have 1 million euro’s invested money we need for our broker to become client (SAXO bank)

Previous two weeks I went to our capital city Amsterdam to talk with AFM (authority of financial markets) to talk about our licence. They are now investigating and scaling in our company PipShip®. (skill level and level of profession, fair performance commissions, etc.) With the result live (manual and robot) I think we are finally getting there…

to be continued … :wink:

I will have to give you props on marketing tho. You do seem quite versed in the art of selling. Hope this account stays alive for longer.

Do you really think I’m getting clients out of this conversation?
I already explained before that I see a huge expansion of the total amount of clients in when I’m trading top 50 rang zulutrade. (Then the account can be seen at the zulutrade performance page)
Before trading top 100, there are almost no clients in.
Therefore there is only one conclusion. This forum does not add to the art of selling that much.
And I’m also reading a lot of criticism here about my services. No problem.
I’m trying to use it to my advantage to improve my product.
I hope clients see this as an oppertunity to read opinions of other traders, maybe a few other users.
I also hope this account will exceed the half year period of the first account of PipShip. Till now none of the accounts ended in huge loss. But there will always be people who lose money because they join the account at the worst possible moment.

One of my friends (a follower for about half a year)
He joined the account of pipship just before we lost 400 pips and closed the account because we went out of range.
He started trading with E 2000,-- Because I told him to use the money management posted at the website. He lost 200 euros in the first account.
Then he followed our trendfollowing account first months of 2014. He earned back his loss.
Now he is following our new account. (swingtrading) He 's earning money first time.
Most traders take off after a bad period. Or interact manually in trades of the system without knowledge of how the system works and the skills you need to trade efficient. I certainly hope investors are able to win serieus money, because than there is a probability they eventually become client of our licensed company PipShip ELITE.

What is sad is that people like you exploit peeps that have high hopes and treat them like Guinea pigs.